BatLantern is the slash ship between Bruce Wayne and Hal Jordan from the DC Comics fandom.
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Blackest Night[]
The event started with Bruce's death by being shot by Darkseid's omega beam. Hal visited his graveyard and took his time mourn Bruce's death in his heart. Hal told Barry that he and Bruce had many differences, but those are all in the past now. Hal remembered about the time he and Bruce had a heart-to-heart conversation about their parents' death and how it messed their life up. Hal told Barry that in the end, Bruce is still his friend.
Justice League: New 52[]
Justice League: The Origin[]
Bruce and Hal happened to investigate the same mysterious alien technology, so Hal met Bruce in Gotham and was surprised that Batman was real. They worked together to solve this case, but they bicker a lot. Hal mocked Bruce for not having any actual superpowers, and Bruce retorted by taking Hal's ring and mocked him for not concentrating and not actually thinking about anything.
When the battle with Darkseid climaxed, the Justice League team is separated, and Hal's hand is broken, but he still insisted on continue his fight. Bruce stopped him out of worries, and started to question his real motive for being too stubborn. Bruce asked Hal what is he trying to prove and who is he trying to live up to, implied that he understood Hal to some degree. Hal retorted by telling Bruce not to act like the man know him. Then, Bruce decided to take off his mask, reveal his identity and tell Hal the story about his parents and the reason he decided to become Batman. After that, Bruce tell Hal that this battle is not about them, and asked Hal to actually be a team-player for everyone's sake. He told Hal to gather everyone while he was on his way to save Superman. When Bruce has let himself taken by the Parademon, Hal said to himself that Bruce was even crazier than him, but in a kinda affectionate tone.
The Villain's Journey[]
When Bruce tried to assigned every Justice League's members with their tasks, Hal just blatantly said that they knew what to do already and went on his own. After that, when Barry found him, Hal asked how mad Batman was, and when being asked why he loved to poke the bear so much, Hal replied that because Batman is always cuddly.
At the end of this arc, the world has doubt Justice League's virtue because of their battle against each other in public eyes. That's why Hal, who started the fight with Wonder Woman, decided to quit, to become a scapegoat so everyone can blame on him. Bruce said that he was not the only one at fault, and he doesn't need to sacrifice like that, but Hal told him he should, and left the team.
Amazo Virus[]
At the end of Amazo Virus arc, Hal came back to the team, and the first thing he asked is where Batman was, stating that he wanted to see Bruce's expression when he knew Green Lantern was back.
Darkseid War[]
When Bruce took the Mobius chair and decided to go looking for a way to defeat their enemies, Hal volunteered to go along with him, joking that they can do some male bonding. Hal also tried to advice Bruce to get off the chair before it destroyed his mind. But Bruce just said that the chair made him knew everything, even about Hal. He said that Hal is not the real hero, but the ring. Hal was pissed off about that, saying that the chair made Bruce an asshole, but he just shrugged it off and said that they had more important things to do.
When Bruce's mind was actually invaded in the battle, Hal was the first to realize that. He took his own Lantern ring and made Bruce wear it so he can use willpower to escape from the chair. When Bruce said he might die for that, Hal replied that the universe needs Bruce more than him.
At the end of this arc, Hal came to Bat Cave just to see if Bruce was doing okay. Bruce tried to apologize for insulting Hal when he was in the chair, but Hal just told him to forget it.
Green Lantern 80th Anniversary[]
In the short story "Last Will", Hal got lost to a strange planet and thought he was about to die. The ring only had enough energy for him to send three messages. The first message is his S.O.S. message to the Green Lantern Corp, the second one is his message for Bruce, and the last one is for his lover Carol. In his message for Bruce, Hal said the he had always been jealous of Bruce because he was smart, and he made himself the man he is without needing a ring like Hal. He also said that without Bruce, he would be dead already, or would be still Parallax. In the end, he thanks Bruce for teaching him humility.
After that, he realized that he was just on Earth, so he was embarrassed and wanted to pull back the sent message, but it was not possible. After that, the whole Justice League laughed at him about the message, which means Bruce has told the whole team about Hal's message.
Justice League: War[]
Hal is being pinned down by a parademon, when Bruce shows up and knocks it to the side. He fights it, and is helped when Hal throws a train at it. Hal shines a light on Bruce and is surprised to find that Batman is real. Bruce tells Hal to turn off the light, but Hal ignores it in favor of saying that he had the Parademon.Fanon[]
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BatLantern is a pretty common ship in the DC fandom. Typically fans come from the New 52 comics and movies, because their dynamic is pretty focused here. They usually argue about many things and have many differences, but they also respect each other and can even give up their life for the other. Many fans find that complicated relationship of them fascinating. Also, in new 52, Hal loves to make Bruce angry about small things, which might looks like pulling pigtails from Hal's side.
On AO3, BatLantern is the second most written ship for Hal. There are currently 940 written works.
- BatLantern posts on Tumblr
- SuperBatLantern refers to the ship between Clark Kent, Bruce and Hal