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She’s like a part of me I can’t let go.
—Leon to Ashley, about Ada, Resident Evil 4 (2005).

Aeon is the het ship between Ada Wong and Leon Kennedy from the Resident Evil fandom.


Resident Evil 2 (1998)[]

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Resident Evil 2 (2019)[]

Aeon - Leon and Ada meeting for the first time (RE2 2019)

Leon and Ada meeting in a parking garage.

In 1998, Leon and Ada first meet while in a parking garage of a dying Raccoon City, amidst the outbreak. As Leon is attacked by a zombified dog and struggling to hold it off, a woman shoots the dog, saving him. The woman comments she’s “surprised he’s made it this far”. She flashes an FBI badge and declares any information to be classified when Leon begins questioning what’s going on, after thanking her for helping him. Leon is soon left dumbfounded and alone as the woman walks off through a door.

Leon leaves for the woman’s direction where he’s met by an imprisoned man named Ben Bertolucci. Before Leon can get any answers of Bertolucci, he’s killed by Mr. X, a tyrant stalking survivors. With the Bertolucci dead, the woman emerges from the shadows and Leon holds his gun to her, believing her to be Mr. X. Realizing it’s her, Leon tells her he “has no idea who she is,” giving his own name. She tells Leon to get out of the city and then they’ll talk, before again walking away from him, not before telling him her name is Ada.

A little later, back in the parking garage, Leon in confronted by Mr. X, having just narrowly avoided it a minute prior. The tyrant has Leon by the throat when Ada drives a S.W.A.T van into it, causing it to release Leon. As Ada exits the vehicle, she exclaims how “this is getting old,” saving Leon twice now. Leon half-heartily jokes he “didn’t realize she was keeping score,” when Ada snaps at him “this isn’t a game”. Ada planted a bomb on the van, which she detonates as she sees Mr. X start to move again. She asks if Leon has the key card for the parking gate, which he does.

Aeon - Leon and Ada becoming allies (RE2 2019)

Leon and Ada becoming allies.

The two make for the main street outside and upon seeing the destroyed road, they detour through a gun shop. The owner of the shop, Robert Kendo, points a gun at Leon, to which Ada points hers at him. The encounter is interrupted by Kendo’s daughter, Emma Kendo, who is quickly revealed to be infected. Ada attempts to kill the young girl much to Kendo’s objection when she is stopped by Leon. Kendo picks up his daughter and heads for a backroom, while demanding privacy. A shot rings out indicating he mercy-killed her. As Leon watches them leave, he makes it known to Ada he will do whatever it takes to save the city, that helping people is why he joined the police force. Ada tells him her mission is to take down Umbrella’s entire operation. Leon insists he’s willing to what it takes and the two become allies.

Aeon - Leon taking a bullet for Ada (RE2 2019)

Leon taking a bullet to his shoulder for saving Ada.

They head for the sewers, where Ada informs Leon she’s looking for a woman named Annette Birkin, the one responsible for unleashing the G-virus onto the city. The deeper they go, the sewer shakes and Ada tells Leon “it’s not too late for him to turn back,” to which Leon tells her she is stuck with him to the end. After encountering a massive, mutated alligator, they eventually find Annette Birkin. Annette begins to run and Ada runs after her. After rounding a corner, Annette fires at Ada and Leon shoves Ada down, taking a bullet to his left shoulder for his efforts. Before Annette can get too far ahead, Leon insists Ada go after her without him. Leon passes out and before Ada leaves, she leans him against a wall, bandaging his wound and covering him with her overcoat.

Ada eventually finds Annette and in the ensuing confrontation, Annette uses heavy machinery, causing Ada to fall off a catwalk she is on. A piece of metal impales her thigh as she rolls down a high pile of garbage. As Ada lay there in pain she comments to herself where is Leon “when she needs him,” before passing out.

Aeon - Leon helping Ada with her injury (RE2 2019)

Leon helping Ada by removing an embedded piece of metal from her thigh.

