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Aladarius is the slash ship between Alador Blight and Darius Deamonne from the The Owl House fandom.


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Not much is known about Alador and Darius' relationship, aside from the fact that the two have known each other since they were students of the Abomination track at Hexside. They appeared to be good friends during the flashback events of "Them's the Breaks, Kid." Even though an old photo showcasing a young Darius booing Alador after he wins Bonesborough Brawl in the background, and the Penstagram post of Alador destroying a book Darius had written, strongly indicates that the two might be rivals of sorts. Also, Darius tells Kikimora to tell Alador he is a "hack", Alador responds with a Penstagram post, Darius is seen annoyed and mutes him. What might had caused that bitter rivalry that broke their childhood friendship is yet to be revealed.

In "Watching and Dreaming", the two are seen to be allies and have made up, they worked together to remove the Coven Sigils. Darius is shocked that the machine they made actually worked. As a result, he shakes Alador. When he realizes what he is doing, he slides away, he blushes and winks, Alador stares at him confused. It is not confirmed if the blush was romantic or due to embarrassment. Near the end, Darius and Alador are seen beside each other watching the light show when saying goodbye.


After the two were revealed to be childhood friends turned bitter rivals, it inspired fans to ship them. When "Clouds on the Horizon" had Alador cut ties with Odalia, it gave Aladarius fans hope that the ship might become canon. Should the two male witches survive the draining spell and put their rivalry aside in order to survive or fight up against the chaos of the Collector. With Owl House being supporters of the LGBTQ+ community, from how the series has more than one LGBTQ+ couple than just Luz x Amity. Making the chances of Aladarius being moved from fanon to canon plausible.

Long before "For the Future" revealed Darius's fate as one of the Collector's puppets, people had based their season three set fanfics and art on the idea of Alador and Darius teaming up and mending their childhood friendship. While trying to survive the Collector's chaotic powers upon their home realm. Fans are hoping that the third season episode would reveal what happened to Alador. Along with hoping that the final ending will have Darius be turned back to normal, and for the two men to end up together. Similar to how Amphibia ended with couples like Olivia x Yunan ending up together; as a married couple. Even though the two didn't get together in the way that fans wanted them to, Darius hinting that he may have started to have feelings for his reconnected friend has given them hope.

There are theories that Odalia might be the reason for their rivalry. Even though Darius grew up to be a Coven Head, she most likely needed Alador's skills and mind for their business, making him useful to her. Since Odalia is unable to use Abomination magic and probably never learned how to do so, from how young witches were required to only learn the magic of the track they have picked for themselves. There is also the fact that some people are drawn to rivalries, while another group use high profile rivalries to their advantage. Odalia being a business woman subjects that she might have used her husband's rivalry with the Abomination Coven Head to help drum up their Abomination related business. There is also the possibility that Odalia might have made the two men enemies, so she could have Alador all to herself without having to worry of Darius getting in her way.

Some Dadrius fans, who also support Aladarius, like the idea of both Darius and Alador becoming Hunter's dads. Which would make Hunter and Amity step-siblings, while Darius becomes a stepdad to Alador's three children. Compare to how Odalia had treated them, while Darius has been shown to be a caring person through Hunter, there is a chance that Darius would give Alador and his kids the love and care that Odalia never gave them. While Alador would try to be a father to Hunter as well, to thank Darius for being a second father to his children.

Aladarius is the 3rd ship of TOH to have been known more as a crackship when the it first started but as of now to be treated more seriously with Alador and Darius having more canon stuff in their relationship, alongside with Huntlow and Lumity.

On AO3, Aladrius is the most written ship for Alador and second most written for Darius. There are currently 490+ written works. Fan art is also popular on Tumblr and DeviantArt.


Alador/Darius tag on AO3
Alador & Darius tag on AO3
aladarius tag on DeviantArt
dalador tag on DeviantArt
alarius tag on DeviantArt
Aladarius tag on Tumblr



Official Art[]


Blight-Deamonne refers to the ship between Hunter, Amity Blight, Edric Blight and Emira Blight, Alastor and Darius
Hagsquad refers to the ship between Eda Clawthorne, Raine Whispers, Lilith Clawthorne and Perry Porter, Alastor and Darius


The Owl House logo navbox
SHIPS het BellithBelomoraBrulithBrigusCamilosEvelebGoldenskarHuntarcyHuntashaHuntlowHuntmiraLudricLunterLusMysteryOwlOdaladorSkingVedricVeenterWillGus
slash AladariusGoldricGusterGustholomuleHootlingo
femslash AmillowBoschmityBoschlowCamilithClarVeeLumiraLumityLuzanneLuzarcyLuzMiraViniraWilluzWillVee
non-binary DariraineRaedaVeesha
poly CamilraedaEdhuntlowLavender WinterLumiterLuzblightsLuzWillGusRaediusWillumity
family BelonterBlight FamilyBlight SiblingsBlight TwinsCamilmomCaminterCamiluzClawthorne SistersDadladorDadriusEdakingLedakingOwl House FamilyOwl MomTitanlightsVeeLuzWittebane Brothers
friendships AladunterAmilithBat ParentBesties in TraumaBellectorBelLuzCamila & WillowCollectLuzCollectnelCollectKingCollector ClawthorneEdanterEdricdaEmerald TrioGusmityHexsquadHoolithHuntilithHuntjackHuntmoraOwluzRaven AuntStilith
cargo Snowdric
CHARACTERS female Amity BlightCamila NocedaEmira BlightEda ClawthorneLilith ClawthorneLuz NocedaVeeWillow Park
male Alador BlightEdric BlightEmperor BelosHunterKing ClawthorneGus Porter
non-binary The CollectorRaine Whispers