Ailiza is the femslash ship between Aigis and Elizabeth from the Persona fandom.
Aigis met Elizabeth in the Velvet Room after she awaken Makoto’s Wild Card ability during her fight against Metis. There aren’t many interactions with each other since “The Answer” lacks Hang requests.
Aigis and Elizabeth’s last meeting was shortly after she found out about Makoto’s sacrifice in the Velvet Room.
Dancing in Moonlight[]
Aigis and Elizabeth interact frequently, as seen in their Social Hangout Events. Aigis refers her as “Elle-P.”
Persona Q[]
Aigis meets Elizabeth outside their timeline before the event of “The Answer.” They interact with each other a little. After the final battle, they safely return to their timelines; their memories have been erased.
Persona 4 Arena[]
In Elizabeth’s story mode, Elizabeth reunites with Aigis after three years have passed. At first, Aigis doesn’t remember Elizabeth and calls her a “strange intruder.” Elizabeth was hurt, and Aigs didn’t remember her. Elizabeth has to remind Aigis of the phrase she once said, “She who governs power.” Aigis finally remembers her from the Velvet Room. She was surprised to see her entrance just now, which was very different from how she remembered her behavior, and explained why she didn’t recognize her. However, Aigis doesn’t know Elizabeth’s name and calls her “Eridanus-san.” Elizabeth denies that name and refuses to correct her. Aigis tries her hardest to remember her name. The only thing Aigis remembers is that Elizabth’s name starts with an “E.” Elizabeth states she never dreamed that she’d meet Aigis here. Aigis is glad to see Elizabeth again since the last time she saw her. She asked Elizabeth why she came here and questioned about her duties of governing power. Elizabeth explains she is currently abandoning her duties. Aigis comments on Elizabeth with a very straightforward answer. Due to the circumstances, Elizabeth wants to test Aigis’ strength, so she prepares to fight her. Aigis was confused about why she wished to fight her. From what she heard, Elizabeth states that in certain cultures in her world, one lets one’s fists do the talking. She thinks of this as a sporty, modern, and extreme way of greeting one another. Aigis doesn’t understand this at all. Elizabeth notices that Aigis has become strong beyond all recognition. She likes to see her power for herself, to broaden my horizons. She asks Aigis if she will grant her “shameless” request. Aigis still doesn’t understand, but she asks her if her wish will be fulfilled if she agrees to fight her. If Elizabeth wants this, she requests that she doesn’t hold back either, which Elizabeth accepts since she will fight her with all the strength at her disposal.
After Elizabeth defeats Aigis, Aigis notices how strong Elizabeth is. Elizabeth was surprised at herself since it had been a while since she had fought with all her power. She told Aigis that one day, she would accompany her on the same journey. Aigis is confused by her words and has no idea what she’s talking about. Elizabeth tells her that if their destinies cross, she will eventually understand. When she asks Aigis how her friends have been, Aigis tells her they're fine and several are here. Before Elizabeth leaves, she tells her to be careful. Aigis informs her about a rule in this tournament against the loss of a fight moving on. She corrected her and said that since she entered the game, she does not think Aigis counts as a defeated contestant. After Elizabeth leaves, Aigis finally remembers Elizabeth’s name.
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle[]
- Aegis – “Our opponents' combined output is predicted at 200%!”
- Elizabeth – “Then we shall exceed them by 300%.”
- — Aigis and Elizabeth's Pre-Battle Interactions
- Aegis – “That was super easy!”
- Elizabeth – “But it left our satisfaction level at 50%.”
- — Aigis and Elizabeth's Victory Interactions
- Elizabeth – “It's refreshing to work with someone so trigger-happy. I'll have to apply that enthusiasm to my collecting.”
- Aegis – “I'm honored to hear that. I will continue to fight at full throttle!”
- — Aigis and Elizabeth's Victory Screen Interactions
Ailiza is one of the few well-known fanshippers in the Persona 3 fanbase. Aigis and Elizabeth are both semi-canons of their past relationship with Makoto. They both cared for him considerably after his death. They are canon bisexual due to falling in love with either gender of the P3 protagonists, Makoto Yuki and Kotone Shiomi.
On AO3, there are nine works.
- Aigis/Elizabeth tag on AO3