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96 is the non-binary ship between Nine and Six from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


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While 9 and 6 didn't directly interact this episode, they were still shown to be friends.

4 says that 9 will have a plan to catch 6 out of the sky. When 9 arrives, they take a moment to introduce themself (since it was their first appearance) before saying their plan to catch 6.

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9 approaches 6, enthusiastically saying hi. Six says hi much less excitedly. 9 does a handstand and calls 6 a "brother of another color", as 6's color code is 2DA7E4, and 9's is DDE2EC. 6 tells 9 to stop trying to look like them. 9 asks what's wrong with that. 6 sings, "Because I've got my own style! And you? Ain't got no style." 9 shushes them, and says that they need to ask for a favor. They then explain that they need to kick 8 out of his place in the sub count, but they superglued their feet to the skateboard so they can't kick. 6 is confused since they just saw 9 so a handstand. 9 clarifies that they did the gluing after that. 6 is confused since that would mean 9 glued their feet while talking to 6, which 9 confirms. 6 asks why. 9 starts crying and says it was because 6 said they didn't have any style. 6 said that it was still true. Then they said that they'd love to help 9 kick 8 out, but there was a problem. 9 asks what it was. 6 says that they were only able to kick 7 really far since they're as light as a tennis ball. After 9 says that they're pretty scared of 7, 6 says that 8 would be way harder to kick since they're made of pure lead. 9 says that's why they remember 4 saying "Too heavy!" 6 says that they need to brainstorm. X suddenly appears and 6 and 9 look at each other nervously.

6 tells X that they don't know where they'd get so much stone, and 9 tells them not to worry since they found a giant mountain that would probably have enough. 6 says they have a wooden pickaxe and tells 9 to start mining.

6 tells 8 that they and 9 have been building "The weapon of your demise" for the last 27,000 years. 9 corrects them by saying it was 28,000 and to not forget the rise and fall of the 4th Yoyle Canyon Empire. 6 asks how they could have forgotten.

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9 says that they were so bored standing in the sub count all day and they try to get 6 to take their place. 8 tells 6 not to listen to them so they don't make 6 handstand in the subcount again. Implying that 9 had tricked 6 to take their place at least once in the past.

9 tells everyone about the time where 10 saved their cat from a tree. 6 says that 10 did the same for them.

6 says they'll go get 10. 9 asks why, and 6 says because they want to. 9 says they also want to.

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9 and 6 ride on 9's motorcycle through the Equation Playground, the Grasslands, The Plains, and many other places to get to 15's cabin. When they arrive, 6 jumps off, and 9 says they could have just parked it.

The two go to knock on the door of 15's cabin. 6 questions what they should do if she says no but 9 brush's them off and goes to knock. When 15 comes out of their cabin to confront the two 9 accidently knocks her out, since they were about to knock on the door. 6 is unimpressed by their actions.

6 and 9 later play yoyle chess together before 6 asks 9 what time it is, which 9 doesn't know. 6 decides that they can't wait any longer for 15 to wake up and says that they'll have to do the unthinkable. 9 reacts with strong surprise before 6 says that they'll need to add themselves together to equal 15 and stand in the subcount in their place. 9 says 'oh' and reveals that they thought 6 meant something else, 6 brushes past this and says that they'll need to find a plus symbol to put between them.

They find a bush in the shape of an times symbol and angle themselves to that it looks more like a plus symbol between the two of them. This causes them to fuse into the number 15 and combines their blue and white colors. They make their way back to the equation playground as a fusion, and 6 tells 9 to follow her lead so that the others don't catch on. When they go to greet the other numbers, 5, 7 and 10, they 3 immediatly fawn over 15's return, making the two realize this may be why 15 went into hiding. 8 comes over to greet them and asks if 6 and 9 are with them, they panic a bit and blurt out that they ate them. The other numbers are silent for a bit before moving on, 7 even says that they were getting sick of 6 much to their annoyance.

Afterwards 6 and 9, still fused into 15, go to stand in the subcount, only two days later 9 is bored and remarks that they forgot how much they hated this. They ask 6 how they're doing, but they're still not over 7 calling her annoying. They ask 9 if 7 is the actual annoying one but 9 tries to dogesthe question by bringing up their boredom again, but 6 demands that they answer her. 9 hesitantly says they find 6 annoying and 6 kicks them, but since they are fused the kick hurts them both. They start to argue out loud with each other as the other numbers watch on confused. 6 eventually breaks of their fusion in order to attack 9 without hurting themself in the process, 8 and 10 go to break up their fight.

9 says that they can't be combined with that monster for another second, and asks 8 to add himself to 7 so that they'll equal 15 and can take their place, but 7 refuses. 6 then asks 5 and 10 to add themselves together, 10 readily agrees but 5 doesn't, resulting in 5, 6, 7, and 9 arguing.

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6 laughs at 9 after they explain why they were beaten up.


96 is a popular ship, and arguably the most popular algebralien ship (Besides 4x). The 900,000 subscriber special was centered around the two, greatly increasing the popularity. Both 6 and 9 are also commonly shipped with 7, and the poly ship of the 3 is rather popular. However, it's more common for it to be just 9 and 6. 96 rivals 67 (6 x 7) and 79 (7 x 9).


Nine/Six tag on AO3
Nine & Six tag on AO3
Sixnine tag on Tumblr



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