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Bellith is the het ship between Lilith Clawthorne and Emperor Belos from The Owl House fandom.


Like many other witches on the Boiling Isles, Lilith strongly believed in Belos's words and ways, as it was his ideal words on sacrifices that got Lilith to curse her own sister, Eda, in order to get into his Emperor's Coven. From how she worked and studied hard to get accepted into it. After words Lilith continued to work hard and climbed the ranks that eventually made her Belos's Coven Head of his main coven. Unknown to Lilith, however, Belos became aware that Eda had got her hands on the portal to the human realm and used Lilith's love and guilt of what she did to her sister as a means to trick her into capturing the Owl Lady for him. Or else Eda would remain cured, and Lilith would be kicked out of the Emperor's Coven. As Belos had ensured that coven-less witches are punished for not joining any of the covens he created. Belos had even got Kikimora to remind Lilith of the task and for her to capture Eda as soon as possible (from how he wants the portal in his hands before the Day of Unity). Unaware of Belos's true plans or that he has no attention to cure Eda, Lilith continued to faithfully serve Belos and kept trying to bring Eda to him. When trying to convince Eda to join the Emperor's Coven like they dreamed about as kids didn't work, Lilith was forced to take drastic measures to capture Eda. Belos watched from above as Lilith used Luz as a means to push Eda to her limit until her curse transformed her in the Owl Beast, making her a lot easier to capture. Once the task Belos trusted to Lilith was completed, she learned the hard way that Belos had used her to get the portal from Eda and had lied about curing her.

Realising that her faith and trust in Belos got her to make another terrible mistake, that once again had Eda paying for it, Lilith knew that she has to betray him in order to help Luz and King save her sister. Lilith had already gone against Belos's orders to destroy Owlbert and was ready to face him if it meant saving Eda. Belos, however, was ready for Lilith and her new allies, and order for her and King to be petrified with Eda. Luckily Lilith was able to escape with help from Luz and Eda, while Belos ordered his grunts to leave them be for now. Since he already had the portal and needed to focus on repairing it. Lilith's actions that day got her banished from his coven and promoted his young Golden Guard to Coven Head. Much to Lilith's annoyance, from how much she disliked Belos's young nephew. While Belos remined powerful, Lilith lost the natural way to use magic in order to place half of Eda's curse into herself. To apologise for what she did for the sake of pleasing Belos. Being coven-less did upset Lilith as she wasn't sure what her place in the world was from being blinded by Belos's laws that are unfair to coven-less witches. Like using his influence and rule to get Lilith fired from her assistant job at the Supernatural Museum of History. Lilith's time with the Owl House family even got her to realise that Belos had also been lying about the past and has been keeping things from them.

When Lilith went back in time with Luz to meet Philip Wittebane, she had no idea that he'll become Emperor Belos. Thinking that he was the first trapped human who wants to go home like Luz was what got her to help Philip find the Collector, assuming that it would also help Luz. Even though she was weary of the human man Luz conversed her to help. Once she got a chance glimpse of the cruel side Philip tried to hide from the two with his mind game, Lilith punched him in the face for trying to sacrifice them and not being the man Luz thought he was. Along with Lilith telling Philip to "stay mad." Lilith's punch left a nasty scar on his nose, even the magic life energy he feeds on from palismen didn't completely heal it. Philip already had a deep hatred for witches and secretly being a witch hunter didn't help as his anger towards Lilith's kind grew. With help from the Collector, Philip as Belos had been preparing for the day he'll be able to kill ever last witch on the Boiling Isles. While keeping his true plans and identity as a former human a secret from everyone. Lilith discovered the truth after Eda sent Owlbert to inform Lilith what Luz had learned in his mind, as the news made Lilith feel like an idiot for believing in Belos for so long. Knowing that Belos and his master plan had to be stopped, Lilith joins a small group of rebel witches who have secretly been preparing to stop him for a while. Even though the C.A.T.'s plan was discovered and foiled by Belos's loyal Coven Heads, while he was getting ready to finally return home. Leaving Lilith and the other witches at the mercy of the Draining Spell.


Bellith is a rare crack ship from season one, as after Lilith left Belos's side at the end of the first season it had got fans to move their focus away from the ship. While choosing to focus on ships like Belomora and Stilith. That is why the ship only has 9+ het fanfics and 23+ gen fics on AO3. Along with people seeing Lilith as a victim of Belos's lies and deceptions. Fans also steer clear of Lilith ships in general due to her being aromantic and not interested in dating.

After "Hollow Mind" secretly revealed in the background that Belos's brother had become close to a witch that has young adult Eda's hair style, it got fans to wonder if the witch could have been a member of the Clawthorne family. Giving Belos a connection to Lilith's family long before she joined his coven and became its head. The revealed glimpses of Philip's past and what he did to his brother, even got people to parallel his actions to when Lilith cursed Eda. Along with comparing the sibling bond and energies they shared with Eda and Caleb. This thought had inspired a few fans to portray Lilith as Belos in a Role Swap AU. Since Belos had recognized Luz when she met him as Philip, there is a chance that he might have also recognized Lilith, or at least may have assumed that she looked familiar from how Lilith's appear as changed a bit after she placed half of Eda's curse into herself.


Lilith/Belos tag on AO3
Lilith & Belos tag on AO3


  • "Any Sport in a Storm" revealed that when witches join Belos' coven they are requested to give up their palisman, but Lilith was allowed to keep hers.
    • Unless that requirement was added when Belos became desperate for palismen, or had allowed Lilith to keep as a means to gain her trust and loyalty to him.



The Owl House logo navbox
SHIPS het BellithBelomoraBrulithBrigusCamilosEvelebGoldenskarHuntarcyHuntashaHuntlowHuntmiraLudricLunterLusMysteryOwlOdaladorSkingVedricVeenterWillGus
slash AladariusGoldricGusterGustholomuleHootlingo
femslash AmillowBoschmityBoschlowCamilithClarVeeLumiraLumityLuzanneLuzarcyLuzMiraViniraWilluzWillVee
non-binary DariraineRaedaVeesha
poly CamilraedaEdhuntlowLavender WinterLumiterLuzblightsLuzWillGusRaediusWillumity
family BelonterBlight FamilyBlight SiblingsBlight TwinsCamilmomCaminterCamiluzClawthorne SistersDadladorDadriusEdakingLedakingOwl House FamilyOwl MomTitanlightsVeeLuzWittebane Brothers
friendships AladunterAmilithBat ParentBesties in TraumaBellectorBelLuzCamila & WillowCollectLuzCollectnelCollectKingCollector ClawthorneEdanterEdricdaEmerald TrioGusmityHexsquadHoolithHuntilithHuntjackHuntmoraOwluzRaven AuntStilith
cargo Snowdric
CHARACTERS female Amity BlightCamila NocedaEmira BlightEda ClawthorneLilith ClawthorneLuz NocedaVeeWillow Park
male Alador BlightEdric BlightEmperor BelosHunterKing ClawthorneGus Porter
non-binary The CollectorRaine Whispers