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This article is about the DC Comics ship. You may be looking for the One Punch Man ship, Bat Family.

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Batfamily is the family ship between Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Damian Wayne, Lucius Fox, and the other Gotham allies of Batman from the DC Comics, DC Animated Universe and Young Justice fandoms.


This Gotham hero family started years after Bruce lost his parents while being looked after by his butler, before he grew up to become Batman. At first Bruce thought that he would be watching over Gotham on his own, while Alfred remains within the safety of the Batcave to patch him up. Until Bruce found himself adopting a young acrobat who became his first on-field-partner, Robin the Boy Wonder. Dick enjoyed his time as Robin, despite the times he and Bruce fought leaving Alfred to keep the peace between them, before he left to be his own person. This led to Bruce taking in another young boy who became the second Robin, along with making Jason Todd Bruce's second son and Dick's first brother. Three other Robins followed after Jason's death, along with him returning as the Red Hood. Tim uncovered Bruce's secret in order to help him when he noticed that his grief was leading him down a dark path, realising that he was right was what got Bruce to agree with the idea of creating a third Robin. Bruce had even given the role of Robin to a girl called Stephanie Brown until he fired her, but it didn't stopped Steph from protecting Gotham as Spoiler. Sometime after Bruce learned that he fathered a son with Talia al Ghul, Damian was named the next Robin by Dick. Who became Batman after Bruce was believed to be dead, while Tim as Red Robin refusing to expect that fact led to him uncovering the clues that reveal Bruce to still be alive. Tim's investigation is what helped the Batfamily to find and bring Bruce back, as well Dick giving Bruce back the title of Batman and allowing Damian to remain as Robin, while Dick went back to being Nightwing again. After adopting three boys and taking responsibility for his bio son, Batman finds himself taking in Cassandra Cain so he can teach her right from wrong, as she uses the skills from her assassin training for good. Even Bruce's cousin, Kate Kane ends up joining his mission as Batwoman.

The Batfamily isn't limited to people Bruce has adopted or shares blood with, it is also made out of people who get inspired by Batman to join in the fight against the insane criminals that plague their home city. Like the daughter of the police commissioner who supports Batman and his allies ends up becoming one of them. As Barbara Gordon self-taught herself to become Batgirl before Batman expects her as an ally, along with Dick executing the fact that the girl he has had off-on relationship with wants to help them. Even though part of Batman did regret letting her into his world when she got shot by the Joker and lost the ability to walk. Leading Barbara to become Oracle so she can keep helping the Batfamily with her computer skills. While Cass ad Steph had took up Babs's Batgirl mantel, allowing the three women to form a sister-like bond and continue to see each other in that way after the two also changed their hero titles from Batgirls. The other tech person Bruce trusts with his secret, besides Babs and Tim, is Lucius Fox, so he can have someone within his company he can trust and be able to use his stills to help build Batman gear and vehicles to aid him in his mission. Lucius's son, Luke Fox also ends up joining the Batpack as Batwing. Even one of Batman's rouges, Catwoman becomes an honorary member of his allies; due to their off-on relationship that sometimes has Selina Kyle aiding the Dark Knight.

Despite the conflicts and losses Bruce has suffered with the allies who became his found family, he still finds himself inspiring others to do what is right. Like Duke Thomas, who agrees to join his tanks as long as he didn't have to serve as Robin, Batman agreeing to this is what allowed Duke to create his own bat theme persona; Signal. Even thought Duke and a few other Batman sidekicks aren't well-known Batfamily members like Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, Barbara, Alfred, Damian, Selina and Kate, he and the other heroes Batman inspired are still members of this hero family who do what they can to keep Gotham safe.