Leon wakes up and immediately calls out to Ada. Realizing she is not there, he begins to search for her. Leon eventually finds her still at the bottom of the garbage pile. He finds Ada awake, though unable to walk with the piece of metal still embedded in her thigh. Leon warns her of the pain, before pulling the metal out. Through her pain, she tells Leon she can patch herself up, but Leon insists he do it instead. He asks what they should do now to continue their mission, when Ada tells him that he should “get himself out of there while he still can.” Leon again insists that he is not going to leave her, when Ada informs him the situation was worse than she initially thought. Not backing down, Leon reminds her she protected him, so now it is his turn. Leon reaches down to help Ada help, which she accepts. He tries to help more by wrapping her arm around his shoulders, though Ada pushes him back lightly, telling him “not to push it”. Respecting her wishes, Leon guilds Ada up the garbage pile. As they are walking, Ada tells him if he really wants to help her, they need to get to NEST, Umbrella’s lab located directly below them. Leon jokes he can “fit it into his schedule”.

Aeon - Ada kissing Leon (RE2 2019)1

Ada kissing Leon.

They head for a cable car that will take them down to NEST, where Ada uses an ID wristband she stole to gain access. Ada tells Leon this “may be a one-way ride,” and to make sure he is prepared. With that, Leon starts the cable car and it begins the descend for NEST. During the ride, they talk about trust and after Ada calls herself a liability, Leon starts going on how what if she is attacked, or if she is in need of help, to which Ada kisses him to stop him from talking. Once she pulls back, she tells him not to worry about her, and then reassures him she wants to see him again. As they arrive to NEST, Ada gives Leon the ID wristband and he exits from the cable car while Ada stays put.

Following a battle with the mutated William Birkin, Annette Birkin’s husband, and a conversation with Annette, Annette tells Leon to destroy the G sample he has. Leon tells her no, as it is evidence and that it is going to the FBI. Despite the amount of pain Annette is in, she laughs, questioning him if actually trusts Ada, calling her a b-tch. Leon is confused and asks what she means. Annette tells him Ada is not FBI; she is a mercenary and she is going to sell the G-virus to the highest bidder. Annette seemingly succumbs to her injuries, though not before telling Leon she hopes he is right about Ada.

Aeon - Leon attempting to keep Ada from falling (RE2 2019)

Ada falling down the massive shaft, despite Leon’s best efforts to save her.

Leon and Ada meet again in the middle as the facility begins to self-destruct. Ada gestures for Leon to hand over the G-virus, however Leon instead informs her of Annette’s claim that Ada is not an FBI agent. Ada pulls her gun out on him, and in return Leon holds his own to her. He confirms as much as he wanted to trust Ada, he didn’t. The two go back and forth, with Leon challenging Ada to shoot him. After a minute she lowers her gun, unable to do so. Annette then shoots Ada in the shoulder and the platform-bridge they are standing on begins to collapse. Ada falls over the edge, with Leon yelling her name as he catches her by the hand. Despite Leon’s best efforts to save her, Ada falls down the massive shaft. Leon eventually picks himself back up as more of the bridge falls and runs for the elevator down to the train system. Before he can reach the system, he is met again by Mr. X. The two engage in an intense battle as the facility continues to crumble around them. Ada, having survived her fall, pushes a rocket launcher down to Leon, noting how they will “call it even,” before disappearing.

Having killed Mr. X once and for all, Leon reaches the train system, barely managing to jump aboard a moving train. Once he is down and has a moment to catch his breath, he pulls out the ID wristband Ada gave him, commenting how he “can’t believes he actually misses her,” before tossing the ID wristband onto the tracks.

Resident Evil 4 (2005) & Separate Ways[]

In 2004, Leon and Ada are on separate missions in an undisclosed village in Spain; Leon, to rescue the United States President’s daughter, Ashley Graham and Ada, to steal a specialized sample of the Las Plagas parasite held by Osmund Saddler, the cult leader of Los Iluminados. Although they both enter the village around the same time, Ada is able to leave quicker, using the chaos Leon was causing as a distraction for her own escape. She is able to reach a church and ring the bells, causing the villagers attacking Leon to stop and leave the area.

Leon later reaches a manor and is confronted by Bitores Méndez, chief of the village, who easily picks Leon up before throwing him to the ground and choking him by stomping on his throat. Ada overhears the confrontation from the roof and drops down outside a window and shoots Méndez in the back, causing him to get off of Leon and turn his attention towards her. As Méndez charges Ada, she ziplines up to safety, causing Méndez to crash out the window, allowing Leon a chance to escape. Before Leon continues forward, he can look out the window, commenting how the “woman in red is somehow so familiar.”

Aeon - Leon and Ada briefly battle (RE4 2005)

Leon and Ada briefly battle.

