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BatQuinn is the het ship between Bruce Wayne and Harley Quinn from the DC Comics, DC Animated Universe and DC Extended Universe fandoms.
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Batman first meets Harley when she was still a doctor at Arkham, where she treated some of his rogues before falling head over heels for the Joker. Harley, having a soft spot for criminals, disliked Batman and the way he treated them—beating them up and leaving them in need of care before placing them in cells. This made it easy for the Joker to turn Harley into a criminal herself, and she had no problem becoming an enemy of Batman. Batman had tried to warn her about the Joker, but he soon realized that Harley would never listen to him on that particular subject. Eventually, Harley left the Joker and found a new lover, transforming their relationship from enemies to lovers. Given her past life and expertise, the Dark Knight occasionally turns to Harley for input on cases.
DC Animated Universe[]
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Harley was created for DCAU before she was added to the comics. The relationship between her and Batman is of enemies, with her being the Joker's girlfriend and her failing to reform, with the way Gotham always saw her as a criminal. Hearing Harley explain her bad day to Batman got him to feel sorry for her, as he too has had those days and tells her so. After his final battle with Joker, Bruce assumed that Harley was dead as well; from how she disappeared after that dark night. He was angry of the way she allowed Joker to torture and then brainwash Robin.
Batman and Harley Quinn[]
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When Batman discovered that Poison Ivy has teamed up with another plant based villain from another universe, he has Nightwing call in the help of Harley Quinn. Despite her trying to leave her criminal life behind her, Harley's friendship with Ivy was the best link they have to finding Ivy and her new leafy partner. Even though Batman soon regrets letting Harley tag along with the trouble she has caused them since she jumped into the Batmobile. Until her leads and the lengths she was willing to go for them started to pay off.
Harley Quinn (2019)[]
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Harley initially is one of Batman's rogues, often making jokes to try and get a rise out of him. Although it never seems to succeed. Bruce does have some sympathy for her, as he tells her that she doesn't need to be with her abusive boyfriend, the Joker. Harley eventually learns his secret identity and becomes his therapist from time to time, as he clearly needs one. As she bonded with Bruce's child self when she went into his mind, where she gained a better understanding of him and what he was done for Gotham as the Dark Knight. This got Harley to make the promise of her helping Bruce with his trauma. With Batman unable to aid the others in protecting Gotham, Harley offered to fill in for him and has Batgirl welcome her into the Batfamily. Since Harley has proven herself to be more good than evil.
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BatQuinn is a smaller pairing in the Batfamily fandom, but it does have a decent-sized fanbase. Especially among certain Harley fans, as it is one of her more well known ships, and her most popular fanon ship. Some people view the ship as a crack ship, due to Harley being a former member of Batman's rouge's in the comics, and still a frequent rogue in adaptations. Although Batman has had other rogues as his love interests, meaning it's not as far out there as many may think. Fans of the ship are pleased that some Elseworlds comics will have Harley in love with Batman, and use inspiration from those comics for their fics and art.
On AO3, BatQuinn is the third most written ship for Harley. There are currently 192 written works.
- Harley/Bruce tag on AO3
- Harley & Bruce tag on AO3
- Bruce W./Harley Q. (Batman: The Animated Series) tag on FanFiction.Net
- Batman/Harley Q. (Batman) tag on FanFiction.Net
- Batman/Harley Q. (Arkham Asylum) tag on FanFiction.Net
- Batman/Harleen Q. (Injustice: Gods Among Us) tag on FanFiction.Net
- Bruce W./Harley Quinn (Batman comic) tag on FanFiction.Net
- Bruce W./Harleen Q. (Justice League) tag on FanFiction.Net
- Bruce W./H. Quinn (DC Superheroes) tag on FanFiction.Net
- BatQuinn tag on DeviantArt
- There is an Earth that has Batman marrying Harley.[citation needed]
- Harley had given Batman a few nicknames. Like Bats, Batsy, B-Man, the Dork Knight and a few others.
- BatJokeley refers to the ship between The Joker, Bruce and Harley
SHIPS | het | AlMax • AquaMera • AquaWonder • BatLane • BatQuinn • Clois • Harlick • Jarley • WonderBat • Wondertrev |
slash | AquaBat • AquaSuper • BatFlash • BatJokes • BatLex • Flashborg • HawkFate • Superbat • Vicroman • Vigilmaker | |
femslash | DianEtta • Dinaharley • Dinahelena • DinahRenee • Harley x Renee • HelenaRenee • Quintress • WonderCheetah • WonderLois • WonderMera • WonderPoison | |
poly | SuperBatLane • SuperWonderBat | |
family | Aquabros • BruAlf • DianaHippolyta | |
cargo | WonderCream | |
CHARACTERS | male | Barry Allen • Arthur Curry • Clark Kent • Lex Luthor • Victor Stone • Bruce Wayne |
female | Helena Bertinelli • Cassandra Cain • Dinah Laurel Lance • Lois Lane • Mera • Harley Quinn • Renee Montoya • Diana of Themyscira • Iris West |