In the 92 issue of the early Batman comic series, the Dynamic Duo of that time had found themselves gaining a four-legged member to their Batfamily. A German Shepherd who came to be known as Ace the Bat-Hound. Ace started out as a part time member of the Batpack, before his owner gave Batman full custody of his dog. This made Ace both a member of the Batfamily and their canine mascot. Even though Ace was written out of the comics before he gets reintroduced in the Rebirth universe series, Ace has been part of some warm or funny Batfamily moments in the comics. Like when Ace began to tug on Jason's jacket while the others watch to see Ace beating Jason in their game of tug of war. Flashback events of the Batman: Urban Legends story, "Hounded" also had Nightwing by Batman's side when they found Ace [1], along with Alfred being prepared to feed the dog. In the G1 of the DC Super Hero Girls web series, however, Ace was feature as the Great Dane pet of the Gordon family. Even though this version of Ace had acted like he was Batman's dog than Batgirl's.

DC Animated Universe[]

The Batfamily members in this animated DC universe are Bruce, Dick, Alfred, Barbara and Tim. While Catwoman was featured as a rare occasional ally than member of the DCAU version of the Batpack. Like in the comics, it starts with Bruce, Dick and Alfred, before Barbara and Tim joins them, along with having a few runs in with Selina. The series starts with Dick serving as Robin for a few years and because of school he doesn't get to help Batman very much. Leaving Alfred as Bruce's only company in the manor, while Dick was living at one of the school's dorms. Alfred likes it when Bruce and Dick got along and is always ready to help mend fences whenever the two have one of their disagreements. Barbara started out doing her own investigations when someone she cares about is in trouble and ends up running into Batman, before she began dawning her own bat-theme persona as Batgirl. Barbara's time as Batgirl was originally meant to be one time thing, before she decided to dawn on herself made costume again. Bruce had figured out that Batgirl was Barbara while leaving Dick in the dark. This led to him becoming very anger with Batman when Batgirl nearly got gravely hurt and that he would put his girlfriend in harms way. Resulting in Dick quitting as Robin and not being on speaking terms with either of the two. Despite what happened Barbara was allowed to continue on as Batgirl, as she became Batman's new partner. Soon after Tim Drake was made the new Robin, Dick came back into Bruce, Alfred and Barbara's lives again, as well as becoming part of Tim's life. Dick's return made all of them happy and that he'll be aiding them as Nightwing. Even though Dick first started out wanting to prove himself to Batman by solving cases on his own, before realising that he doesn't need to.

During the lead up events to Batman Beyond, however, Bruce's mission had begun to tear his Batfamily part and no longer being on speaking terms with either Dick, Barbara or Tim; while Alfred simply passed away. Bruce refused to give up the mission he dedicated his life to, while the others wanted to leave it behind and live normal lives without masks or caps. Bruce's only company was a dog he took in called Ace, before he met Terry McGinnis. Who ends up helping Bruce to mend fences with Barbara and Tim. Although Bruce and Barbara had lost touch, he still recommended her as someone in the police force that can be trusted, and Terry serving as the new Batman allowed them to be on speaking terms again. Even though she didn't approve of Bruce allowing Terry to become Batman from what they all have seen or done, before realising that Gotham still needs a Batman. When the Joker returned the two realised that their darkest secret had come back to haunt them, along with them worrying about Tim. Who was tortured and brainwashed by the Joker, before he killed him. What Tim went through at such a young was why Bruce refused to let him continue on as Robin. Resulting in them drifting apart, while still being on good terms with Barbara who serves a friendly ear. Wanting to protect Tim was what got both Bruce and Barbara refusing to tell Terry what happened between them and their final encounter with the old Joker, before they realised that they couldn't keep the secret forever. Luckily Terry, with help from Ace, was able to save Tim from the new Joker and after Tim was allowed visitors like Barbara at the hospital, Bruce pays him a visit knowing that it was time for them to make amends.

What happened to Dick in the Batman Beyond timeline is revealed in the comics of the DCAU universe [2]. Along with them adding in other Batfamily members that weren't mentioned or seen in either of their classic animated shows. As Jason and his Batman: the Animated Series backstory gets added to the DC Animated Universe in one of the story arc issues of Batman: The Adventures Continue. Even Damian gets added to DCAU through an elseworld story of the Batman Beyond universe [3].


A few Batman films, mostly the animated ones, have focused on the Batfamily or at least have had one or two Batfam moments. Even though some of these films only focused on Batman, Alfred, the Robin brothers (Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian), a few other Bat sidekicks and even Catwoman.

