Amy x Lorena is the femslash ship between Amy Allen and Lorena Marquez from the DC Comics fandom.
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It's a Wyld, Wyld, World[]
The Titans are on a mission, which Amy and Lorena are paired up for. As they dive into the water Amy asks if she's ever mentioned how much she hates water, and Lorena says that she does so all the time. Once in the ocean, Lorena feels relaxed while Amy feels like she's in her own personal hell. Lorena starts to lead the way, but Lorena tells her to slow down as she swims. Lorena sarcastically asks if her air mask has stopped working, and Amy calls her a show off. She says that Lorena's being cocky, considering she's gonna have to return to land with her after. The further they swim, Amy starts to feel weird. Lorena agrees, finding the entire ecosystem being off, but Amy just gives the whole thing a "blah, blah, blah". She complains about the air mask, as they come up to a cave. Lorena is looking at coral, when Amy points out the piranha's. They attack and Lorena tells Amy to fight, but Amy's not risking her oxygen amount.
They finish them off and Lorena says she's never had to kill a school of fish before. Amy says it's not her fault, as she's right on something being off. Lorena then realizes she lost their nav device, and Amy says that she felt an energy flux the could follow. Lorena never thought she'd willingly follow Amy somewhere, but does so, as they head to the source. They seam to reach it, Amy saying that it makes her skin crawl more than Lorena does, and Lorena sticks her triton in it.
They get a message from Wonder Girl, that the rest of the team got in, and Amy asks for mission progress. Lorena says that they're just supposed to wait till they get the signal to let the team out again, so suggests relaxing. Amy can't relax with all the water pressure, and isn't appreciating how comfy Lorena looks at the moment. Lorena points out that she is comfy, and Amy thinks that it probably sucks as much for Lorena up top as it does for Amy down in the ocean. Lorena says that sucks might be a strong word, and Amy points out that if she feels this good in water, then on land she's pretty much just surviving. Lorena says that she doesn't know, that it'd be hard for her to admit.
Lorena says that she's starting to get Amy, with her whole born to the quest thing. It would make her seem like a jerk and suggests that Amy is freaked out all the time, and Amy says it would be hard for her to admit that. Lorena points out a squid and asks how Amy would be able to say that she's not beautiful, and Amy does so very easily. The two laugh, and Amy points to a fish that she finds kinda cute. Lorena starts to feel that the current is off, and it's making her feel naseaus. Amy tells her not to puke, as the portal starts to move. They start to swim, and Amy tells Lorena not to wait for her, and Lorena speeds towards it.
Lorena is able to catch it, and Amy says that the scientists should have told them that it could move. Amy feels that the pressure is worse and Lorena says that the portal is the cause. Lorena wonders how the team is doing, and Amy says that they're fine. Amy points out that the fish she saw earlier and sees the octopus trying to eat it. She goes to stop it, but Lorena points out that's how the world works. Amy ignores her and starts to fight the octopus, but Lorena has to come over and rescue her, complaining that she can never just leave things alone. A large sea creature then swims forward and swallow's the two of them.
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Amy x Loren are an extremely rare pair in the DCU fandom. It is specifically rare in the Teen Titans part of the comics fandom. Although given that all of their interactions are in the 2003 comic, this is where all the shipping comes from. Although the negative reaction to the comic does mean that some stop reading before they get to the two's most significant interactions. There are currently no fan fics on AO3 or fanfiction.net.
- Amy x Lorena posts on Tumblr