Aquabros is the family ship between Arthur Curry and Orm Marius from the DC Comics, Young Justice and DC Extended Universe fandoms.
Arthur Curry and Orm Marius are the sons of Queen Atlanna, but because they have different fathers, one being of the surface and the other being of the sea, it has made them half-brothers. Although Orm is pure Atlantean and both his parents were of royalty, Arthur being their mother's first born made him the rightful heir to the throne. This upsets Orm, from how Arthur was raised on the surface by his surface dweller father who was a simple lighthouse keeper, while he was born in Atlantic and raised to become it's next King in his father's place. Their mother, however, wants Arthur to take the throne so land and sea can bridge peace with one another, something that Orm and his father doesn't want.
Young Justice[]
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In 2008, Aquaman and Ocean-Master engaged in battle when Orm led an army against Poseidonis, in hoping of taking the throne from his brother. Ocean-Master came close to emerging victorious over his older brother, but Aquaman was saved and managed to get the better of his younger brother, thanks to the intervention of two students from the Conservatory of Sorcery, Kaldur'ahm and Garth. Who occupied Ocean-Master long enough for Aquaman to regain his strength and vanquish his opponent. A year or two before the events of Orm's attack, he had joined the Light as it's fifth member.
To keep Orin in the dark of this, he makes him believe that Ocean-Master and Orm are two separate people. This allows Orm to secretly serve as the Light's inside man, while acting as the faith brother who has Aquaman's trust in the public eye. So his Ocean-Master persona can lead the Atlantean purists, as he works to rid Atlantic of "impure" Atlanteans. He had tried to unleash another attack attempt to claim the throne when Aquaman was away. Because no one knew Orm is Ocean-Master, it allowed him to keep playing the good brother, after his attacked failed and made it look like he was helping Orin to bring those who gave him false information to justice.
Prince Orm's identity as Ocean-Master was eventually exposed to the authorities in 2012, and was sent to serve his sentence in Atlantis. Enraged that the Light cast him out in disgrace, Orm escaped from his prison six years later and used his freedom to execute a plan that the Light had deemed as "the nuclear option". This would have had him murder Orin's son and the rest of the League's children, if Lady Shiva hasn't stopped him. Orin wasn't away of his brother's death or fate, until he comes across one of the two clones who were born from Orm's DNA.
DC Extended Universe[]
Aquaman (2018)[]
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Arthur learns about his younger half-brother during his training to master his Atlantean abilities, and was eventually told Atlanna's fate. A fate that Orm blames Arthur for, after his existence was revealed to the King of Atlantis and was punished for it. Arthur also blamed himself for what happened to their mother, and hoped that he and Orm would get along if they ever met.
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom[]
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The DCEU film, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom has recently made Aquabros one of the top familyships within the Aquaman fanbase. With most versions of the Atlantion brothers portraying them as enemies, fans prefer to focus on the times they have teamed up, were never enemies or mange to connect.
Because there weren't many scenes and moments between Orin and Orm in the Young Justice TV series, some people find themselves focusing on the Ocean-Master clone. Who has had a few brief moments with Aquaman, after he was revealed to be a clone and Orin was trying to get to the truth.
- Arthur & Orm tag on AO3
SHIPS | het | AlMax • AquaMera • AquaWonder • BatLane • BatQuinn • Clois • Harlick • Jarley • WonderBat • Wondertrev |
slash | AquaBat • AquaSuper • BatFlash • BatJokes • BatLex • Flashborg • HawkFate • Superbat • Vicroman • Vigilmaker | |
femslash | DianEtta • Dinaharley • Dinahelena • DinahRenee • Harley x Renee • HelenaRenee • Quintress • WonderCheetah • WonderLois • WonderMera • WonderPoison | |
poly | SuperBatLane • SuperWonderBat | |
family | Aquabros • BruAlf • DianaHippolyta | |
cargo | WonderCream | |
CHARACTERS | male | Barry Allen • Arthur Curry • Clark Kent • Lex Luthor • Victor Stone • Bruce Wayne |
female | Helena Bertinelli • Cassandra Cain • Dinah Laurel Lance • Lois Lane • Mera • Harley Quinn • Renee Montoya • Diana of Themyscira • Iris West |