The Victorian Autumn of Terror set film has Batman meeting Dick, Jason and Tim as street orphans he saved from the man who forced them to steel and then sends them to a church that is run by a friend who takes in orphans like them. His mission to find and stop Jack the Ripper, as well as his kind view of the low-class women he has killed caught the attention and eye of Selina Kyle. While Alfred continues serving as Bruce's faithful ally, friend and moral compass outside the field. As it was Alfred that gets Bruce to go see Selina's show with Harvey and says the right words that get him to attend Sister Lesley's funerial. Where the butler meets the three young boys his master encountered a few short nights ago. Instead of turning them over to the police when Jason tried to steal from the old man, Alfred takes pity on the three and offers them food in exchange for "chores." Like having the three deliver a crate to Batman, after Bruce brock out of prison to keep Selina from revealing his secret to the Gordan in order to free Gotham's nightly protector from Jack the Ripper. While having no idea that the commissioner is the Ripper, luckily Batman arrives to save her just in time. Along with Alfred and the boys arriving to get the two out of the burning fair ground. Batman first thought that the boys were Alfred's until he tells his master that they are his. Batman and Selina were sad for the burning the fair and what it was to stand for, but Dick reassures them that they can create something that is new, better and real. Dick's works gets both adults to smile at that thought.

The Batfamily finds themselves getting sent to Feudal Japan when they were trying to stop Gorilla Grodd and the Gotham criminals he used as "guineapigs" for his time machine, the Quake Engine. Because Batman was fighting Gorilla while Catwoman was trying to steal the machine, Selina and his allies were sent back two years before Batman is transported into the past. When Selina and Alfred found each other in the past, they decided to stay together as they wait for Batman. While Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin and Robin were found by a ninja clan that worship a bat themed samurai from their legend. During those two years both parties kept a close eye on the Batman Rouges that became waring lords. Selina informs Batman of this when she found him and agrees to help defeat them in order to return home. Selina convinces Alfred to not reveal himself to Bruce until she brings him to the makeshift Batcave they created, before he tries to launch an attack on Lord Joker. Only to fail and lose what remains of his tech. Luckily, he gets saved by Nightwing and Red Robin, while Robin goes to pick up Alfred and Catwoman so they can bring them back to the Bat Clan's home village. As for Red Hood he was serving as a scout that was keeping an eye on the other trapped criminals, before he re-joins the others. Catwoman's longing to return back to the future, however, got her to betray Batman and his allies when she got her has on a piece of the Quake Engine and needs Grodd's help to fix the machine. Support from his allies and the people who have put their faith in him helps Batman to get back onto his feet and embrace the ways and rules of the old world they were trapped in, like the others have before him. During the final battle of the Lords Catwoman re-joins Batman and the others when Grodd revealed his true attentions and the two thrown out of the castle by Joker. While both Batman and Catwoman go to face Joker and Harley, the other former and current Robins deal with Penguin, Deadshot, Two Face and Poison Ivy. After the battle was won and all the pieces of the Quake Engine were put back together, Alfred was brought to the destroyed castles so he can be sent back to the future with the others. Batman has Nightwing, Red Robin and Robin hand the defeated criminals over to the police, while Red Hood and Catwoman took off. Leaving Bruce and Alfred to make their way to the mayor's gala like they planned before their trip to old Japan.

The relationship Jason has with members of the Batfamily (Bruce, Dick, Alfred, Barbara and Ace) depends on the good and bad choices that viewers make in the interaction movie version of Under the Red Hood, as they can have Bruce die in Jason's place, have the both of them survive the bomb's blast or still have Jason die. One of the endings of Bruce dying can have Jason encounter a young Tim who helps Jason back onto the path his adoptive father sent him one and then makes Tim his sidekick, Batkid. Just as the ending of both Jason and Bruce surviving the bomb blast has a serial killer Jason meet a baby Damian. This ending also revealed that Bruce was aware of Talia being pregnant with his child, but instead of allowing Batman to become part of Damian's early years Talia tells Bruce that she had lost their child before he was born. Bruce cutting ties with Talia after Jason was gravely hurt meant that Damian had lost a father, getting her to ask Jason to help her raise his baby brother as his new father figure. During the lead to this ending, however, Jason has sworn of family and decides to warp Damian into a weapon would destroy the Batfamily and League of Assassins from the inside. Jason's rage had him mistake Bruce, Alfred, Dick and Barbaras' smiles of joy for his survival as smiles of pity and began to see Dick and Barbara as visitors of Bruce, while blaming Alfred to allowing Bruce to become the person that he is.

