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“I've created an axis of evil.”
— Sanders after cementing the team.

Axis of Evil is the friend ship between Jacques, Josee, MacArthur Escobar, Sanders, Ryan and Stephanie from the Ridonculous Race fandom.



The six remaining teams went to Cần Thơ, Vietnam, where they had to fish for catfish in The Mekong River. The three teams that hated each other, The Police Cadets, The Ice Dancers, and The Daters/Haters, realized that they were outnumbered by the newly formed alliance by the three remaining opposing teams, The Best Friends, The Sisters, and The Party Dudes. Sanders pointed out that only chance of not being eliminated one by one at this point in the game would be if they formed an alliance. MacArthur and Josee, especially, were very much unhappy to this idea, since they hated each other the most but they agreed to go along with it, just until they knocked out everyone on the "Superteam". MacArthur and Josee would let their rivalry get in the way of their overall alliance because they just kept arguing with each other. MacArthur was so mad, that she snatched a catfish that Sanders got and threw it into Josee's face, sabotaging their catch. Sanders was rightfully miffed but MacArthur believed that this was worth it before Josee dove down onto her and pummeled her. Incredibly aggravated at this point, Sanders reminded her teammates that the Superteam was beating them because they were all co-operating, so they needed to put their differences aside and hate the Superteam more so that they could win. Josee was ruffled by this as teamwork just wasn't in her genes. Stephanie agreed to play by these rules but only until they sent everyone on the Superteam packing. Josee groaned in defeat and called a truce with MacArthur. Right after calling this truce, Josee got the idea to sabotage the Superteam by bringing a crocodile to their boat to eat all their fish. MacArthur and Josee cackled maniacally at this idea and Sanders was quick to start regretting her team plan, realizing she had just created an axis of evil. MacArthur and Josee loudly conversed about the "giant catfish" by the rocks right in front of a visually impaired Devin, prompting him to go over there and grab the crocodile. Devin threw the crocodile into the fishing boat and it ate all of the catfish his team just got. Despite this, Brody was still able to give the Heimlich maneuver to the crocodile and make him barf up all their fish in front of the judge, letting them pass to the next challenge. Josee was infuriated that their plan didn't work and was about ready to call of The Axis of Evil. However, Jacques wounded up getting bit by the branded catfish, which earned The Axis of Evil to obtain a zip-it ticket and skip the second challenge, giving them a massive lead over the Superteam. This helped everyone on the team realize that they were actually working together quite well, which even Sanders agreed with. In the confessional, Jacques and Josee claimed that they didn't take this alliance seriously and were just planning on screwing over The Cadets, first chance they got. The Cadets, however, had the exact same plan about the Ice Dancers. Ryan and Stephanie were also on board because after seeing much MacArthur and Josee struggled to get along, they were distracted by each other, enough to keep themselves off their radar. In the end, all three of the villain teams won the challenge, tying for first place, and it was The Party Dudes, who got eliminated.


The five remaining teams went to Siberia, with The Axis of Evil having a huge lead. In the confessionals, The Cadets and Ice Dancers both stood their grounds on their plots to betray each other, when the time was right. Ryan and Stephanie noted that they were incredibly suspicious about the Ice Dancers and didn't think they could trust them. In the taxi to the airport, Sanders suggested they betray the Ice Dancers but MacArthur thought the better idea would be to sabotage The Sisters first. The Axis of Evil boarded the first flight to Sibera and hoped their flight could take off before the remaining mini-teams of Superteam got on board. However, the stupid airline pilot talked really, really slowly, holding up the plane long enough for the Superteam to join them, much to Josee's blustering fury. In Sibera, the teams all raced their iceboats down to The Kola Superdeep Borehole. While getting ready to board the boats, Josee "accidentally" pushed MacArthur into the trash can and got her tongue frozen stuck to the metal. Meanwhile, Stephanie was too distracted by Ryan's flirting with Carrie to focus on The Axis of Evil. She forced Ryan to play "bumper boats" with the Best Friends and keep ramming into them, causing them to eventually lose sight of the actual track and end up crashing into an iceberg. The Ice Dancers popped a screw loose from the second to last boat before they sailed off in the other one, hoping to destroy The Police Cadets. Sanders called out to The Ice Dancers, asking for them to help MacArthur get her mouth off the trashcan but they ignored her. Sanders just assumed they didn't hear her even though MacArthur absolutely didn't buy the act. The brake broke on the Cadet's boat due to the loose screw so MacArthur had to improvise by tying herself to a rope and using herself as an anchor with the trashcan to help slow them down just short of the Kola Superdeep Borehole. The friction of MacArthur's tongue being pulled back against the trashcan dragging on the ice finally pulled her tongue off in a VERY painful manner. After getting off, MacArthur swore vengeance on Josee. While trying to catch up with The Ice Dancers, who, at this point, had already skyrocketed their way to the finish line, MacArthur tried to rush the spelunking challenge by dropping Sanders all the way down a seven mile drop and ended up breaking the poor girls' arm. MacArthur felt so guilty about herself and rushed Sanders to the hospital to get all bandaged up. Sanders agreed to stay in the game with MacArthur under the condition that MacArthur stop calling all the shots and listened to her instead. Fortunately for everybody in the game, this was a non-elimination challenge.


The teams went to Bagdogra, India to harvest tea leaves from the Darjeeling tea gardens in a nice little basket. Now that MacArthur was taking orders from Sanders, The Cadets decided it would be best to break off from The Axis of Evil and they turned down The Ice Dancers' proposition to rip open the bottoms of the baskets that The Sisters were using. The Ice Dancers required The Police Cadets for a diversion and were very pissed at them. However, Josee was too hot to formulate a proper insult back at them. To substitute for The Police Cadets, The Ice Dancers required the assistance of Emma and Kitty to help them eliminate The Daters/Haters but The Sisters turned them down. After leaving, The Sisters found that the bottoms of their baskets were torn open, since The Ice Dancers had done the distracting all by themselves. On The Darjeeling Express, Jacques unhooked one of the cars from the train, stranding The Police Cadets as well as The Daters/Haters behind them. At the end of the episode, The Haters/Daters were eliminated from the game for not making it to the chill zone on time, completely dissolving the entire Axis.


Fans enjoyed the chemistry between these six villains working together and saw their team as an unstoppable force, even with all of the teams hating each other and betraying themselves every chance they got. Some fans even wondered how it would work if The Axis of Evil and The Superteam were official teams on Total Drama, competing against each other in some sort of an All-Stars season.



Axis of Evil on Reddit
Axis of Evil on Reddit


  • The term "Axis of Evil" is named after a political term coined by George W. Bush in 2002, to refer to Iraq, Iran, and North Korea, who were the three biggest enemies of The United States at the time. This, in and of itself, was a reference to the "Axis Powers", a term used during WWII to describe Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperialist Japan.


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