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Beth“He's like a little lovesick puppy. It's kind of pathetic but in an endearing way.”
Harold“If I was the last man alive in space and Beth was the last woman, then maybe we'd have a chance but here on Earth? Puh-lease!”

Bethold is the het ship between Beth and Harold McGrady from the Total Drama fandom.


Total Drama Island[]

Harold and Beth are placed on opposite teams in Total Drama Island. Beth was placed on the Screaming Gophers and Harold was placed on the Killer Bass. As such, the two never really interacted with each other during this season. Although, Beth was shown among the many campers laughing at Harold for having a mustache drawn on his face in "Dodgebrawl". There was also an exclusive clip in the Total Drama World Tour episode, "Bridgette Over Troubled Water", which showed never-before-seen footage of Total Drama Island, where Beth was one of the people lining up to beat the shit out of Harold for constantly blabbering about some stupid mathematical factoids.

Total Drama Action[]


Beth asks Harold to join her alliance in voting Duncan out. Harold easily agrees because of his conflict with Duncan, yet for some reason, ends up voting off Leshawna instead.


Harold steals a strand of Beth's hair in the confessional so that he can present her DNA to pass the challenge.


Harold came out of the Vomit Comet, completely nauseous and dizzy. He fell over and landed on Beth, which she misconstrued as him coming onto her. Beth pushed him away and told him that she was off the market, with her now being in a relationship with Brady. Immediately after this, Beth went into the confessional and admitted that she was somewhat considering a relationship with Harold. She was rather condescending to Harold, however, claiming that he seemed like a lovesick puppy, which was both pathetic and endearing. Harold went into the confessional and vehemently denied any chance of him and Beth being a couple. He believed that the only circumstance in which they would ever get together would be if they were lost in space and were the last man and woman alive. However, he refused to go out with Beth because that wouldn't be fair to his real girlfriend, Leshawna, and oddly, Heather.

Beth would later ride the Vomit Comet and barf all over herself. After coming out, Harold commented on her stench and Beth romantically told him that this was just the smell of victory. Beth then proceeded to force herself on Harold, kissing him right on the lips and smearing some vomit on him too. Harold gasped in discomfort. Beth went back into the confessional to state that she had done a complete 180 on her previous stance and that she was calling it off with Brady so that she could be with her true love, Harold McGrady.

At the end of the episode, Harold is eliminated and Beth tells her "boyfriend" that she'll wait for him. Harold is noticeably reproached as he gets in the Lame-O-Sine and gets away from Beth.

Beth's infatuation for Harold was never brought up again. In fact, it seems to have been completely retconned as she went back to being in love with Brady in future episodes.


Bethold is a rarepair in the fandom, despite the semi-canonicity of the couple. This is because of a myriad of reasons. Their "relationship" was very brief and one-sided on Beth's side and never got brought up again. Harold never found Beth attractive in the first place and refused to go out with her. Lastly, the rival ship, Lesharold, trumps Bethold big time, making Harold the one who's "off-the-market" after all. Some fans do, however, think that Beth and Harold work together adequately as friends, seeing their friendly interactions in Total Drama Daycare, but people mostly agree that this should be the absolute extent of their relationship.


Bethold on DeviantArt
Harobeth on DeviantArt
Harold X Beth on Deviantart
Bethold on Reddit


Total Drama
Total Drama ShipsTotal Drama Characters
SHIPS het Alebridgette AleCourtAleheatherAlerraAleshawnaAnneZekeBawnBeardellaBethodyBetholdBloshBlowenBowKBradethBrameyBrawnBridgzekeCamCourtCamerraCarDevCaruniorChemmaCoderraCodetherCourdyCrimuiCryanDamillieDamiyaDavAmyDavellaDavneyDeatherDevawnaDidgetteDireneDizzyDJatieDoeyDottDuncneyDuncshawnaDwellyEmmayneGeoffleyGidgetteGwalejandroGwemeronGwentGweoffGwodyGwuncanH-BombHatchleyJacseeJasRodJockJocksonJizzyJulebJuliayneJustBethJustLindJustneyLellaLesharoldLight of DawnLylerMcLaineleyMickittyMipperMKalebNemmaNichamienNichayneNizzyOwittyOzzyPriBowPrilebPriyzeeRajuliaRipaxelRodAmyRodellaRodSamRodScarSamkotaScarlaxScarmienScarZScottneyScripperShasmineShySkaveSkeithStephRyanSugnardTamnardTophAmyTophellaTophlettTophmineTophSamTreatherTrensayVitanneZemmaZokeZott
slash AlecodyAleduncanAleJustinAlenoahAletylerBikeBowayneBowlebCammikeCamningChrefDamiwayneDavenardDuncoldJustOwenNoCoNostinNowenRajbowRayneScangScikeShaveTrenoTrodyTrustinTynoZeemienZipper
femslash AxemmaBethshawnaBridgneyCourterraCourtLindDaweyDawnkotaEmmkEzzyGweatherGwegetteGwenerraGweshawnaGwoeyGwourtneyHeatherraHeathneyIzzerraJasameyJawnJo MariaJotherJuliemmaLindsethMacSandersMellodyMKuliaNichaxelNichemmaNichuliaPrilliePriymkPruliaSammellaScamyScariyaScaryaxelScarymarySkatieSkellaSugella
poly EzekibridgeoffGwentodyGwuncneyJustnowenKastadiePriyzeelebRaynebowRodlygamySkavella
family AmmyChenzoDwayniorGwellaJaykeyKellorKemmaOwax
non-binary McLearry
friend Axis of EvilBowiemmaBowliaChrindsayFriendshipFinaleRajkateTeam E-ScopeThe Drama BrothersTrout Trio
cargo BetholeChizzaCocowenPolegettePoletherRobeatherTreelebZeestheticZoda
CHARACTERS male AlejandroBrickBowieCalebCameronCodyDamienDaveDuncanHaroldJustinMikeNoahOwenRodneyScottTrentTopherWayneZee
female AmyBethBlaineleyBridgetteCourtneyDawnEllaEmma (TD 2023)GwenHeatherIzzyJasmineJoJuliaLeshawnaLindsayMKNichellePriyaSameyScarlettScary GirlSierraSkyZoey