As for the versions that come from Bruce dying in Jason's place, the path that has him wanting to kill the Joker has Jason lying to Dick, Babs and Alfred that they would bring the Joker in the right way for Bruce. This has Jason having some kind family-like moments with them, like letting Dick tell him Batman storis and the two brothers sitting beside Bruce's grave with Barbara. Before things go downhill when Jason ran into the Joker and ends up killing him. Leading Jason to become a serial killer version of Red Robin, while Dick as Batman tries to stop him. Both good and bad endings of this version has Jason being welcomed back by Dick and Barbara after he remembers Bruce's final words to him. The good ending has Jason providing them with a new member to their family, as both Dick and Tim ensure that Jason doesn't stray away from the path Bruce set them on again.

The second version of Jason not dying while the Batfamily loses Bruce, has Jason pushing Dick and the others away as he takes is upon himself to find and lure out the Joker as Red Hood. Because of the number of deaths he caused as Red Hood, Jason gets cast out of the Batfamily, for when he does or doesn't kill the Joker. The version that does have him killing the Joker brings Barbara to tears while saddening both Dick and Alfred. While losing the case on Joker knowing that they'll have to open a new one on Red Hood. As for the version that has Jason not killing the clown, Barbara turns her back on Jason and advised him to turn himself in to her father when he tried to explain his actions, while Batman!Dick chased him like he was another criminal to stop. Leaving Jason to wish that he had Bruce to guide him through this dark and lonely time in his life. He regrets what he did and no longer had a family to help him work through his vengeance seeking mistake. Jason soon learns that Talia had revived Bruce against her father's wishes and only part of him mind was broken. Realised that Talia had twisted Batman to her will when she asked him to join the League and that it was what Batman wants, Jason knew that Bruce would never have wanted him or any of their found family members to become killers. The good ending of the battle Red Hood has with Batman can have Jason manga to get Bruce away from Talia, before Dick arrives and brings them back the Batcave. Where the Batfamily look for ways to cure him. Due to the things he had done as Red Hood, Jason decides to take a step back from crime fight to truly recover, while trusting both Dick and Barbara to keep Gotham safe. Before he and Bruce are well enough to re-join them.

TV Series[]

Like with the animated DC films that Batman and his Gotham allies have appeared in or have focused on the Batfamily, with only having a select few members in them, it is the same with the animated or live-action shows on Batman and rest of the DC universe. With commonly having Batman and Alfred protecting Gotham or having them share family-like moments with Dick, Barabara and a few other fellow known Batfamily members. Like in the 2019 Harley Quinn series, with Batman working with Dick, Barbara, Damian and Alfred, while Jason was only mentioned in it by Joker to get under Batman's skin. Along with the Young Justice starting with Bruce, Dick and Alfred before a few other young Batfamily members join them in the Outsiders season of the series, as well as having the YJ versions of Jason and Damian being in the care of the League of Assassins; while the others are clueless to their existence or presents there. Even though Bruce has appeared in the Titans series, it mainly focuses on its young sidekick members that are part of the Titans team.

Although Batwheels focuses on the Bat-Family's living vehicles, it is the first cartoon to feature Duke Thomas, who serves as the Robin of the kids cartoon; before he grows to become Signal. While Cass is the show's Batgirl, rather than having her as Orphan, like she was in Young Justice. Batman, Nightwing and Ace also appear in it as well. Duke and Cass begged Batman if they could keep the puppy, while Dick and Cass were shown to be an affected team. Like he was with Barbara during her Batgirl days in DCAU.