The next time Leon and Ada meet is when Leon exits the Salazar Castle’s garden and Ada holds a gun to his back. Leon is quick to disarm her of her weapon with his knife. Ada removes her sunglasses, noting that it has been a while since they have seen each other. She drops the glasses to set off a timer for a smoke bomb when Leon begins questioning her, revealing he knows she is working with Albert Wesker, although Ada does not provide any answers. The smoke bomb goes off and Ada makes her escape out a window, leaving Leon yelling her name.

Ada escapes to the garden below, answering a call from Wesker, who is now aware of Leon’s presence in the area. Although Ada tries to dissuade him from doing anything, Wesker orders her to kill Leon the next time she sees him. Ada defies his orders, instead purposefully avoiding Leon so she has an excuse for Wekser when he eventually asks why Leon is still alive.

Aeon - Leon and Ada boating together to the island (RE4 2005)

Leon and Ada boating to the island together.

Leon and Ada do not meet again until Leon is on his way to a nearby island in his continued rescue of Ashley. Ada is sitting and waiting in a docked boat when Leon emerges through a door. Before Leon has time to say anything, Ada asks him if he needs a ride, calling him “handsome” in the process. Ada takes them to a cliffside of the island, where she informs Leon she has other business and abruptly leaves, not before pushing her foot off the steering wheel, causing the boat to lose control and Leon to slam against the cliffside. As Leon manages to regain control, he comments to himself, “Women.”

Later, Ada throws a paper airplane with her signature red lipstick kiss into a cell room Leon is just about to leave, saying even though he might have figured it out already, he may be able to get out of there by using the waste disposal vent.

Sometime later, Wesker contacts Ada about the chaos Leon has managed to make with his life still intact. Ada once again tries to dissuade him on Leon’s importance, although Wesker notes Leon’s death is now Jack Krauser’s responsibility, which stops Ada in her tracks. Wesker reminds her that her job is to retrieve the Las Plagas sample and hangs up. Ada notes to herself she does not always play by other’s rules and begins running to intercept Krauser and prevent Leon’s death.

Aeon - Ada saving Leon from Krauser (RE4 2005)2

Ada saving Leon from Krauser.

Krauser manages to track Leon down and engage him in an intense knife fight, with Leon eventually on the losing end. As Krauser is attempting to stab him through the chest, Ada shoots Krauser’s knife away, forcing both men apart. With Ada there, and clearly on Leon’s side, Krauser leaves. Once he is gone, Ada questions Leon if he and Krauser know each other, to which Leon implies yes. Looking for his own answers, Leon asks Ada what she is doing there at all, although Ada merely walks away, leaving him.

Leon and Ada meet up again when Leon starts to succumb to the Las Plagas infecting his body. Ada walks up to him, asking if he is okay, though he does not answer. Instead, he struggles to gain back control of his body as Ada moves closer to him, reaching out. Leon turns and begins to strangle her. Ada is too stunned at first to fight back, however she manages to take out a small knife and stab him in the thigh, forcing Leon away by kneeing his abdomen. Leon picks himself up and apologizes, taking more Las Plagas suppressants given to him by recent ally, Luis Sera. Ada tells him they need to get the Plagas out of his body, to which Leon agrees, though he still needs to rescue Ashley first. Ada tells him fine, and that they need to split up. With that, she walks out the door, leaving Leon alone.

Leon finds Ashley, though is soon confronted by Saddler. Saddler harshly shoves him against the chamber Ashley is in. As Leon struggles to stand up, Saddler approaches when Ada appears on a catwalk above, shooting Saddler and giving Leon time to stand up and rescue Ashley. Saddler, unaffected by the bullets, mutates and begins heading for Leon again. As Leon is making his way out, Ada attempts to shoot Saddler down again. This proves futile however, so Ada resorts to shooting expositive barrels. This also proving futile, forcing Ada to directly fight Saddler insead.

Ada loses the fight, as the next time Leon sees her, she is tied up and hanging outside, Saddler having left her alive as bait. Leon throws Krauser’s knife through the rope suspending her, freeing her. Saddler laughs at the Hollywood-esque nature of the scene, then mutates further to fight Leon once again. Ada flees at Leon’s insistence, although she zips around the battlefield to make her way to a platform with a rocket launcher. Once she reaches it, she throws the weapon down so Leon can use it. Leon fires the rocket, killing Saddler, who drops the sample Ada has been searching for.

Aeon - Ada forcing Leon's hand (RE4 2005)1

Ada forcing Leon’s hand by making him give her the Las Plagas sample.

