Abe Lincoln is the teenage clone of 16th President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln, created by Principal Scudworth and The Secret Board of Shadowy Figures as part of a government plan called "Operation: Spread Eagle", to clone the greatest people in history and secretly train them to rule the world. As a high school student, Abe is a confident yet clumsy and awkward man, who struggles to fill his clonefather's shoes. His friends are Gandhi and Joan of Arc, the latter of which has a huge crush on him that he is completely oblivious to, mostly on account of himself being smitten with Cleopatra Smith. Abe also has a rivalry with JFK, who is the boyfriend with Cleopatra. Abe's poor decision making usually leads to him getting himself in trouble. Ultimately, however, Abe is an honest, well-meaning samaritan, who, like most other clones, is just trying to balance his social life at school with his ultimate goal of living up to the name of his clonefather.