Astra Logue is a character from the DC Comics, Constantine and Legends of Tomorrow fandoms.
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- Behstra — the ship between Astra and Behrad Tarazi
- Astari — the ship between Astra and Zari Tomaz
- Avstra — the ship between Astra and Ava Sharpe
- Esperastra — the ship between Astra and Spooner Cruz
- Kenstra — the ship between Astra and Kendra Saunders
- Norastra — the ship between Astra and Nora Darhk
- NyssAstra — the ship between Astra and Nyssa al Ghul
- Sarastra — the ship between Astra and Sara Lance
- Zastra — the ship between Astra and Zari Tarazi
- Spoonstrad — the ship between Astra, Spooner Cruz and Behrad Tarazi
- Zavstra — the ship between Astra, Zari Tarazi and Ava Sharpe
- Esperastreon — the ship between Astra, Spooner Cruz and Gideon
- Johnstra — the ship between Astra and John Constantine
- Legends of Domesticity S5B — the ship between Astra, Sara Lance, Gideon, Mick Rory, Nate Heywood, John Constantine, Charlie, Ava Sharpe and Zari Tarazi
- Legends of Domesticity S6A — the ship between Astra, Gideon, Mick Rory, Nate Heywood, John Constantine, Ava Sharpe, Behrad Tarazi, Zari Tarazi, Gary Green and Spooner Cruz
- Legends of Domesticity S6B — the ship between Astra, Sara Lance, Gideon, Mick Rory, Nate Heywood, John Constantine, Ava Sharpe, Behrad Tarazi, Zari Tarazi, Gary Green and Spooner Cruz
- Legends of Domesticity S7 — the ship between Astra, Sara Lance, Gideon, Nate Heywood, Ava Sharpe, Behrad Tarazi, Zari Tarazi, Gary Green, Spooner Cruz and Gwyn Davies
- Behrad Tarazi
- Main article: Behstra
- Spooner Cruz
- Main article: Esperastra
- Astra Logue tag on AO3
- Astra Logue
# | portmanteau | characters | type |
109 | Esperastra | Spooner Cruz | femslash |
28 | Behstra | Behrad Tarazi | het |
24 | Spooner & Astra | Spooner Cruz | gen |
20 | Chastra | Charlie | non-binary |
17 | Esperastreon | Gideon & Spooner Cruz | gen |
16 | Johnstra | John Constantine | gen |
7 | ? | Gideon | gen |
6 | Zastra | Zari Tarazi | femslash |
5 | ? | Harry Potter | het |