Leon picks it up, as Ada holds a gun to the back of his head, taking the sample from him. Ada runs and leaps over the edge, landing on an awaiting helicopter. She tells Leon he better get off the island before pushing the timer of a bomb, surprising Leon she actually pushed it. Before leaving, Ada tosses Leon the keys to a jet ski located beneath the island. As Leon and Ashley make their escape via the jet ski, Ashley flirts with Leon about doing some “overtime,” to which Leon politely declines. Ashley admits she somehow knew Leon would say that and asks about “that woman” as a follow up. Leon answers, claiming Ada is “a part of him he can’t let go.”

Resident Evil 4 (2023)[]

Aeon2 (RE4 2023)

Ada saving Leon from Méndez.

In 2004, following the abduction of U.S. President Graham’s daughter, Ashley Graham, Leon is sent to Valdelobos, a remote mountainous village located in Spain after the Secret Service intercepts reliable intel about that abduction, which suggested that the First Daughter was last sighted in the region. As Leon is searching the village, he comes across the chief of the village’s, Bitores Méndez, manor. The large and infected man with the Las Plagas parasite, grips Leon by his throat. Two gun shots fire through the window by a woman in red at Méndez, causing him to release Leon.

Aeon3 (RE4 2023)

Leon and Ada meeting after six years.

Later into the night, Leon and the woman encounter each other in the Salazar Castle when the woman holds a gun to Leon’s back, saying Leon’s name. Leon immediately recognizes the woman as Ada, whom he has not seen since their last encounter back in Raccoon City six years prior. The two engage in a brief battle with Leon gaining the upper hand because they were close together. He quips she should try “using knifes next time,” leading to Ada complimenting and praising him for the move.

Due to Leon being in Spain to rescue Ashley Graham, Ada tells him to “leave the girl,” as “she’s lost no matter what”. She does not elaborate, rather telling Leon if he were to walk away now, he might live long enough to meet her again and get a better “greeting”. Leon is not one to give up so easy and he tells her as such. Ada lowers her head and takes in a deep breath before telling him they will finish this discussion another time. As Leon bends down to pick up his gun he dropped earlier, when Ada pointed hers at him, she disappears out an open window silently and without another word. When Leon turns back around, he scuffs as he watches the window. As Leon begins to continue with his mission of rescuing Ashley, he comments to himself that Ada “was the last person he thought he’d run into here”.

Later into the night, Ada sees Ashley being carried away by Ramon Salazar’s servant, Verdugo. She calls Leon via radio asking if he has “changed his mind yet,” and assuming he has not, she informs him it seems like something big is about to “go down” in the throne room. Leon calls out to her as she disconnects the call, noting she is the “same as ever”.

Sometime later, Ada radios Leon again, informing him on Ashley’s location being moved to the clock tower. Leon harshly remarks to Ada that she is “not heartless after all,” and sarcastically claims he should be thankful for her help. Ada simply states he should, before disconnecting the call.

Aeon7 (RE4 2023)

Leon and Ada boating to the island.

Leon spots Ashley being taken away by his former major, Jack Krauser, in a boat. He manages to find his own with no keys. Ada comes up from behind him, dangling the keys. Together they boat to an island, discussing Raccoon City, wondering if they have changed. Leon also questions if Ada is using him again, to which Ada asks him what he thinks. They arrive to the island and before Leon can answer the question, Ada tells him “not to think too hard,” calling him “handsome” in the process. Ada leaves the boat abruptly, leaving Leon to control it the rest of the way.

After Leon and Ashley are reunited again, Leon radios Ada for help on where Luis’ laboratory would be, where they can go to get the Las Plagas parasite removed. Ada informs him that the “most important facilities” are housed in their sanctuaries at the top of the mountain. Leon thanks her, calling her an “encyclopedia”. Ada rolls her eyes and tells him he now owes her before disconnecting the call.

Aeon9 (RE4 2023)

Ada saving Leon from Saddler’s control.

Leon arrives to the sanctuary at the summit and finds Ashley lying unconscious on the stone altar, having been separated again earlier. As he attempts to rescue her, he is stopped by Osmund Saddler, the cult leader of Los Iluminados, taking control of his body. Saddler begins the progresses of taking complete control of Leon’s body through the parasite when suddenly Ada arrives on scene and shoots him, yelling for Leon to go.