“I told you and your father... to stay away from my family!”
— Bruce to Talia; Gotham Knights (Batgirl playthrough)


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The Batfamily is considered to be one of the most popular superhero families in the fandom world of comics, as well as adaptions of the DC universe. From how it started with a man who lost his parents and ended up becoming a father and mentor to those who wish to aid Batman in keeping their city safe, while keeping to his code. People who enjoy the family moments of the Batfamily over the dark theme of the Batman comics that has them together, tend to the feel drawn to the Batman: Wayne Family Adventures webtoon comic. Just as some prefer the young Batkids and sidekicks over the adult members. Because Ace the Bat-Hound is a dog than a person, some fans view him as the first canine member of the Batfamily or have him serve as their mascot; similar thoughts have also been said about Krypto the Superdog's role in the Superfamily.

Fans who were exited for the 2022 Batman game, Gotham Knights liked the way it focuses on the Batfamily and how four of its young sidekick members would cope with keeping their city safe without Batman to guide them. Some people were hoping for DLCs that would allow them to play other Knights than just Nightwing, Red Hood, Batgirl and Robin. Or at least have other members of the Batfamily appear in the game, before or after they too became Gotham's nightly protectors. Due to what happened to Caption America in the Marvel's Avengers game, fans had suspected that Bruce was still alive in secret and would later return to aid his young partners again or decided to retire after seeing how much have grown without him. Until the game's release dismissed these theories.

Because of how Terry McGinnis of the Batman Beyond universe was revealed to be Bruce's son in Justic League Unlimited, and how he ends up helping the disbanded Batfamily in the TV series and continuum comics mend fences with Bruce, people like to think of him as a future member of the Batfamily. From being from a distance future than the present-day events that the comics and other sources of DC medias are commonly focused on. There have been a few rare fanfics of Terry being taken in by either Bruce or one of his allies as a kid. Him being Bruce's son who ends up becoming his future successor, as well as the two forming a father and son-like bond before they learned the truth, is what helps people to think of Terry as a Batfamily member of tomorrow.

On AO3, there are over 2250 fanfics of the whole Batfamily that are tagged under "Batfamily members." Along with Tumblr being filled with fanart and posts on the Batfamily. Some Batman: Gotham by Gaslight fanfics are of Dick, Jason Tim living with Bruce and Alfred at the manor, while Selina becomes a mother-like figure to the three when she visits.


Batfamily Member tag on AO3
Batfamily tag on AO3
Batfamily posts on Tumblr
Batfam posts on Tumblr


  • DLCs of Batman: Arkham Knight can allow people to play Batfamily members that were seen in the game series.
  • At the end of the third season of the 2019 Harley Quinn animated series, Batgirl welcomes Harley to the Batfamily. When she offered to help her, Nightwing and Robin in Batman's absence.
    • There are other world stories that have Harley as an alley of the Batman.
  • Much like Harley Quinn, Nora Freeze and a few other characters that were originally created for DCAU, Terry McGinnis gets added to the DC comics through the Rebirth series of the Batman Beyond universe.



All art in this section is fan made, and must be sourced back to the original artist. It also must have permission from the original artist to be posted here. If your art is here without your permission and you wish to have it taken down, please inform an admin, so that we may delete it.



