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This article is about Ann Takamaki and Shiho Suzui. You may be looking for the ship between An Shiraishi and Shiho Hinomori.

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AnnShiho is the femslash ship between Ann Takamaki and Shiho Suzui from the Persona fandom.


Persona 5[]

Ann and Shiho are incredibly close friends, having met in middle school and become friends due to both being the "outcast" and "unpopular" girls. Ann had agreed to a relationship with Suguru Kamoshida, Shujin's PE teacher, because he threatened to take Shiho off the team if she didn't, and kept doing it for Shiho despite it outcasting her even further.

When Shiho attempts suicide after being sexually assaulted by Kamoshida, Ann is the most affected, immediately rushing to Shiho's side and attempting to comfort her before she is taken to the hospital. Shiho's admission that Kamoshida's acts were the motivator for her suicide is what pushes Ann to follow Joker and Ryuji into the Metaverse in an attempt to reveal his crimes. After Kamoshida's Shadow admits that Ann rejecting his advances is what led to him "taking out his frustrations" on Shiho, she is enraged, and (with an bit of input from Joker) finds the strength to awaken to her Persona, Carmen. Carmen's first lines to Ann are, "My... it's taken far too long. Tell me... who is going to avenge her if you don't?"

Shiho's suicide attempt serves as a major point in Ann's Confidant- while some of the Confidant centers around her modeling job and her rivalry with a girl named Mika, other parts involve Ann telling Joker about Shiho's recovery. Rank 9 in particular has the protagonist and Ann take Shiho to Shujin's roof so she can get closure. While up there, Shiho talks about her plans to transfer to another school, and the two embrace. Shiho tell Ann she loves her, and the girls promise to keep in touch (the protagonist, meanwhile, is simply standing there with his hands in his pockets). It's worth noting that in the German version of the game, Shiho's "I love you" line was translated as "Ich liebe dich," which is the explicitly romantic form of "I love you" ("Ich habe dich lieb" is used for family and friends).


In Persona 5 Royal, if the player maxes out the Councillor Arcana Confidant before 11/18, they'll wake up on 1/2 to an idealized world. In this altered reality, the Thieves' deepest desires have been made true. Ann's desire was for Shiho to have never been assaulted by Kamoshida, which is revealed when Ann is seen happily hanging out with Shiho. Suzui had apparently transferred back to Shujin and was now famous across Japan for her volleyball skills, revealing that Ann's greatest desire was for Shiho to be happy and to have people see how great she was. If the player maxed out Ann's Confidant before fighting Yaldabaoth and chose to reject the false reality, Ann will say that Shiho would be ashamed of her for running away from reality by sinking into the idealized world before her Personas, Hecate and Carmen, fuse into Celestine. If Panther is in the party for the fight against Royal's new final boss, he has a chance of saying, "Takamaki-san! Didn't you always want to protect your friend? Don't abandon such a pure dream when it's right in front of you!" before banning a specific command. Ann will respond with, "We're... We're both going to keep living our lives on our own strength!" showing that she has faith that both she and Shiho can live happily and eventually move on from the trauma caused by Kamoshida.


The ship spawned as a result of the two girls being such close friends that it almost gave off a romantic vibe, which was only reinforced by Shiho's "I love you" line. Annshiho is one of, if not the most popular femslash pairing for the fandom (as of writing this, Annshiho has 450 published works on Ao3 whereas Okujima, another popular femslash ship, has only 380).


Suzui Shiho/Takamaki Ann tag on AO3
Annshiho posts on Tumblr


Persona ShipsPersona Characters
SHIPS het AiAkiAiJunAikotoAishinjiAiyojiAiYuAkiHamAkikariAkiMitsuChiKouFuukihikoFuupeiHanaChieJundoriJuntoneJunYukaKanNaoKenakoMinaLizMinaYukaRiYuRyoHamRyuAnnSaedachiShinjiHamShinjikaShinjiMitsuShuAnnShuFuukaShuMakoShuMitsuSouYukiTeddikoTheoHam
slash AkinatoAkishinjiJunAkiJunShinjiMakoJunMakoShinjiMonoTeddiePegoRyuRyoJun • ‎‎‎‎RyoMina • ‎‎ShuAdaShuAkeSouKanSouYoTatsujunYosuKanYuTeddie
femslash AilizaAnnshihoFuukaHamFuukAigisHamugisKanariseMitsuHamNaoriseNatsuukaYufuukaYukaHamYukaMitsuYukgisYukiChie
poly AikotoyukaAkiShinjiHamKanNaoRiseMakoJunYukaMoonlight Bridge Trio
friendship AimaruInvestigation QuadInvestigation TeamKenhikoKenjiroKenmaruKorojiroMakoKenMakomaruMinakomaruNanaTeddieNaoichiP3 ProtagonistsSEES TrioSpecialized Extracurricular Execution Squad
family Android SistersDojima FamilyHanamura BrosKirijo FamilyTheoEliza‎Velvet Room Sisters
CHARACTERS male Ken AmadaRen AmamiyaShinjiro AragakiYosuke HanamuraJunpei IoriKoromaruRyoji MochizukiYu NarukamiAkihiko SanadaKanji TatsumiTeddieMakoto Yuki
female AigisYukiko AmagiMitsuru KirijoRise KujikawaChie SatonakaKotone ShiomiNaoto ShiroganeYukari TakebaFuuka Yamagishi