Aeon10 (RE4 2023)

Leon saving Ada by shooting the rope suspending her.

Leon and Ashley are able to free themselves of Las Plagas parasite and exit the area. Ashley expresses concern for Ada’s safety, though not knowing her by name. Leon reassures her Ada will be fine, as “she’s not the type to roll over easy”. Outside, Leon and Ashley notice Ada being held captive, intended as bait to lure Leon out. Knowing it is a trap, Leon tells Ashley to remain where she is as he goes down to Ada. Leon shoots her restraints, freeing her. Saddler appears and begins to choke him. Ada moves to save him by using her body to kick Saddler. She lands and together she and Leon share a look. Saddler mutates and Leon battles him. Ada throws him a rocket launcher, allowing Leon to kill Sadder once and for all.

Aeon20 (RE4 2023)

Leon and Ada going their “separate ways,” though Ada knows they’ll see each other again.

As Saddler dies, he drops the Amber, the very thing Ada was on mission to retrieve. Leon goes to pick it up, though Ada reaches it first. She tells him it is “nothing personal,” as Leon looks up at in heartbreak. Ada begins to walk away to an awaiting helicopter, asking if Leon is coming. Leon declines the offer and informs her they both know “this is where they go their separate ways”. Ada boards the helicopter anyway and as the island begins to explode, she tells Leon he better move. As she leaves, she tosses Leon keys to a jet ski with a teddy bear keychain. Leon cannot help but mention how “cute” it is. Knowing they will cross paths again, Ada voices to herself that she and Leon will see each other.

Aeon21 (RE4 2023)

Ada watching Leon escape the island on a jet ski.

In the helicopter, Ada speaks with her employer, who is revealed to be Albert Wesker, and questions what he plans to do with the Amber. Wesker berates her for asking, though does answer. He reveals his intention to expedite change, in which so that one may live, billions will result in casualties. Hearing the insanity of his ambitious plans, Ada holds the pilot at gunpoint and orders him to change their course. Looking outside, Ada sees Leon and Ashley making their way back home on the jet ski.

Resident Evil: Damnation[]

In 2011, Leon and Ada meet during a mission in the Eastern Slav Republic, where Leon was reportedly sent as a soldier to stop the use of biological weapons in the civil war. In the meanwhile, Ada would infiltrate posing as a Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (B.S.A.A) agent, while also wanting to find information about the biological weapons.

Leon decides to investigate a weapons delivery and Ada approaches him, attacking him with her weapon. The two enter into a quick hand-to-hand battle until Leon realizes he is fighting Ada. He ceases and begins to interrogate her, trying to find out what she is doing there. Ada, ever unwilling to answer questions, replies she is just “helping them,” although never clarifying who “them” is, and refuses to answer Leon’s following questions. Instead, she asks him when they would “carry on from where they left off that night,” to which Leon replies that anytime other than right then would be fine. Ada states Leon is mad at her, and decides to end the conversation, leaving through the roof. She informs Leon the city be bombed soon. Leon watches her go, shaking his head and repeating his “Women.” phrase.

Ada meets with Svetlana Belikova, the villainous President of the country. Belikova asks her about not being at the hotel last night, to which Ada replies “she left to find an old friend,” making the President believe she was with an enemy, accusing Ada of being a Russian spy. The two begin battling, which ends with Ada defeated and adducted. In the meantime, Leon infiltrates Bekova by gathering information from the soldiers about the underground facility, not knowing Ada was being held there as well.

Ada is able to free herself, and Leon sees her in the Bekova underground facility and follows her. As Leon approaches, he jokes Ada missed him, to which the she replies sarcastically “in your dreams.” Together, the two begin investigating the Las Plagas storage room, exchanging the information they had about the virus, demonstrating that although they do not always work together, the two feel very comfortable with each other. Ada begins to steal information, leaving Leon suspicious of her intentions. Belikova and her forces invade the room and upon seeing Leon, asking who he is, with Ada replying he is “just an American agent.” Ada warns Leon to be careful with Belikova, leaving him surprised, while quickly turning off the lights, to which Leon responds by firing at multiple locations in the crowd of soldiers, prompting them to shoot each other while the duo escape.

Soon after, Leon enters a confrontation with Belikova, although she escapes, making Leon comment Ada was right to warn him about Belikova’s capabilities. During the final battle, Leon’s situation becomes a matter of life and death and when Ada finds out, she quickly hacks the system to open a door, giving Leon a chance of escape, stating he “owes her one,” continuing their game of keeping score over who saves who.

