Shipping Wiki

Black Glass is the femslash ship between Cinder Fall and Blake Belladonna from the RWBY fandom.


Blake and Cinder first meet when Blake is still working for the White Fang. She stands next to Adam Taurus when Cinder asks him to help her destroy a dust cargo train. They later meet again in volume 2 chapter 2 of RWBY. Cinder, undercover, joins Beacon Academy as a new student. Blake and the others are unaware of her past, or of her current plan. In volume 3 chapter 12, Blake is seen glaring angrily at Cinder through the television when she reveals to everyone her true intentions.

In volume 8 chapter 13, Cinder shows up in front of team RWBY, Blake prepares herself to fight Cinder by taking her weapon out. Later when Cinder is giving another monologue Blake comes out of nowhere and angrily kicks her in the face, which sends Cinder flying backwards. Blake is then later shown fighting against Cinder alongside Penny and Weiss.

Both characters have experienced an abusive past; Blake with Adam and Cinder with her stepmother. The two both also used to work with Adam Taurus at one point in their lives. Cinder and Blake also ended up working for villains when they were younger. They share a number of physical similarities as well, with both having black as their main colour palette.


Volume 8[]

  • When Neo "kills" Yang, Blake, devastated starts crying and Cinder is shown smirking in the background.


Black Glass is a rarepair in the RWBY fandom. This is mainly because the two never "interacted" on screen until volume 8. There were some fans that theorized that the two might have even been related since they looked so similar. There are even some fans who refer to them as the "Disney princess pair" because the two are based on Cinderella and Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Many fans were extremely satisfied when Blake kicked Cinder in the head in volume 8. It has a small fanbase on tumblr.

There are currently over 20 works for this pairing on AO3. There is only 1 work for the platonic version of this pairing.


Blake/Cinder tag on AO3
Blake & Cinder tag on AO3
Black Glass posts on Tumblr
Blake x Cinder posts on Tumblr


  • Black Glass comes from the fact that Blake's name in old English means Black, and the fact that Cinder's semblance allows her to make black glass.
  • Both have black hair and amber eyes.
    • Black is both of their main color palletes, both also wearing black dresses to prom.



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SHIPS het ArkosBlack SunBlood RoseBruWeissCandy CaneCombat GogglesCombat BootsCrimson LotusCinnabunDragonslayerEmercuryEscaped ConvictsExplosive Hot-HeadsFrecklesFrostbiteFire&IceFall StingerFirerobberFirewallThe Fox and the HareFunky BeatsGreek LotusGelatoHareHoundHummingbirdIcebergIron MaidenIronwitchJailbirdsKnightfallKnightshadeLancasterNora's ArcOld SilverOzglynPhoenixPoisonous ObsessionPupsicleQuick SilverReNoraRose GardenRobotic KnightRosewickRosey SkySnowbirdStrawbanaSunflakesSunflowyrTauradonnaThermometerTimefreezerToxic PetalsWhite KnightWinter SoldierWise DragonYellow Rose
slash Alcohol PoisoningFair GameIronQrowMartial ArcsMilitary FundingNoah's ArcNuts and VoltsSea MonkeysShovel KnightTaiQrow
femslash Achilles HeelBlack GlassBlood MintBumblebyCatmeleonCrossharesCold SteelCream MachineDouble BowElectromagnetismEmberaldFreezerburnFalling PetalsGingersnapsGuilty ConscienceLadybugMilk and CerealMonochromeMommy IssuesNuts and DoltsNordic WinterOverheatingPennyWeissPink LemonadeRed VelvetRosebirdSchneekosSnowfallSpicecreamSpumoneSteadfastStrawberry ShortcakeSugar RushThundercatWhite Rose
poly Bees SchneesCloqwork OrangeFrosensteelMechabugTraffik Lights
friendship Sister Complex
family Abandonment IssuesDragon RoseHarvesting MoonsIce AgeStrawberry SunriseTrouble Twins
cargo Forever AloneSea King
CHARACTERS male Jaune ArcMercury BlackQrow BranwenJames IronwoodOscar PineLie RenNeptune VasiliasTyrian Callows
female Blake BelladonnaCinder FallEmerald SustraiNeopolitanNora ValkyriePyrrha NikosPenny PolendinaRuby RoseWeiss SchneeWinter SchneeYang Xiao Long