BloomBoltShipping is the het ship between Ash and Chloe from the Pokémon fandom.
Chloe Cerise is a student at the Vermilion City school and Goh's childhood friend. Initially she is not interested in Ash at all, but gradually becomes more curious about the research Ash does for her father, Professor Cerise. Chloe is rarely seen interacting with Ash, although when they are seen together it can be seen that they get along well. When Ash has had the opportunity, it can be seen that he does his best to help her.
Pokémon Journeys[]
Chloe first encounters Ash in the episode "Legend? Go! Friends? Go!", with Ash unaware of her presence. When she arrives from school, Chloe is quite shocked to see Ash Ketchum's appearance, after receiving an electric shock from her father's Yamper. When Ash goes up the stairs of the institution, he sees a Yamper and grabs it, but it shocks electrically at him, singeing him and leaving him unconscious on the floor. Seeing Ash electrocuted, Chloe runs away.
Much episodes later, in "The Cuteness Quotient!", Chloe and Ash finally meet for the first time and she asks him and Goh for help, since everyone in the school makes fun of Jinny's Feebas for its ugliness and this has made the girl worry, since she wants everyone to like the Pokémon that her father gave her. Ash decides to help her and invite her to the lab, where they entice her to participate in the Friendship Festival. Ash and Chloe give the girl some advice in her competition and accompany her to the Hoenn region to support her. Jinny ends up winning and on top of that, her Feebas evolves into Milotic.
In "Restore and Renew!", Chloe accompanies Ash to the Pewter City Science Museum in order to investigate the fossils there. At first, she is resigned to not being able to find much information, but after the help provided by the Director of the science museum, she feels better having new findings. After finishing her adventure in Pewter City, she surprises everyone by claiming to have had a lot of fun with Ash.
Pokémon Master Journeys[]
In "A Pinch of This, a Pinch of That!", Chloe travels with Ash to the Galar region in the company of Goh at the request of the Science Museum Curator to investigate rare fossils in that region. The guys, with the help of Cara Liss and Bray Zenn, initially planned to restore the fossils of Arctovish and Dracozolt, but they fail and instead they restore Dracovish and Arctozolt. After returning from the trip, she reveals that she had a lot of fun with Ash and friends and makes a report for her school about what she learned in the Galar region.
In "How Are You Gonna Keep 'Em Off of the Farm?", she helps Ash and friends to fend off the Digglets lead by Dugtrio.
In "The Tale of You and Glimwood Tangle!", Chloe fins a book with the tale of the same name as the episode, about the mysterious Ponyta and Rapidash from Galar, which arouse great interest in the girl and Eevee and she agrees to her father's recommendation to travel to the Galar region again to see that forest, in the company of Ash and Goh. While there, the guys abandon her to go capture a Morelull, but she meets a Galarian Ponyta and chooses to follow it to the residence of its partner, Rapidash, who was wounded. Chloe decides to heal it and heads off on an adventure in search of a rainbow flower, led by her new friend, Ponyta. The girl finds the location of the flower, but some Impidimp cut her off and steal her equipment. However, thanks to her Eevee, she discovers that the Pokémon just wanted to play a little and after several pranks, the Impidimp give the girl what she was looking for. Finally, Chloe manages to heal Rapidash thanks to the flower's nectar and thanks to the help of Ponyta and Eevee and later, she reunites with Ash and friends to return to Kanto.
Chloe didn't appear in the episode "Thrash of the Titans!" and therefore, she didn't meet Iris, Ash's fellow friend.
In "Errand Endurance!", in the middle of an errand given to him by his father, she begins to argue with Goh about which of their Pokémon was the most immature (Eevee and Grookey). So, Ash intervenes in the discussion and proposes to both trainers that they let their Pokémon finish the task, taking the pills to the Cerise Laboratory. However, as Chloe and Goh get worried, they choose to keep an eye on their Pokémon without letting them know, and Ash sneakily helps them. Despite all odds, Eevee manages to get to the destination first, as Grookey had gone astray. Chloe, seeing her Eevee, congratulates it and gives it a big hug.
In "Nightfall? Nightmares!", Chloe is on vacation from school and asks her father about the family vacation, only to be disappointed to learn that it has been cancelled. However, the girl is compensated by Professor Cerise and he asks her to go to the Sinnoh region to enjoy those landscapes and meet Ash and Goh again. Chloe quickly arrives in the Sinnoh region and after seeing a few commercials, she chooses to travel to the Eterna City to observe the contest that would take place there. Seeing the lateness of the buses, she decides to go on foot and due to so many inconveniences, she is forced to camp. When her dinner is ready, she is surprised by Dawn and her Piplup, who had been guided by the smell of the food, since they forgot to buy groceries, so Chloe shares them.
In "A Midsummer Night's Light!", Chloe admires how Dawn cured Cresselia and it claims that she learned everything from Brock. After this, she tells Chloe that her mother is a famous coordinator and seeing her new friend interested in contests, she demonstrates her moves with Piplup, which Eevee mimics, but doesn't do correctly. As the girls fall asleep, they discover that Darkrai is protecting Cresselia through a dream and within minutes, they encounter the Mythical Pokémon, but before they could do anything, Jessie and James appear. So, the girls are forced to run away with Cresselia.