Resident Evil 6[]

In 2013, Leon and Helena Harper are partners working together to solve what caused the Tall Oaks outbreak. While down underground in a facility, Leon finds a video tape labelled “Happy Birthday Ada Wong”. Confused, he plays the tape and witnesses a woman emerge from a large cocoon, looking a lot like Ada. Angry, Leon turns to Helena and demands to know if that was what she wanted to show him. Helena is just as confused and shakes her head. She instead asks him if he knew the woman in the video, to which he responds that he will not answer her unless she tells him what is going on. Helena opts to not answer him.

Aeon1 (RE6)

Leon and Ada meeting again.

Sometime later, they find Deborah Harper, Helena’s sister, unconscious and carry her through the facility until she encases herself in a chrysalis. As Deborah slowly emerges from her encasement into her mutated form, Ada fires an arrow from her crossbow straight into Deborah’s head, leaving Leon and Helena stunned as to why Deborah was thrown back so suddenly. Leon turns to see who fired the shot, coming face-to-face with Ada. Seeing Leon’s confused face, she comments how it looks like he has “seen a ghost.” Filled with sorrow and rage, Helena raises her gun to shoot Ada, however Leon gently lowers the gun away from Ada’s face. Leon demands Ada tell him what is going on to which Ada simply answers “it’s complicated.” Seconds later, the area begins to collapse with Ada noting “this isn’t the time or the place.” Deborah fully mutates, spouting new appendages and a battle ensues against her with Leon and Ada teaming up again.

After the initial fight, and being knocked into an area further underground, Ada gives Leon a ring, telling him not to get “the wrong idea,” and that it will make sense later. The pair continue to fight Deborah with Helena, moving constantly to avoid being trapped in the collapsing facility. After finally defeating Deborah, Ada vaguely explains the situation to Leon and Helena, although she is interrupted by a phone call. Ada grapples out of the area and away from Leon and answering the call from Derek C. Simmons, the man responsible for Deborah’s abduction and mutation and the U.S. President’s death at Tall Oaks. Leon watches Ada leave, though says nothing.

Ada begins working her way through the facility, coming across the video tape Leon and Helena had watched earlier. Surprised, she now realizes why Leon is so confused when they met. She receives another, believing it is from Simmons again. However, Ada realizes she is not speaking to Simmons, but rather a doppelganger of herself created by him, Carla Radames. Ada is quick to end the conversation and makes a brief call to the real Simmons to inform him about his “little creation’s” plans to destroy the world.

Leon and Ada end up in China, although they do not encounter each other for a while. While trying to find Simmons, Leon and Helena encounter Ada in a medical testing laboratory and spend some time chasing her through it alongside Chris Redfield and Piers Nivans, who are chasing her for a different reason. None of the four know that the woman they are chasing is not actually Ada, but rather her doppelganger, Radames. After Chris and Piers corner her, Leon attacks Chris to prevent him from shooting her. After a brief fight that results in the two drawing their guns on each other, Leon tells Chris he is willing to protect Ada, even after learning she is working for Neo-Umbrella. “Ada” is able to escape by throwing a flashbang at the group and Leon is able to convince Chris not to kill her as both pairs go their separate ways.

Entrusting Ada’s safety to Chris proves a mistake, as the next time Leon hears about her, it is Chris telling him she is dead. However it was her doppelganger that died. Leon hangs his head in silence at the news of her death, believing it to be Ada who died. He eventually responds with a quiet “Copy,” and then goes into a fight-or-flight mode to focus on making it out of the infected city. Leon remains noticeably quiet and distraught during his and Helena’s fight through the city, until the two are cornered in a street amongst dozens of infected.

Meanwhile, Ada has managed to get ahold of a helicopter and has been flying through the city observing the destruction that her doppelganger caused in her name. While looking around, she spots Leon cornered, and seeing him in trouble, shoots any closing-in zombies with the gun on her helicopter, allowing him and Helena a chance to run. Leon notices from the street Ada is piloting the helicopter and is shocked, yet relieved to see her alive, remarking he thought she was dead.

A short time later, Leon and Helena meet Simmons, who had been infected and mutated with the C-Virus. Ada flies over them in her helicopter, assisting in the fight that begins as Simmons mutates further until he is eventually downed. With the fight over, Leon and Ada share a look before Ada flies up. Leon watches her go, concluding she is heading for the roof of the tower.