BabsCass refers to the ship between Babs and Cass
BabsDami refers to the ship between Babs and Damian
Batboys refers to the ship between Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian
Batbrothers refers to the ship between Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian
Batgirls refers to the ship between Babs, Cass and Steph
BatKids refers to the ship between Dick, Jason, Steph, Tim, Cass and Damian
BruAlf refers to the ship between Bruce and Alfred
BruBabs refers to the ship between Bruce and Babs
BruCass refers to the ship between Bruce and Cass
BruDami refers to the ship between Damian and Bruce
BruDickBabs refers to the ship between Dick, Bruce and Babs
BruJay refers to the ship between Jason and Bruce
BruSteph refers to the ship between Bruce and Steph
BruTim refers to the ship between Tim and Bruce
BWDG refers to the ship between Dick and Bruce
CassDami refers to the ship between Cass and Damian
DamiSteph refers to the ship between Stephanie and Damian
DickBabs refers to the ship between Dick and Babs
DickBabsDami refers to the ship between Babs, Dick and Damian
DickCass refers to the ship between Dick and Cass
DickDami refers to the ship between Dick and Damian
DickJayTim refers to the ship between Dick, Jason and Tim
DickSteph refers to the ship between Dick and Steph
Drayson refers to the ship between Dick and Tim
JayBabs refers to the ship between Babs and Jason
JayCass refers to the ship between Jason and Cass
JayDami refers to the ship between Jason and Damian
JayDick refers to the ship between Dick and Jason
JaySteph refers to the ship between Jason and Steph
JayTim refers to the ship between Jason and Tim
Robins refers to the ship between Dick, Jason, Tim, Steph and Damian
StephBabs refers to the ship between Steph and Babs
StephCass refers to the ship between Cass and Steph
TimBabs refers to the ship between Babs and Tim
TimCass refers to the ship between Tim and Cass
TimDami refers to the ship between Damian and Tim
TimSteph refers to the ship between Tim and Steph
Young Bats refers to the ship between Dick, Babs, Jason, Steph, Tim, Cass and Damian


