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Airypack is the slash ship between Liam/Backpack and Airy from the HfjONE fandom.


Airy sends Liam to The Plane, but due to Liam being on his bike, ends up getting a face full of dirt. Airy makes his announcement, saying that he's Airy and they are competing in his competition called "ONE". The contestants start asking him questions and Liam asks if ONE is a acronym, to which Airy replies yes, but before he can say what it means, Bryce interrupts and yells where are they, and continues to yell at Airy. In the first challenge, Liam freefalls off of his stake, which causes his leg to break. Airy manages to make a make-shift brace in his own universe, and shrinks it. Airy somehow manages to straighten Liam's leg, and puts the cast on.

Airy tries to get Liam, along with Amelia and Bryce to compete in the challenge, which is the opposite of the last one, to get on top of the stakes. Liam and his friends decline numerous times, but even then, Airy is unfazed, and tries to shrink the stake's height, so at least they would compete. Taylor notices and tries to climb it, but Airy pushes her away and makes a barrier between that stake and the others so no one else can get by, or at least so Taylor can't. Liam accidentally trips due to his brace and lands on the stake which is now the size of a stair, making him be safe, so the others join him by touching it as well.

For a while, Airy doesn't interact to Liam, or at least directly, as he talks to the contestants as in grouped, not seperatly. Later in the series however, we get some more interactions, Airy hollowed out a stump and turned it into a pool, for a brand new challenge. However he forgot that Liam has a leg brace, which is made of wood so he wouldn't be able to swim. Amelia and Bryce try to help get the cast off for Liam while they all begged for Airy to stop the teleportation command. Shown later in the series, you can't hear the contestants when your not speaking, and even then you most likely have to activate a command to do so, and the contestants from Airy's POV are the size of beetles, so Airy most likely didn't hear and couldn't see the three trying to get the cast off. Liam and Bryce are put up for elimination by Airy, the former due to drowning, the latter being unknown but most likely took his cap off to go down into the pool to try to rescue Liam, but got flooded so he couldn't swim back up.

When Airy was about to eliminate Liam for the competition due to him being the only one not to complete the challenge and had no one else left on his team. During this however, Airy slipped in his cave, bashing his glass head onto something, but shattered the left side. He didn't host for a while, whilst the others were stuck for 7+ Months on The Plane. When Airy came back, he eliminated Liam right away, teleporting him back to San Francisco. Liam had a new urge to find out where Airy is, save the contestants, and bring a end to one, and Airy's life. He had help from Stone's Notes, Bryce, and Texty, the latter staying with him to the very end. Both Liam and Texty got scarred off by Airy at night, when Airy heard them and tried to check the forest. The two managed to get to his cave however, Liam immediately started a confrontation with him. Airy was fully deprived off object interaction and had very basic talking skills, but interacting with Liam was very much hard. He looked confused by Liam's anger, and it never crossed his mind to stop the competition, even after Liam was yelling at him to do so, as Airy doesn't know right and wrong anymore and just goes to the conclusion he thinks is right. Liam in anger, tried to throw the Computer into the floor to break it, Airy calls him, using "Backpack" to which Liam yells him that, that isn't his name. Airy tells him that the PC connects his powers to the Plane, so without it, everybody is stuck. Liam tried to use the computer to teleport everybody back, but the controls and options aren't clear, so he just ends up making a sound wave. Airy doesn't blame him as it took a long time for him to figure it out.

Liam starts passively aggressively starts asking him if he likes kidnapping people and killing babies, Airy just said he thought it was fun. Liam asks if his viewers and fun too, and Airy admits he was making that whole thing up about people watching the show. Airy ends up leaving half way through the conversation. Liam asks where is he going, to which Airy remembered he had to grab something, and said a flat out "No" to the whole sending everybody back. Liam follows Airy up a ridge, and tries to get other answers to Airy. He asks about where they are, to which is, that Airy has no clue, If there is anybody else here, to which is, that Airy's the only one. The last question puzzles Airy for a moment, which is how he made the Plane, Airy just says the universe just allowed him to make some. The two end up at a reed pond, Airy says he's collecting them for bedding. Liam grabs a piece of a cassette player, after it stabs the inside of him, Airy tries to ask for it back, to which Liam says no unless he takes everybody home, in desperation, Airy says he will tomorrow. On the way back, Liam falls off the cliffside into Airy's pond, to which all the notes fall a part. That night, Airy tells the story of the first season. He said he made the plane and figured out how to connect it to the PC, he managed to teleport some people there, and in a panic he said it was a show. Oscar was eliminated first, and then he made a rock throwing challenge, but due to him not knowing to shrink anything yet, the rocks crushed it. Airy tried to make up for it, for multiple years as he didn't know recovery yet. He says he thinks he's doing a pretty good job now. Liam says he's going to bed, to which Airy said okay.

Airy wakes Liam up in the morning, to say he's gonna collect some wood, with his axe. Liam sneaks into the cave and finds out the plans for Season 3 on the PC. One of the contestants being his old co-worker, Owen. Liam, in a rage, sneaks behind Airy and tried to murder him. Liam asks why is Owen on the computer, to which Airy asks for clarification, saying "The Nail?". he reveals he was planning to make a season 3 of ONE. After hearing this however, Liam grabs Airy's axe and tries to smash his glass head. He pulls him onto the ground, struggles with him as Airy grabs the axe, and have a very funny, and very anticlimactic fight. It results in Liam swinging to Airy, which he dodges, but the axe hits the tree he was cutting, so it falls on to Liam's other leg. Airy drags Liam back home and builds him a new brace, but ends up dying before Liam woke up again. Liam wakes up, and went over to the pond, finding the top of Airy's head lying in the sand of the pond, feeling disappointed. as he never got to kill him.


Despite this being a very toxic relationship. The ONE fandom loves this ship, it's certainly not as popular as a lot of others, but it's up there with some popular ones. People ship the two being a gay couple, mainly it being shown as a toxic relationship, but other times shows them having a quite nice relationship at times as well. The ship is popular due to the final 2 episodes literally revolving around the 2's interactions, with Liam being a anxiety, raged driven, paranoid, person, while Airy has none of those, in fact he has barely any personality at all, making him feel empty, which makes you sympathetic, while him also being comedic thanks to his no personality trying to talk to Liam. The rival ships are Nailpack, the ship between Owen/Nail and Liam/Backpack, Textpack, the ship between Texty and Liam/Backpack, and Textairy, the ship between Texty and Airy.


Airy/Liam tag on AO3
Airy & Liam tag on AO3
Airy and Liam posts on TikTok


HfjONE logo
ONE ShipsONE Characters
SHIPS het AvatezCharcoalScentpack
slash AirypackNailpackSodapackWhippyseat
femslash CharmeliaStockazine
non-binary Chessboard
poly Yoga Olympics
family Dual Bottles
friendship Mustardbottle