On the elevator ride up to the roof, Leon is quiet. Helena breaks the silence by discussing Ada, commenting “Ada is more than just a friend,” and how Leon has feelings for her. Leon says nothing, though gives a small smile. An explosion interrupts their conversation, knocking the elevator out and forcing Leon and Helena jump out, landing on a lower elevator. Moments later, that elevator gives out, leading to them jumping to grab the cable that the elevator snapped from. As they are climbing, they spot Ada and Simmons battling on a sky bridge. They momentarily jump off onto a platform to help Ada, although it gives out and they are forced back onto the cable.

Noticing Leon on the cable, Simmons abandons his fight with Ada to kill Leon, something Ada comments on. She helps Leon by shooting at Simmons and preventing him from closing in until Leon can get to safety. However, Simmons takes note of Ada’s interference and abandons Leon in favor of fighting her again, knocking her down and leaving her unconscious and vulnerable. Leon sees this and immediately decides to jump down from the cable, rushing to help Ada.

Aeon7 (RE6)

Leon holding Ada.

Leon cradles her in his arms, protecting her as Simmons advances towards them, and occasionally speaking to her in the hopes she would wake up. Simmons prepares for an attack, leading to Leon bending over and shielding Ada’s body with his own against the attack. Ada comes to shortly after, commenting she was “just resting her eyes.” The two stand up and work together at battling Simmons, with Leon asking about any supposed history between her and Simmons that Ada responds to as “nothing worth noting.” Simmons is eventually able to knock Leon off the edge of the sky bridge, with Leon holding on by his fingers. As Simmons stands over him, kicking his hand away and trying to make Leon beg for his life, Ada comes from behind, stabbing him with one of her arrows and taking both him and her over the edge with Ada using her grappling hook to prevent herself from falling into the fire.

Safely on the other side though now separated, Leon and Ada look at each other, with Leon still confused about Ada’s situation and Ada amused by Leon’s confusion, stating his confusion is cute. She sends him a text about a “parting gift on the roof” and says she will see him down the road, turning away with a wave as Leon calls after her. Helena, having witnessed everything from a safe distance, tells Leon he should go after her. Leon decides to remain with Helena, knowing Ada had her own ways of getting out of the city.

On the roof of the tower, Leon and Helena spot the helicopter Ada was using earlier, which she had left for them as an escape route. Still, they are not able to immediately reach it and must fight Simmons again. When they eventually make their way to the helicopter, Leon finds a rocket launcher leaning against it with Ada’s trademark red kiss mark on the rocket. He uses the rocket launcher to defeat Simmons for good. Inside the helicopter, Ada had left a compact with a chip of evidence proving Leon and Helena’s innocence as Simmons had tried to have them take the fall for the U.S. President’s death.

Sometime later, after their innocence had been established, Helena gives Ada’s compact back to Leon, telling him to give it back to Ada the next time he sees her.


Resident Evil 2 (1998)[]

This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.

Resident Evil 2 (2019)[]

  • Leon tells Ada to wait there after they hear a loud thud.
  • Ada is shot at by Annette and Leon pushes her out of the way, taking a bullet to his left shoulder.
  • Ada covers Leon with her overcoat.
  • Leon insists he bandage Ada up after having pulled a piece of metal out of her thigh.
  • Leon respects Ada’s wishes about not wanting him helping her up the garbage pile.
  • Ada complains about her injured leg and Leon offers to carry her.
  • Ada kisses Leon.
  • Ada’s true intentions are revealed and Leon challenges her to shoot him — she is unable to.
  • Leon does his best to save Ada from falling down a massive shaft.
  • Ada anonymously drops a rocket launcher down to Leon to help him battle Mr. X.

Resident Evil 4 (2005)[]

  • Ada leaves a shotgun in a village house for Leon to use.
  • Ada goes out of her way to save Leon anytime she knows he is in danger.
  • Ada deliberately defies Wesker’s orders and keeps Leon alive.
  • Leon frees Ada from her restraints and stands in front of her to protect her from Saddler.

Resident Evil 4 (2023)[]

  • Ada saves Leon from Méndez.
  • Ada calls Leon “handsome”.
  • Ada saves Leon from Saddler.
  • Ada is held captive, intended as bait to lure Leon out.
  • Leon shoots Ada’s restraints, freeing her.
  • Ada kicks Saddler, freeing Leon.
  • Ada tosses Leon keys to a jet ski, allowing him to escape the doomed island.
  • Ada watches Leon sail away from her helicopter.

