Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 2525Manips: 66Screenshots: 6767Stills: 2020
Slash ships: 33Het ships: 1313Friendship: 11

Ash Ketchum is a character from the Pokémon fandom.


This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.

Ash is a 10-year-old trainer from Pallet Town who desires to become a Pokémon Master.



AbilityShipping — the ship between Ash and Anabel
AdvanceShipping — the ship between Ash and May
AmourShipping — the ship between Ash and Serena
MareShipping — the ship between Ash and Bianca
AMShipping — the ship between Ash and Mairin
AureliaShipping — the ship between Ash and Lillie
AlohaShipping — the ship between Ash and Mallow
Ashrika — the ship between Ash and Rika Nonaka
BadTasteShipping — the ship between Ash and Burgundy
BanShipping — the ship between Ash and Erika
BloomBoltShipping — the ship between Ash and Chloe
BlueAngelShipping — the ship between Ash and Lana
ConfidenceShipping — the ship between Ash and Georgia
DynaShipping — the ship between Ash and Skyla
FairyTeachShipping — the ship between Ash and Penelope
FireShipping — the ship between Ash and Macey
FireRedShipping — the ship between Ash and Zoey
GoggleShipping — the ship between Ash and Giselle
HibiscusShipping — the ship between Ash and Selene
ImaginationShipping — the ship between Ash and Bianca
JoyeuxShipping — the ship between Ash and Shauna
KalosKingShipping — the ship between Ash and Aria
MirrorQueenShipping — the ship between Ash and Mirror Serena
MorpheusShipping — the ship between Ash and Angie
NegaiShipping — the ship between Ash and Iris
OthelloShipping — the ship between Ash and Hilda
PearlShipping — the ship between Ash and Dawn
Poffleshipping — the ship between Ash and Miette
PokéDigiShipping — the ship between Ash and Kari Kamiya
PokéShipping — the ship between Ash and Misty
PokéSilverShipping — the ship between Ash and Lyra
PowerShipping — the ship between Ash and Risa
RaimeiShipping — the ship between Ash and Elesa
RainbowShipping — the ship between Ash and Verity
RavenShipping — the ship between Ash and Amelia
RayShipping — the ship between Ash and Cynthia
RedShipping — the ship between Ash and Jessie
ShalourShipping — the ship between Ash and Korrina
SitruunaShipping — the ship between Ash and Bonnie
SnowballShipping — the ship between Ash and Candice
AltoShipping — the ship between Ash and Latias


AlfShipping — the ship between Ash and Max
BoulderShipping — the ship between Ash and Brock
CafeMochaShipping — the ship between Ash and Cilan
CollideShipping — the ship between Ash and Barry
ComaShipping — the ship between Ash and Paul
DiodeShipping — the ship between Ash and Clemont
FeralFlareShipping — the ship between Ash and Trevor
JourneyShipping — the ship between Ash and Goh
KenshiShipping — the ship between Ash and Tracey
Kodakshipping — the ship between Ash and Trip
LeagueShipping — the ship between Ash and Ritchie
MegaBondShipping — the ship between Ash and Alain
MustardShipping — the ship between Ash and Stephan
NaiveShipping — the ship between Ash and James
PalletShipping — the ship between Ash and Gary
ProtagonistShipping — the ship between Ash and Red
ScatterBrainShipping — the ship between Ash and Cameron
SceptileShipping — the ship between Ash and Sawyer
SnapShipping — the ship between Ash and Todd Snap
TrustedPartnerShipping — the ship between Ash and Gladion
VCRShipping — the ship between Ash and Luke
ZingZapShipping — the ship between Ash and Sophocles
Z-ringShipping — the ship between Ash and Kiawe


AdvancedDreamTeamShipping — the ship between Ash, Brock and May
Asmarika — the ship between Ash, May and Rika Nonaka
BW Trio — the ship between Ash, Iris and Cilan
DP Trio — the ship between Ash, Brock and Dawn
JauneAmitieShipping — the ship between Ash, Serena and Clemont
OS Trio — the ship between Ash, Misty and Brock
PJ Trio — the ship between Ash, Goh and Chloe
StrawberryCakeShipping — the ship between Ash, Iris and Serena
Student Poly — the ship between Ash, Lana, Lillie, Mallow, Kiawe and Sophocles
ThreeWayTieShipping — the ship between Ash, Dawn and Zoey
YajirushiShipping — the ship between Ash, Dawn and Iris


HouseShipping — the ship between Ash and Mimey
MommyShipping — the ship between Ash and Delia Ketchum
NeoMommyShipping — the ship between Ash and Professor Burnet


Advance Quartet — the ship between Ash, Brock, May and Max
BizarreShipping — the ship between Ash and Professor Oak
ChikoShipping — the ship between Ash and his Chikorita
DeepBondShipping — the ship between Ash and his Greninja
FollowerShipping — the ship between Ash and his Oshawott
LemonadeWisdomShipping — the ship between Ash, Clemont and Bonnie
MeoAshShipping — the ship between Ash and Meowth from Team Rocket
PikaShipping — the ship between Ash and his Pikachu


Ash Ketchum has not shown any romantic feelings towards anyone, except Giselle, but there have expressed feelings towards him. Typically each season includes one or two girls as his alleged love interest, but this never goes beyond ship tease.

Main article: GoggleShipping
Main article: AmourShipping


Main article: PokéShipping
Gary Oak
Main article: PalletShipping
Main article: JourneyShipping
Main article: DiodeShipping
Main article: PearlShipping


Ash Ketchum tag on AO3
Ash Ketchum on the Pokémon Wiki
Ash Ketchum on Bulbapedia


# portmanteau characters type
1089 PokéShipping Misty het
913 JourneyShipping Goh slash
676 PikaShipping Pikachu gen
650 AmourShipping Serena het
538 PalletShipping Gary Oak slash
176 PearlShipping Dawn het
173 AdvanceShipping May het
142 DiodeShipping Clemont slash
120 TrustedPartnerShipping Gladion slash
92 ComaShipping Paul slash

