Barf Bag is a character from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.
Barf Bag is a contestant in the fourth and fifth seasons of Battle for Dream Island. She has competed on teams Team Ice Cube! and Team8s.
- Barfblock — the ship between Barf Bag and Blocky
- Barfnut — the ship between Barf Bag and Donut
- Cakebag — the ship between Barf Bag and Cake
- Clockbag — the ship between Barf Bag and Clock
- Coinbag — the ship between Barf Bag and Coiny
- Gelabag — the ship between Barf Bag and Gelatin
- Penbag — the ship between Barf Bag and Pen
- Spongebag — the ship between Barf Bag and Spongy
- Tennisbag — the ship between Barf Bag and Tennis Ball
- Yellowbag — the ship between Barf Bag and Yellow Face
- Barfbot — the ship between Barf Bag and Robot Flower
- Barfdrop — the ship between Barf Bag and Teardrop
- Barflety — the ship between Barf Bag and Bracelety
- Barfmote — the ship between Barf Bag and Remote
- Bottlebag — the ship between Barf Bag and Bottle
- Foldbag — the ship between Barf Bag and Foldy
- Gatybag — the ship between Barf Bag and Gaty
- Liybag — the ship between Barf Bag and Liy
- Lollibag — the ship between Barf Bag and Lollipop
- Matchbag — the ship between Barf Bag and Match
- Nailbag — the ship between Barf Bag and Naily
- Needlebag — the ship between Barf Bag and Needle
- Piebag — the ship between Barf Bag and Pie
- Pinbag — the ship between Barf Bag and Pin
- Rubybag — the ship between Barf Bag and Ruby
- Sawbag — the ship between Barf Bag and Saw
- Vomitaco — the ship between Barf Bag and Taco
- Yolk Bag — the ship between Barf Bag and Eggy
- Palmbag — the ship between Barf Bag and Palmy
- Twobag — the ship between Barf Bag and Two
- Winnerbag — the ship between Barf Bag and Winner
- Tacobarfnut — the ship between Barf Bag, Taco and Donut
- Spongy
- Main article: Spongebag
- Barf Bag
# | portmanteau | characters | type |
17 | Barfnut | Donut | het |
3 | Barf Bag & Spongy | Spongy | gen |
2 | Barf Bag & Donut | Donut | gen |
1 | Lollibag | Lollipop | femslash |
1 | Vomitaco | Taco | femslash |
1 | Cakebag | Cake | het |
1 | Firey Jr | het |