Basketennis is the het ship between Basketball and Tennis Ball from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.
Battle for BFDI[]
Basketball teams up with 8-Ball, who also adds Tennis Ball and Golf Ball to the team because they're all balls.
Before the second challenge, Basketball is among the crowd yelling at Four to revive their dead teammates. In this case she is yelling at him to revive Tennis Ball and Golf Ball. Even when Tennis Ball is brought back, she still continues to yell because Golf Ball is still dead. After Golf Ball is brought back and her team leader position is overthrown, Tennis Ball explains to her that she tried to stop Basketball and the rest of the team from doing so.
When Basketball tells the team that she's been inspecting Robot Flower, Tennis Ball and Golf Ball shift eyebrows at each other. Basketball asks Tennis Ball if he's done and he quickly apologizes, letting her explain her discovery.
Basketball and Tennis Ball are launched by Blocky onto their team basket to weigh it down to the buzzer. This works and the team is tenuously declared safe by X for the challenge.
When Golf Ball refuses to tell Basketball the plan to retrieve X's emeralds, she gets Tennis Ball to ask her. Basketball thanks him when he shares to her the plan to dig.
As Golf Ball keeps herself busy preventing iance from returning to the surface from underground, Basketball figures this is her way of having fun. Tennis Ball sighs and agrees.
The Power of Two[]
Basketball originally teams up with Golf Ball and Tennis Ball again, which he seems to be fine with. However, the two are caught off guard by Golf Ball shouting that the team has too many useless people, which is enough to get Basketball to leave and find another team.
After the nightmare challenge, Tennis Ball recovers Basketball and the rest of her team. As he types Robot Flower's name into the recover center, Basketball asks that he wait to recover her for the moment.
Basketennis is a rarepair in the Battle for Dream Island fandom although after the recent interactions between the two, it has become more popular.. The ship mainly originates from the two being teammates of team A Better Name Than That in BFB, with similarities between them include being sports balls and their shared intellectual curiosity. Shippers of the two often keep in mind how they maintain a fairly positive friendship compared to other balls like them with Golf Ball, even with Tennis Ball's longer history with her. Common themes in ship art between the two involve their team dynamic or Golf Ball getting jealous of the two. Pairings within the team that often rival the ship include Tengolf, Basketgolf, Bask8ball, and Tennis8.
On AO3, the is currently one written gen work
- Basketball & Tennis Ball tag on AO3
- Basketball and Tennis Ball search results on DeviantArt
- Basketball x Tennis Ball posts on Reddit
- Basketball and Tennis Ball posts on Tumblr
- Basketennis posts on Twitter
- Basketball x Tennis Ball posts on Twitter