Separate Ways (2023)[]

  • When Wesker tells Ada to keep her dog under control, (referring to Leon) Ada replies saying that he's a good boy.
  • Ada secretly places a tracking device on Leon during their boat conversation.
  • Ada watches Leon through a vent from above when he's talking to Ashley.
  • Leon looks up to Ada when she throws down a rocket launcher to him so he can protect himself.

Resident Evil: Damnation[]

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Resident Evil 6[]

  • Helena raises her gun to shoot Ada and Leon gently lowers the gun away from Ada’s face.
  • Leon is hell-bent on protecting Ada from Chris.
  • Ada protects Leon from the closing-in zombies.
  • Chris tells Leon “Ada Wong” is dead. Leon, believing it truly is her, hangs his head in silence.
  • Leon uses himself as a shield to protect Ada when she is left unconscious.


Main article: Aeon/Quotes

Behind the Scenes[]

  • Shōtarō Suga, Resident Evil: Damnation scriptwriter, suggests Leon and Ada had an off-screen romantic encounter while Resident Evil 5 (2009) was ongoing. More accurate, he did say: “romantic dinner/hotel/motel room night”. There was not enough time in Damnation to explore their relationship as Shōtarō had planned, so he left an “open window” for fans to “interpret it as they want”. He did confirm it was somewhere around RE5, and that the line was not a reference to any past games.
  • Matthew Mercer, Leon’s voice actor for RE6, stated Leon is a very selfless and sacrificing person, but his one personal need is Ada Wong.[2]
  • Nick Apostolides, Leon’s English voice actor for RE2 (2019), spoke about the voice direction he received during the scene in Umbrella’s laboratory where he confronts Ada: up until the final take, he was told to say, “Tell me you love me.” between every line in order to draw out the emotional vulnerability the director was looking for.[3]
  • Courtenay Taylor, Ada’s voice actor for RE6, when asked her opinion about Leon and Ada’s relationship, called it “the biggest unresolved sexual tension.” She further responded the writing makes the relationship between the two characters obvious and that Capcom has the opportunity to finally resolve the tension and bring the relationship to fruition.[4]


Aeon is a popular ship within the Resident Evil fandom, one of the most popular. Leon and Ada are one of the very few ships that are canon, or in this case semi-canon. Fans of the ship often explore the pair's relationship that you don't see on-screen, such as when Ada strongly implies she and Leon hooked up off-screen in Damnation.

On AO3, Aeon has 1,410+ works in its romantic/het tag, and 165+ in its platonic/general tag.


Leon/Ada tag on AO3
Leon & Ada tag on AO3
Leon/Ada (Gameverse) tag on
Leon/Ada (Movieverse) tag on
Aeon stories on Wattpad
Aeon tag on DeviantArt
Leon x Ada search results on DeviantArt
Aeon-Forever fanclub on DeviantArt
Aeon hashtag on Instagram
Aeon fan spot on Fanpop
Aeon tag on Tumblr
Leon x Ada posts on Tumblr
Aeon hashtag on Twitter
Leon x Ada posts on Twitter
レオエイ hashtag on Twitter


  • In the Resident Evil: Damnation artbook, Leon’s PDA background is a picture of Ada.[5]
  • Ada’s theme from Resident Evil 2 was renamed as “The Ties That Bind” and given to Leon in Resident Evil 6.
  • The description for the Separate Ways DLC on Steam says that Ada's fate intertwines with Leon's.


Main article: Aeon/Gallery


Cladeon refers to the ship between Claire Redfield, Leon and Ada



RE - Logo
RE/Ships: HetSlashFemslash
RE/Characters: MaleFemale
SHIPS het AeonAlcithanBirkinfieldBurtontineCleonClesker
slash ChreonChriskerFiersJakiersLetrickLuthan
femslash AlgridBurtonfieldHarperwongValomar
poly LelushleyMacnivanfieldNivanshakePolystarsValenfieldton
non-binary Nemestine
friendship ClairryClerryLeonDogLerryRosefield
family AlbertJakeEthanRosemaryHarper SistersRedfield Siblings
cargo Boulderfield
CHARACTERS male Albert WeskerChris RedfieldEthan WintersLeon KennedyPiers Nivans
female Claire RedfieldJill ValentineSherry Birkin