After running, both girls reach a beach, where they meet Ash and Goh. While they are talking with the latter, Cresselia is again attacked by Team Rocket and although Dawn's Pokémon and their friends try to intervene, Darkrai is the one who manages to solve everything, saving Cresselia and returning with her friend to their islands. Chloe claims to sense what Darkrai and Cresselia are feeling, shocking everyone. Finally, the guys decide to enjoy the summer on the beaches of Sinnoh without worrying about the contest and not assisting it.
In "The Sweet Taste of Battle!", Chloe is contacted by Sally, along with Ash and Goh to "have a battle" against Lionel in Galar. Without Dawn, arriving at Ballonlea, Chloe takes her friends to taste some cakes in a bakery that she spotted on her previous trip. Already at Ballonlea Stadium, Sally reveals that she actually called them to participate in her baking contest and gives each of the participants a choice of Alcremie. Chloe chooses an Lemon Cream Alcremie and they begin. Chloe whips up the cream with an ice bucket and bakes a Lemon pie, leaving Sally convinced, though, the winner turns out to be Ash. Afterwards, she witnesses the battle between Ash and Sally, being amazed at how gluttonous Pikachu is when eating Alcremie Gigantamax's G-Max Finale.
Chloe decides to travel to Sandgem Town of the Sinnoh region with Ash when she learned that Dawn's Piplup had been kidnapped. When she reunites with Dawn along with Goh and Ash, Team Rocket attacks them, but as always, they are easily defeated. However, Team Rocket from the other world instantly goes through a portal to kidnap Goh's Inteleon and Ash's Lucario and as they flee they are followed by Goh and Dawn. But Chloe and Ash had to stay together in the normal world because of the inminent closing portal.
Ash and Chloe begin to think about what happened and Chloe assumes that it may be the work of some Pokémon that has the ability to transport them to other worlds and they think that maybe it could be Palkia and, thanks to the information from Chloe's Smartrotom, they decide to go to the Canalave City Library to investigate. When they arrive, Ash and Chloe begin to read several books and Cynthia appears and tells them that she is investigating the disappearance of the Pokémon and tells them that the Sinnoh region has several legends, such as that of Dialga, Palkia and of the mythical Pokémon Arceus, who shaped time and space; she even believes that Palkia has something to do with interdimensional portals.
When they leave the library, Team Rocket from the other world appears to attack them, then Cynthia uses her Garchomp to fight the Meowth from the other world, but he uses a slash and the Pokémon begin to be affected by the deterioration of the space/time being unable to remember to use their attacks, but Cynthia uses her Kommo-o which uses Outrage causing Team Rocket from the other world to decide to retreat from the place, and Ash and Chloe decide to go after them. Ash and Chloe go through an interdimensional portal and in the other world they run into another Ash who is happy to see the Pikachu from the original, adding that his Pikachu has turned into a Pokémon egg because of a glitch that causes time to flow in reverse. The Ash from the other world suggests they go to the Pokémon Center in Sandgem Town where Professor Rowan is, so they travel in the original Ash's Dragonite and Gengar.
Ash and Chloe reunite with Goh and Dawn at the Pokémon Center in Sandgem Town in the other world. Seeing that the Pokémon were rapidly devolving, she decides to save her Eevee and travel to the Spear Pillar to calm the Legendary Pokémon. When they reach their destination, she is transported to the dimension where Dialga and Palkia were fighting and realizes that everything had been caused by Team Rocket from the other world to steal the Pokémon. So, she confronts the villains, joining forces with her alternate version, but her Eevee turns back into an egg and she ends up being turned into a 6 year kid. Fortunately, all the humans come together to send their feelings to the legendaries and Arceus, causing everything to return to normal.
Pokémon Ultimate Journeys[]
Chloe came to Galar with Dawn to cheer him on.
BloomBoltShipping is the first ship that has an archetype in Pokémon of a "Protagonist Pokémon Trainer x Pokémon Researcher". It is a fairly popular ship and considered "the true ship of Ash and a girl" in the Journeys season, despite the fact that Chloe does not always accompany Ash in almost a little more than half of the episodes of Journeys. Those who prefer this ship as the "best", focus on how Ash quickly became friends with Chloe even though they are not childhood friends, and one of the few friends of Ash who never argued at any point. Some fans think that Ash should marry Chloe because of how well they get along and also because of their complement that they could have as future trainers of different classes, particularly between a Pokémon trainer and a Pokémon researcher.
However, it is usually on par with Ash's ships with the Alolan girls, and is not as popular as the rest of Ash's het ships, therefore it rivals them, mostly AmourShipping.
On Chloe’s side, the most shipped alternatives are VermilionShipping (Goh x Chloe), MoonlightBlossomShipping (Dawn x Chloe) and Serena x Chloe. Other options, but much rarer are Chloe x Soleil, Chloe x Regina and Chloe x Billy.
- Chloe/Ash tag on AO3
- Chloe/Ash tag on FanFiction.net
- SatoKoha, the Japanese name for this ship, comes from the original Japanese names: Satoshi (Ash) and Koharu (Chloe).
- Originally, it was going to be officially called "SatoHaru", however, this name is already the Japanese name of AdvanceShipping (Ash x May), due to the original names Satoshi and Haruka.