DC Bullet 2024
DC Comics ShipsHet DC Comics ShipsSlash DC Comics ShipsFemslash DC Comics ShipsMale DC Comics CharactersFemale DC Comics Characters
SHIPS het AlMaxAquaMeraAquaWonderBabsDonnieBatannaBatCatBatLaneBatQuinnBatShivaBBRaeBBStarBBTerraBruBabsBruTaliaBruWeissCloisCyRaeCyStarDamiRaeDemonfireDickBabsDickKoryDinahOllieHalCarolHarleypoolHawkmatesJadeRoyJarleyJasonyouJayBabsJayStephJohnZeeKaradoxKarolsenPoisonBatRaeFlashRobJinxSuperarrowStarzamStephKonSuperWonderTalJayTimBabsTimStephTrigEllaTuernlaVictoraWallindaWestallenWonderBatWondertrevZeeiver
slash AquaBatAquaSuperAtomarrowBartDickBatArrowBatFlashBartKonBatJokesBatLanternBatLexBatstantineBirdFlashBoostleBrainMallahChastantineClexClollieColdwaveColdFlashConnorKenanConnorKyleConstanqueenConstantsharkCyBBCyRobDamiJonDickJoeyDickRoyDickstrokeEobarryFlashborgGhostBatGordlockHalBarryHalOllieHawkFateJayKyleJayJonJayRoyKonGarKrypAceKyleWallyLexJokesMidpolloNygmobblepotOlivarryPatrochillesRiddlebatRoyKyleRoyWallySinghwaySinHalSladiverStarblazerSuperbatSuperBrainSuperolsenTimBartTimberTimConnorTimKonTwoBatsWallyPiper
femslash Amy x LorenaAnitaCissieBabsAlysiaBabsFrankieBabsIvyBabsQuinnBabslinaBabsRaeBabsRoseBabstannaBatmooreBeaToraCassieRaeCatQuinnCissieCassieDianaKateDianEttaDianlaDinahBabsDinaharleyDinahelenaDinahZeeDitemisDonnaKoryDonnaRaeEiko x SelinaHarley x ReneeHarlivyHarperCassHelenaBabsHelenaReneeJinxQuinnKaneeKanversKaraBabsKaraCassieKaraLoisKatanaQuinnKateBabsKatelinaKatequinnKate x SafiyahKawyerKoryBabsM'gann x RosePamlinaPoisonFrostQuintressRoseCassieRoseRaeStarRaeStephCassStephCassieStephGretaStephHarperStephKaraSuperSaturnTalia x JadeTalinaTerraRaeThundergraceWestparkWonderBardaWonderCaptainWonderCanaryWonderCarterWonderCatWonderCheetahWonderCroftWonderDoveWonderHawkWonderLoisWonderMagicWonderMeraWonderQuinnWonderSuperZeeKateZindinah
non-binary JessAndyScarab Love
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friend BabsCassBabsDamiBatgirlsBruAceBruDukeBruStephClarkryptoCore FourDamiRaphDamiStephWonderwing
cargo JayCrowbarMeraWaterPoisonPlantsTimCoffeeWonderCreamZeeMagic
CHARACTERS male Male DC Comics CharactersBarry AllenBart AllenJohn ConstantineArthur CurryQuerl DoxTim DrakeDick GraysonRoy HarperConnor HawkeNate HeywoodHal JordanClark KentConner KentGarfield LoganLex LuthorRay PalmerJimmy OlsenOliver QueenKyle RaynerCisco RamonMick RoryLeonard SnartVictor StoneJason ToddBruce WayneDamian WayneWally West
female Female DC Comics CharactersNyssa al GhulTalia al GhulHelena BertinelliStephanie BrownCassandra CainDiana of ThemysciraBarabara GordonPamela IsleyKate KaneCissie King-JonesKoriand'rSelina KyleDinah Laurel LanceLois LaneAstra LogueLena LuthorMeraRenee MontoyaHarley QuinnRachel RothCassie SandsmarkFelicity SmoakCaitlin SnowDonna TroyIris WestRose WilsonZatanna ZataraKara Zor-El
DCAU logo
SHIPS het AquaMeraBatannaBatCatBatHawkBatLaneBatQuinnBruBabsBruTaliaCloisDickBabsDinahOllieJarleyKaradoxStarzamVictoraWallindaWonderBatWondertrev
slash AquaBatAquaSuperBatArrowBatJokesBatLexClexLexJokesSuperbatTwoBats
femslash BabsQuinnBabslinaBeaToraCatQuinnDianAresiaDianAudreyDinahelenaHarley x ReneeHarlivyKaraBabsKaraLoisPamlinaWonderCanaryWonderCheetahWonderHawkWonderMera
poly BatJokeleyGotham City SirensSuperBatLaneSuperWonderBat
family BatfamilyBruAlfBruTerrBruTimDianaHippolytaDraysonJimBabsRoyOllieSupercousins
cargo PoisonPlantsZeeMagic
CHARACTERS male Arthur CurryQuerl DoxTim DrakeDick GraysonRoy HarperHal JordanClark KentLex LuthorJimmy OlsenOliver QueenKyle RaynerCisco RamonLeonard SnartBruce WayneWally West
female Talia al GhulHelena BertinelliBarabara GordonPamela IsleySelina KyleDinah Laurel LanceLois LaneMeraHarley QuinnRenee MontoyaDiana of ThemysciraZatanna ZataraKara Zor-El
YJ logo
SHIPS het AquarMeraBarryIrisCloisDickBabsDinahOllieSpitfireTalJayTimBartTimStephWonderBat
slash BartDickBatArrowBartKonBirdFlashBluepulseClexCyBBDickRoyKonGarRoyWallySuperbatTimKon
femslash BabstannaSnaibselStephCassStephCassieTalia x JadeZaquel
poly SuperWonderBat
non-binary Scarab Love
family AquabrosBarryBartBarryWallyBatfamilyBruTimBWDGCassSandraClarkJonClarkKonDianaCassieDianaDonnaDraysonJayDamiJayTimLexKonRoyOllieTimCassZataras
friend BabsCassBatgirls
cargo MeraWaterZeeMagic
CHARACTERS male Barry AllenBart AllenArthur CurryQuerl DoxTim DrakeDick GraysonHal JordanClark KentConner KentGarfield LoganLex LuthorOliver QueenCisco RamonLeonard SnartVictor StoneJason ToddBruce WayneDamian WayneWally West
female Talia al GhulStephanie BrownCassandra Wu-SanDiana of ThemysciraBarbara GordonPamela IsleyKate KaneCissie King-JonesDinah Laurel LanceLois LaneMeraCassie SandsmarkIris WestZatanna ZataraKara Zor-El