Barbara Gordon
Full name
Barbara Joan Gordon (Prime Earth) Barbara Lee Gordon (Gotham) Barbara Gail Gordon (Titans)
Oracle, Batgirl, Babs, Bluebelle
Married (New Earth/DCAU) In a relationship (Prime Earth/Young Justice) Single (Gotham/Titans)
1997 (Young Justice)
Barabara Eileen Gordon (mother) Jim Gordon (father) James Gordon Jr. (brother)
Barbara Kean (mother) Jim Gordon (father) Lee Thompkins (step mother) Peter Gordon † (grandfather) Unnamed (grandmother) Everett Kean † (grandfather) Unnamed † (grandmother) Frank Gordon † (uncle)
Thelma Gordon † (mother) {{F|Roger Gordon †|(father) Barabara Eileen (aunt/adoptive mother) Jim Gordon (uncle/adoptive father) James Gordon Jr. (cousin/adoptive brother) Unnamed (aunt)
Yvonne Craig (Batman '66) Melissa Gilbert (Batman: The Animated Series) Mary Kay Bergman (Batman: Sub-Zero) Tara Strong (DCAU, The Killing Joke, Teen Titans Go!, Super Best Friends Forever, Beware the Batman, DC Super Hero Girls) Alicia Silverstone (Batman & Robin) Stockard Channing (Batman Beyond) Angie Harmon (Batman Beyond) Dina Meyer (Birds of Prey) Danielle Judovits (The Batman) Mae Whitman (Batman: The Brave and the Bold, DC Super Hero Girls) Hannah Gun (The Dark Knight) Alyson Stoner (Young Justice) The Lego Batman Movie (Rosario Dawson) Rachel Bloom (Batman vs TMNT) Peyton R. List (DCAMU) Jeté Laurence (Gotham) Savanna Welch (Titans) Briana Cuoco (Harley Quinn)
Barbara "Babs" Gordon also known as Oracle and Batgirl is a character from the DC Comics fandom, adapted into the DC Animated Universe , Young Justice , DC Super Hero Girls and Gotham fandoms.
Character [ ]
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New Earth [ ]
Barbara Gordon is the daughter of Commissioner Jim Gordon and the older sister to Jim Gordon Jr.. As a teenager Babs was inspired by Batman to become a vigilante, becoming the hero Batgirl . She became and ally to him and Robin , before eventually retiring. During this time, Babs was shot by the Joker and became paralyzed, loosing the ability to walk. She then found a way to be an ally to Batman and other superheroes as she took up the moniker Oracle . As Oracle Babs became the eyes in the sky, using her immense amount of tech knowledge to hack her way into any system. She founded the Birds of Prey alongside Black Canary , and Huntress . She ended up in a relationship with Dick Grayson and the two eventually got married.
Ships [ ]
BabsDonnie — the ship between Babs and Donatello
BabsHal — the ship between Babs and Hal Jordan
Babsiddler — the ship between Babs and Edward Nygma
BabsPenguin — the ship between Babs and Oswald Cobblepot
Flagirl — the ship between Babs and Barry Allen
Barbara x John — the ship between Babs and John Blake
BruBabs — the ship between Babs and Bruce Wayne
ClarkBabs — the ship between Babs and Clark Kent
DickBabs — the ship between Babs and Dick Grayson
GarBabs — the ship between Babs and Garfield Logan
JayBabs — the ship between Babs and Jason Todd
LukeBabs — the ship between Barbara and Luke Fox
RoyBabs — the ship between Babs and Roy Harper
TedBabs — the ship between Babs and Ted Kord
TimBabs — the ship between Babs and Tim Drake
BabsAlysia — the ship between Babs and Alysia Yeoh
BabsBette — the ship between Babs and Bette Kane
BabsFrankie — the ship between Babs and Frankie Charles
BabsIvy — the ship between Babs and Pamela Isley
BabsJess — the ship between Babs and Jessica Cruz
Babslina — the ship between Babs and Selina Kyle
BabsQuinn — the ship between Babs and Harley Quinn
BabsRae — the ship between Babs and Rachel Roth
BabsRose — the ship between Babs and Rose Wilson
BabsTalia — the ship between Babs and Talia al Ghul
Babstanna — the ship between Babs and Zatanna Zatara
BabsTatsu — the ship between Babs and Tatsu Yamashiro
Barbara x Helena — the ship between Babs and Helena Kyle
Barbara x Renee — the ship between Babs and Renee Montoya
BGA — the ship between Babs and Artemis Crock
BGRE — the ship between Babs and Raquel Ervin
DianaBabs — the ship between Babs and Diana of Themyscira
DinahBabs — the ship between Babs and Dinah Laurel Lance
DonnaBabs — the ship between Babs and Donna Troy
HelenaBabs — the ship between Babs and Helena Bertinelli
JadeBabs — the ship between Babs and Jade Nguyen
KaraBabs — the ship between Babs and Kara Zor-El
KateBabs — the ship between Babs and Kate Kane
KoryBabs — the ship between Babs and Koriand'r
StephBabs — the ship between Babs and Stephanie Brown
Alpha Squad — the ship between Babs, Cassie Sandsmark , Karen Beecher and M'gann M'orzz
BabsHarlivy — the ship between Babs, Harley Quinn and Pamela Isley
BOP Polycule refers to the ship between Barbs, Dinah Laurel Lance , Helena Bertinelli and Zinda Blake
BruDickBabs — the ship between Babs, Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson
CatBabsIvy — the ship between Babs, Selina Kyle and Pamela Isley
DABB — the ship between Babs, Dick Grayson , Artemis Crock and Jaime Reyes
DickKoryBabs — the ship between Babs, Dick Grayson and Koriand'r
HelenaDinahBabs — the ship between Babs, Helena Bertinelli and Dinah Laurel Lance
JayBabsKory — the ship between Babs, Jason Todd and Koriand'r
Batfamily — the ship between Babs, Bruce Wayne , Selina Kyle , Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson , Jason Todd , Stephanie Brown , Tim Drake , Cassandra Cain , Damian Wayne , Lucius Fox, and the other Gotham allies of Batman
JimBabs — the ship between Babs and Jim Gordon
Young Bats — the ship between Babs, Dick Grayson , Jason Todd , Stephanie Brown , Tim Drake , Cassandra Cain and Damian Wayne
BabsAce — the ship between Babs and Ace the Bat-Hound
BabsCass — the ship between Babs and Cassandra Cain
BabsDami — the ship between Babs and Damian Wayne
Batgirls — the ship between Babs, Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown
DickBabsDami — the ship between Babs, Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne
Super Hero Girls (G1) — the ship between Babs, Diana of Themyscira , Kara Zor-El , Harley Quinn , Karen Beecher, Pamela Isley and Tatsu Yamashiro
Super Hero Girls (G2) — the ship between Babs, Diana of Themyscira , Kara Zor-El , Jessica Cruz and Karen Beecher
TerrBabs — the ship between Babs and Terry McGinnis
BabsOracle — the ship between Babs Gordon and Oracle (AI)
Canon [ ]
Dick Grayson
Main article: DickBabs
Fanon [ ]
Dinah Laurel Lance
Main article: DinahBabs
Fandom [ ]
Barbara Gordon tag on AO3
Barbara Gordon on DC Animated Universe Wiki
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