- “I was... his Santa. He was... My Rudolph”
- — Asgore
Asgorudy is the slash ship between Asgore Dreemurr and Rudy Holiday from the Deltarune and Undertale fandoms.
Undertale Alarm Clock App[]
Undertale.com has extra dialogue for every character, Asgore's page has him first mentioning Rudy when he talks about how much he loved the holidays when Asgore tells an anecdote of himself trying to be Santa. He mentions that it was a ritual for him to put on his santa suit while Rudy was putting on his red nose and how they would walk into the night together, placing presents side by side in the snow. With many pauses, he admits that Rudy was the "Rudolph" to his "Santa".
He still remembers the sound of Rudy tapping the doorframe, reminding Asgore about putting up the mistletoe. He happily admits that Rudy's household, with warm slices of fruitcake and his youngest daughter watching him shyly from the corner felt like another home to him.
He says that he knew Rudy for a long time, and how he always called Asgore "big guy" when they were both at Hotland University. But then Asgore noticed how quickly Rudy aged. He remembers him joking about whether he should call him "little guy" from now on, before pausing and admitting that Asgore will always be "big guy" to him. When he asks him if he wants to know why, he answers that Asgore is still bigger than him, jokingly calling him "stupid". He remembers how long Rudy laughed, cheerfully calling him a "funny man".
He reminisces how he was there for it all, Rudy's youth, his marriage and his fatherhood. Until one day, Rudy suddenly "fell down". He regrets never being able to show Rudy the sun. He cheers himself up by saying that he hopes Rudy would be happy to see the world today, how his daughters get to grow up in the sunlight. He hopes that his youngest daughter will make many new friends.
Kris can find out a lot about their dad's and Rudy's past if the player makes them look for clues.
The Holidays are close friends with the Dreemurrs, in this continuity, Asgore's and Toriel's children grew up with Rudy's daughters, being next door neighbors. Though the families eventually drifted apart, Asgore and Rudy remained close friends, having been friends since attending university together and Rudy was even Asgore's best man at his wedding with Toriel. Rudy is currently hospitalized, bedridden and heavily coughing when he laughs, should Kris inspect the bouquet of roses on his table, they will find out that they're from Asgore. Though Rudy is happy about the gesture, he complains about Asgore's choice of flowers.
In Chapter 2, should Kris witness the awkward encounter between their parents at Sans' grocery store and tell Rudy about it when visiting him, Rudy will complain saying that he would have gave Asgore free pickles.
If in chapter 2 in the hospital room Kris interacts with the flowers next to the bed Susie will ask who's bringing him flowers and Rudy will ask that "what's wrong with a married man getting flowers". She aks if they're from his wife and he says that they're from Asgore. Susie says that she's "not gonna try to understand this".
- Rudy complains about the roses because they remind him of Beauty and the Beast. He quips that the (love) story makes no sense for them... because they're both beasts.
Though Rudy had been a canon character since the Alarm Clock app, people didn't truly start shipping him with Asgore before seeing Rudy make an appearance in the flesh in Deltarune. Many have commented how Asgore's anecdotes about him have a strange romantic undertone, with Deltarune adding to their backstory having only fanned the flames.
Aside from wanting Noelle to stop suffering, many also hope that Rudy survives his illness because they believe that he deserves to be happy with Asgore. Many have already portrayed Rudy's wife unsympathetically, allowing for him to divorce her and admit his feeling to Asgore with no obstacles in the way with Asgore being already divorced.
Naturally, the ship rivals Asgoriel, but gets along very well with Soriel, somehow, the ship can also rival Sansgore
- Asgore/Rudy tag on AO3
Deltarune/Ships • Deltarune/Characters | ||
SHIPS | het | Alphore • Asgoriel • Berdsie • Clovsei • CyberSpade • QueenKaard • Ralsusie • Soriel • SpamQueen |
slash | Asgorudy • Berdsei • KingKaard • Royal Guards • Spamvil | |
femslash | Alphiel • Alphyne • Bratcat • Suselle | |
non-binary | Annoying Tem • Kralsei • Krerdly • Kriselle • KrisTeen • Krusie • Seavil • SnowyKid • Swatchton | |
poly | Kralsuselle • Krerdsei • Krusielle | |
family | AddiSpam • Dreemurr Family • Ghost Cousins • KFC • Lesser Dad • Spades Dad | |
friendship | Baddie Buddies • Cat Petterz • Dark Fun Gang • Deltarune Trio • Fun Gang • Lightnerds | |
CHARACTERS | male | Asgore • Asriel • Berdly • Lancer • Papyrus • Ralsei • Sans • Spamton |
female | Alphys • Noelle • Susie • Toriel • Undyne | |
neutral | Kris • Monster Kid • Napstablook |