Aoi Asahina is a character from the Danganronpa fandom.
Aoi Asahina, titled the Ultimate Swimming Pro, is a student in Hope's Peak Academy's Class 78th, and a participant of the Killing School Life featured in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc and its anime adaptation, Danganronpa: The Animation, which she manages to survive.
Years later, she is a participant of the Final Killing Game featured in Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School with the other Future Foundation heads. She's the only participant, aside from Makoto Naegi who was arrested under the suspicion of aiding the Remnants of Despair, who is not a leader of any of the Future Foundation's branches, as the leader of the 13th Branch sent her in as their proxy. She also makes a cameo appearance in one episode of Despair Arc, where she helps her classmates barricade themselves inside Hope's Peak Academy. She successfully survives her second killing game and is shown working on rebuilding Hope's Peak Academy with her fellow survivors in Hope Arc.
Although she doesn't appear in Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (excluding through Tsumugi Shirogane's cosplays), she makes an appearance in the non-canon bonus mode, Ultimate Talent Development Plan, much like every other character of the main games.
- Asakure — the ship between Aoi and Yasuhiro Hagakure
- Astronaut In The Ocean — the ship between Aoi and Kaito Momota
- Chihina — the ship between Aoi and Chihiro Fujisaki
- Ishihina — the ship between Aoi and Kiyotaka Ishimaru
- Kuwahina — the ship between Aoi and Leon Kuwata
- Naehina — the ship between Aoi and Makoto Naegi
- Owahina — the ship between Aoi and Mondo Owada
- Ryotahina — the ship between Aoi and Ryota Mitarai
- Togahina — the ship between Aoi and Byakuya Togami
- Yamahina — the ship between Aoi and Hifumi Yamada
- Asakane — the ship between Aoi and Akane Owari
- Asazono — the ship between Aoi and Sayaka Maizono
- Birthday Girls — the ship between Aoi and Mahiru Koizumi
- Gekkohina — the ship between Aoi and Miaya Gekkogahara
- Hinakawa — the ship between Aoi and Toko Fukawa
- Kirihina — the ship between Aoi and Kyoko Kirigiri
- Komahina 2 — the ship between Aoi and Komaru Naegi
- Ludenhina — the ship between Aoi and Celestia Ludenberg
- Mukuraoi — the ship between Aoi and Mukuro Ikusaba
- Sakuraoi — the ship between Aoi and Sakura Ogami
- Seikohina — the ship between Aoi and Seiko Kimura
- Chisakuraoi — the ship between Aoi, Chihiro Fujisaki, and Sakura Ogami
- Komahinakawa — the ship between Aoi, Komaru Naegi, and Toko Fukawa
- Naegirihina — the ship between Aoi, Kyoko Kirigiri, and Makoto Naegi
- Sayakuraoi — the ship between Aoi, Sakura Ogami, and Sayaka Maizono
- Tokyokohina — the ship between Aoi, Kyoko Kirigiri, and Toko Fukawa
- Track and Field — the ship between Aoi and Yuta Asahina
- Killing School Life Survivors — the ship between Aoi, Toko Fukawa, Yasuhiro Hagakure, Kyoko Kirigiri, Makoto Naegi, and Byakuya Togami
- Monahina — the ship between Aoi and Monaca Towa
- Aoi x Donuts — the ship between Aoi and donuts
- Asahina Aoi tag on AO3
- Aoi Asahina stories on Wattpad
- Asahina Aoi stories on Wattpad
- Aoi Asahina tag on DeviantArt
- Asahina Aoi tag on DeviantArt
- Aoi Asahina hashtag on Instagram
- Asahina Aoi hashtag on Instagram
- Aoi Asahina tag on Tumblr
- Asahina Aoi tag on Tumblr
- Aoi Asahina on Danganronpa Wiki
- Aoi Asahina on Heroes Wiki
- Aoi Asahina on Fanlore
# | portmanteau | characters | type |
840 | Sakuraoi | Sakura Ogami | femslash |
102 | Naehina | Makoto Naegi | het |
88 | Kirihina | Kyoko Kirigiri | femslash |
71 | Aoi & Sakura | Sakura Ogami | gen |
66 | Asakure | Yasuhiro Hagakure | het |
56 | Aoi & Makoto | Makoto Naegi | gen |
52 | Togahina | Byakuya Togami | het |
43 | Killing School Life Survivors | Toko Fukawa, Yasuhiro Hagakure, Kyoko Kirigiri, Makoto Naegi & Byakuya Togami | gen |
42 | Hinakawa | Toko Fukawa | femslash |
35 | Aoi & Kyoko | Kyoko Kirigiri | gen |
32 | Aoi & Kiyotaka | Kiyotaka Ishimaru | gen |
- Aoi's English voice actress, Cassandra Lee Morris, also provides the voice of Angie Yonaga in Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony.