Bethody is the het ship between Beth and Cody from the Total Drama fandom.
Total Drama Island[]
Cody teased Beth for not wanting to jump off the cliff and calls her a chicken.
Cody snuck up on Beth in the woods to ask her a question. Upset because of how Heather had been treating her lately, Beth just told Cody to shoot her because she didn't care about the game anymore. Cody came out of the bushes and corrected her on him shooting her. Since he was a deer and Beth was a hunter, there was a slight food chain issue with him shooting her. Cody noticed that Beth was not in the best of moods so he asked her how she was doing. Beth vented about how pissed off she was with the game, Heather-wise and how she risked her life just to get a bag of chips for her. Cody and Beth walked up to Heather so that Beth could give Heather the chips. When Beth told Heather "No" and Heather got mad at Beth for that, Cody sensed that there was danger afoot and ran off. However, he also went and snatched the bag of chips for himself, since Heather didn't want them.
At the end of the episode, Cody was eliminated for getting mauled by a bear, which made him very useless in challenges. Because Cody was all bandaged up and in a wheelchair, he was incapable of going to the Dock of Shame, himself. Beth volunteered to help push him down the docks and to the Boat of Losers. Beth talked to Cody as she pushed him down the docks, telling him how proud she was of herself for standing up to Heather. Cody's voice was being muffled by his bandages, so she couldn't make out what he was saying. Beth assumed Cody was worrying for her safety and Beth told him that he had nothing to worry about because she still had her good luck charm. She pulled out her cursed tiki idol from Boney Island. Cody recognized how incredibly dangerous and cursed this was and screamed and yelled at Beth to warn her of the impending danger. However, he was still being muted by his bandages, so Beth didn't know what he was saying. Beth gave Cody a kiss on the cheek to send him off and the force of her lips pushing on his face, sent his wheelchair slowly rolling off the boardwalk and into the water, where he sank to the bottom and drowned.
Total Drama World Tour[]
Beth was one of the people who supported Cody in the finals. She was disappointed when Alejandro beat him out.
Total Drama Daycare[]
Beth and Cody get into trouble when they keep making funny faces into Chef's haunted mirror and two clones of them come out to terrorize the school. Beth and Cody worked together to fix their issue but Cody demonstrated complete and total stupidity, when he kept forgetting that Chef had a haunted mirror. Beth told Cody that he should just leave the thinking and coming up with plans to her, while he works on the nodding and agreeing. Beth went to try and return the mirror to the vampire they bought the mirror from and Cody messed around with the other haunted appliances and got himself hurt. Throughout the episode, Cody would keep saying "Chef has a haunted mirror!?" and this annoyed Beth. In the end of the episode, Chef helped them to put their clones back in the mirror and Beth and Cody ran outside to play together, not knowing that the Chef who had just saved them was, in fact, another clone, himself.
Many fans have mistaken Beth and Cody for a canon couple because of how Beth kissed Cody at the end of "Paintball Deer Hunter". However, it should be noted that the two of them never went out together and this kiss scene was really just Beth being nice. Bethody is a rarepair that doesn't have a lot of supporters. A poll on Reddit showed that the majority of voters believe that they would not make a great couple. Although neither Beth nor Cody have too many popular ships, such uncommon ships as Coderra, Bradeth, and Gwody still have a bit more of a following than Bethody.
- Beth x Cody tag on DeviantArt
- Cody x Beth tag on DeviantArt