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Bickel is the slash ship between Baseball and Nickel from the Inanimate Insanity fandom.


The Stupid Trailer[]

Baseball asks Nickel how's it going, Nickel tells him it's going well, and Baseball agrees. After that, he tells Nickel how annoying Taco is, and Nickel agrees and asks him why Taco is so irritating.

The Arena Of Death[]

Nickel and Baseball chose to compete in the challenge, making them low-fiving. They follow Knife's strategy to get out Taco, but the plan backfires. They both dodge the incoming rocks coming from the opposite team.

The Great Escape[]

Nickel clings to Baseball as the two run away from the contestants trying to capture them. The two end up falling into Pickle's dug-up hole. It was due to Lightbulb's mis-leadership.

Breaking The Ice[]

Baseball and Nickel are both in the second season of II. Baseball offers Nickel an alliance during the challenge, Ice-Breakers. Nickel gladly accepts, but is slightly annoyed when Baseball suggests Suitcase join, which she does. Eventually, Baseball wins the challenge and Suitcase.

Marsh on Mars[]

They were together when finding out that the rockets run on lemons. Baseball dislikes lemons and expresses this, while Nickel says he can climb trees. He goes to get lemons, dropping chocolate and a bunch of lemons on him, much to Baseball's annoyance. It was a reference from "A Lemony Lesson."

Let 'Er R.I.P.[]

Nickel enjoyed the Halloween idea (since it's his favorite holiday), while Baseball said, "It's not Halloween!" While Baseball was saying this, they scared each other out of the house.

Everything A-OJ[]

Baseball was upset about Suitcases "Elimination", but Nickel said they were going to outlast her anyways. They had to clean the hotel,and sing at the same time, Baseball said "Is he seriously making us do this now?!" Nickel replies with "OJ thinks he's so clever." sarcastically. At the end of Keep on Cleaning, Nickel is seen on Baseballs head.

Theft and Battery[]

While Baseball,Nickel, and Suitcase were playing soccer with their heads, Suitcase told them she believed she needed to take the competition seriously because of her 1 day elimination. Nickel wanted a number advantage, But Baseball yelled at Nickel telling him that she's their friend. At Meeple Headquarters, Nickel told Suitcase to steal the cure,but Suitcase doesn't want to, Baseball told her it's not stealing if It's an emergency. Nickel told her nobody will notice if she's gone, which Baseball gets upset at Nickel when he said that. Later, Baseball hoped Nickel and him didn't push Suitcase too far, Nickel tells him that need to make sure Suitcase is loyal,because of Soap wanting to be in charge of the team.

Mazed and Confused[]

Nickel sarcastically said Balloon should be the leader, But Suitcase thought he was being genuine and thought it was a good idea,Nickel was confused, Baseball said "How generous of you, Nickel!" sarcastically. When Nickel sarcastically told Balloon to check the next path, Suitcase and Nickel got in an argument, and Baseball tried to stop it, But Balloon heard it. When Baseball told Suitcase to talk to Balloon, He was upset at Nickel. Later, Nickel was talking about why Balloon suddenly wanted to be his friend. He stopped to question if Baseball was listening. Baseball was upset that he didn't do anything, couldn't keep the team,or the alliance together,and wished he didn't something to not get in the mess. Nickel tells him a good leader puts the team before themselves,and that Baseball is doing that,and someone couldn't wish for more than that. Baseball thanks him. Nickel told Baseball to stop with water works and the pity party and to go, Baseball says "You got it, chief!", which Nickel doesn't like the name "Chief". But Baseball thinks it's a cool name.

Kick the Bucket[]

The tie-breaker challenge was to fill the container with water with their bucket to grab a key,unlock a chest with balls inside, and throw them, Nickel makes a joke when MePhone4 said "Where's the fun in that?", and Baseball laughs. Later MePhone4 caught them laughing at him. Later they(and Suitcase) had an alliance talk about the new contestant-vote system. Nickel wanted to ignore Balloon, Baseball wanted to talk to Nickel in private about Suitcase, Nickel talked to Suitcase with Baseball watching happily. During Afterlife in the Limelight, Baseball is seen walking with Nickel. During the elimination, Suitcase and Nickel had an argument about what a good ally should do, and Suitcase voted for Nickel. It was a surprise double elimination, and since Nickel and Balloon were the only two voted for, they got eliminated, And Baseball was shocked at the news of Nickel getting eliminated.


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Bickel is a popular ship within the Inanimate Insanity fandom. It became more popular after season 2. Fans of the ship like their friendly dynamic and how they have kept their friendship the longest. Fans have also noticed that, despite Nickel coming off as a jerk and being mean to others (especially to Balloon during season 2), Baseball still tried being supportive and keeping things together.

Currently on AO3, Bickel has 10+ works. It is the second most written ship for Baseball and sixth most written for Nickel.


Baseball/Nickel tag on AO3
Baseball & Nickel tag on AO3
Bickel stories on Wattpad


  • It's the longest friendship in Inanimate Insanity (The Stupid Trailer-Present).
  • They are both voiced by Adam Katz.




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Inanimate Insanity ShipsInanimate Insanity Characters
SHIPS het BasebulbBasecaseCobscaseFanbulbFancaseFantubeGuavfruitKnifebulbKnifecaseLifekettleMarshatinMarshknifeMicroknifeNickboxNickcaseNicloverPepperloonPhonebulbSaltjaySilvercandleSuitloonTackleTacopadYindle
slash BallojBaseknifeBickelBombJayCheesebombCheeseloonFanphoneFloorphoneGlitchy KnifeGooberryKnifephone4SKnickleKnifanMephojNickloonPapercutPayJaySilverberryToipadTrifeTropheesy
femslash ApplebowBoxcaseCabtubeCandlegolfClovertubeLightcaseLuckyfilesMarshbowMarshpleMicbulbSaltpepSoapMicTacocaseTacomicTestbulb
non-binary CabbotCandlebrushFanbrushGoobotKnifeBrushLightbrushMarshbrushPaintJayPaintyangSilverbrushTestbrushTwophone
family MeeplingsShimmer FamilyTestbot
poly FantubebulbMarshapplebowPaySaltJayPoly Bright LightsTestbulbrush
friend Rockbulb
CHARACTERS male BalloonFanKnifeMePhone4OJ
female LightbulbMarshmallowSuitcase Test Tube
neutral Paintbrush