Despite his fearsome reputation as the murderer of six children, Asgore is incredibly beloved by the monsters of the Underground, who see him as a "fuzzy pushover" with bottomless kindness. Though one might assume that this is the result of a skewed perspective or whitewashing of his actions, once Frisk gets to meet Asgore in person, they find out that he is indeed a polite and incredibly kind individual, though not exactly a good ruler. Should the player manage to reach him without killing anyone and beat Omega Flowey in a fight, Toriel will confront Asgore about his misdeeds and the King will reveal that he regrets his decision for having broken him as a person and torn his family apart. He sincerely hopes that his beloved Toriel could forgive him for his actions having robbed him of their own children, entertaining the idea of adopting Frisk after the events of the game so they could be a family again.
Asgore is the father of Kris and Asriel and the ex-husband of Toriel. Unlike Undertale, Asgore is neither royalty, nor did he murder any children and is mostly just a sweet flower shop owner. He's so kind that he is utterly incapable of charging anything for his flowers, but his lack of profits threaten to get him evicted from his already poor living conditions. He used to be a respected chief of Hometown Police, but a non-elaborated on accident let to him entering an early retirement. During the events of Chapter 1 and 2, he's desparately trying to win his ex Toriel over, failing to make her forgive him every single attempt.