Batstantine is the slash ship between Bruce Wayne and John Constantine from the DC Comics fandom.
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Bound to Our Will[]
Bruce and Zatanna are in a safe house when there is a perimeter breech. Bruce goes to see whose entered and attacks them, only for Zatanna to stop him since it's John. John says that Zatanna called, and they're lucky he got there in time or they would have faded to nothing. Bruce asks why he's here and John says that Bruce called, specifically calling Bruce gorgeous. Zee says it's not the time, and John explains that somethings escaped and affected the two of them.
He shows them what it is and Zatanna feels rough from the experience, needing a moment. Bruce starts to go after her, but John stops him, since Zee needs her space. John figured that Bruce would want to ask about the next steps, since he's always like that, and Bruce says that Zee hasn't been very forward with the particulars. John notes the lack of communication between the two and says he doesn't mind being in the middle, but Bruce doesn't want to talk about it. John says that Bruce's distain for him is hard to ignore, and Bruce says John has a pretty big ego believing that Bruce gives that much of a thought about him. John says it's not his first round with broody types and Bruce just says that he might just not like the smell of John's cologne. John says a lesser person would think it's because Bruce is jealous of John's relationship with Zee, but John has a higher opinion of Bruce and tells him to cut the crap. Bruce says that the relationship does bother him, but that's on him not John.
His real problem with John is that he's a magnet for chaos, and John tells him to say how he really feels, calling him handsome in the process. Bruce gives a long list of examples, and John tells him to stop taking his anger at himself out on John. John says that they need him and Bruce asks if this is the part where they have to back to where the beings were unleashed. John says yes, and goes to get Zee.
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Batstantine is a smaller paring, mostly due to their limited interactions. Although people that do ship it is mostly due to Constantine seeming flirting with Bruce every time they team up. It can easily being interpreted that Bruce is also flirting back.
On AO3 Batstantine is the tenth most written ship for Constantine. There are currently 80+ written works.
- Constantine/Bruce tag on AO3
- Batstantine posts on Tumblr
Fan Art[]

art by kalamariboy
- ConstanBatanna refers to the ship between Zatanna Zatara, Bruce and John