Shipping Wiki
Shipping Wiki

Slash ships: 22Femslash ships: 22Het ship: 11Friendship: 11Non-binary ships: 88

Animatic Battle is an animated web series.


Animatic Battle is the continuation of GagOfGreen's earlier series Object Fool. The series follows Animatic who hosts a competition show with 64 contestants.


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Bobquet — the ship between Bob-Omb and Bouquet
Bowlquet — the ship between Bowling Ball and Bouquet
Canescorn — the ship between Cane's Cup and Popcorn
CrazyCanes — the ship between Crazy Food and Cane's Cup
CheezID — the ship between Cheez-It and School ID
DangerID — the ship between Danger Sign and School ID
Dangerpaint — the ship between Danger Sign and Oils Paint
Diopatch — the ship between Dioptase and Eyepatch
Dioplight — the ship between Dioptase and Flashlight
Meatoptase — the ship between Meatball and Dioptase
Sillypaint — the ship between Silly Straw and Oils Paint
Spaspea — the ship between SPAS-12 and Pea


Acid17 — the ship between Acid and Season 17
Bombpatch — the ship between Bob-Omb and Eyepatch
Canescore — the ship between Cane's Cup and Demon Core
Caneshroom — the ship between Cane's Cup and Mushroom
CheezCup — the ship between Cheez-It and Cane's Cup
ClaySlop — the ship between Clay Brick and Slop
DangerCheez — the ship between Danger Sign and Cheez-It
DangerCoffee — the ship between Danger Sign and Iced Coffee
DangerSlop — the ship between Danger Sign and Slop
Flashgun — the ship between Flashlight and Squirt Gun
GoldMATER — the ship between Golden Apple and TOMATER
IcedShoe — the ship between Iced Coffee and Shoe
Nachomint — the ship between Nacho and Peppermint
Peacup — the ship between Pea and Cane's Cup
Peahives — the ship between Pea and Hives
Peashroom — the ship between Pea and Mushroom
Sharecho — the ship between Share and Nacho
Sharepatch — the ship between Share and Eyepatch
Slophives — the ship between Slop and Hives
TOMAcid — the ship between TOMATER and Acid


Colortea — the ship between Rainbow Assortment and Tea
OilBlock — the ship between Oils Paint and B Block
Printquet — the ship between Printer and Bouquet
Rainbowblock — the ship between Rainbow Assortment and B Block
Rainbowpaint — the ship between Rainbow Assortment and Oils Paint
Spastopper — the ship between SPAS-12 and Doorstopper
Teastopper — the ship between Tea and Doorstopper


2! — the ship between Two and Exclamation Mark
4! — the ship between Four and Exclamation Mark
AcidMilk — the ship between Acid and Chocolate Milk Carton
Airymatic — the ship between Airy and Animatic
Animaticlock — the ship between Animatic and Clock
Bioshroom — the ship between Bioluminescenty and Mushroom
ChocolateMark — the ship between Chocolate Milk Carton and Exclamation Mark
ClockMark — the ship between Clock and Exclamation Mark
Crazyweather — the ship between Crazy Food and Weathery
CrystalSkies — the ship between Dioptase and Weathery
DOcid — the ship between Do and Acid
DontCore — the ship between Don't and Demon Core
Don't Share — the ship between Don't and Share
Dontcid — the ship between Don't and Acid
Doon't — the ship between Do and Don't
Eucerbowl — the ship between Eucerin and Sip-A-Bowl
Eucerdon't — the ship between Eucerin and Don't
Eucermatic — the ship between Eucerin and Animatic
ExclaMATER — the ship between Exclamation Mark and TOMATER
Exclamatter — the ship between Exclamation Mark and Pancake Batter
Exclamatic — the ship between Exclamation Mark and Animatic
Exclerin — the ship between Exclamation Mark and Eucerin
Flowerhand — the ship between Bouquet and Red Sticky Hand
Fournimatic — the ship between Four and Animatic
Meatbox — the ship between Meatball and Juice Box
MiniMush — the ship between MiniDisky and Mushroom
Popmusic — the ship between Popcorn and MiniDisky
Raidstickyhand — the ship between Raid and Red Sticky Hand
Rainbow Do — the ship between Rainbow Assortment and Do
Sipnote — the ship between Sip-A-Bowl and Notepad
Sipscape — the ship between Sip-A-Bowl and Landscape
Teascape — the ship between Tea and Landscape
Tierframe — the ship between Tiery and Doorframe
Tiermint — the ship between Tiery and Peppermint
Tiershare — the ship between Tiery and Share
Twonimatic — the ship between Two and Animatic
Weatherstopper — the ship between Weathery and Doorstopper
Weathertea — the ship between Weathery and Tea
X! — the ship between X and Exclamation Mark


Chocotierframe — the ship between Chocolate Milk Carton, Tiery and Doorframe
Friends Forever — the ship between Pea, Iced Coffee, Doorstopper, SPAS-12, Bioluminescenty and Peppermint
Happy Nice Club — the ship between Dioptase, Weathery, Crazy Food, SPAS-12, Doorstopper and Tea
Straw Gang — the ship between Sip-A-Bowl, Juice Box, Acid, Silly Straw, Cane's Cup and Chocolate Milk Carton
Weatherteastopper — the ship between Weathery, Tea and Doorstopper


Danger Sign & Eggnog Jr. — the ship between Danger Sign and Eggnog Jr.
GoldenEgg — the ship between Golden Apple and Yoshi Egg
Jej & Animatic — the ship between Jej and Animatic
Jej & Shifty — the ship between Jej and Shifty
Pancake Batter & Printer — the ship between Pancake Batter and Printer
PrinterEgg — the ship between Printer and Yoshi Egg
StickATER — the ship between Sticky and TOMATER
Tiery & Jej — the ship between Tiery and Jej
Timecrunch — the ship between Shifty and Animatic


Object Fool (Web Series) tag on AO3
Animatic Battle stories on Wattpad
Animatic Battle Wiki


# portmanteau characters type
18 Animaticlock Animatic/Clock non-binary
4 Sipnote Notepad/Sip-A-Bowl non-binary
3 Meatbox Juice Box/Meatball non-binary
3 Bombpatch Bob-Omb/Eyepatch slash
3 Exclamatic Animatic/Exclamation Mark non-binary
2 Popmusic MiniDisky/Popcorn non-binary
2 Don't Share Don't/Share non-binary
2 AcidMilk Acid/Chocolate Milk Carton non-binary
1 Airy & Animatic Airy & Animatic gen
1 Danger Sign & Eggnog Jr. Danger Sign & Eggnog Jr. gen


Animatic Battle Logo
Animatic Battle/ShipsAnimatic Battle/Characters
SHIPS het CheezID
slash BombpatchDangerCoffee
femslash RainbowpaintSpastopper
non-binary AcidMilkDon't ShareEucerbowlExclamaticFournimaticPopmusicRaidstickyhandSipnoteWeatherstopper
friend StickATER