Blowen is the friendship between Blaineley O'Halloran and Owen from the Total Drama fandom.
Total Drama World Tour[]
Blaineley O'Halloran debuted in Total Drama World Tour and joined the cast just in time for the merge at Niagara Falls. When Blaineley sang her debut song, "Blaineriffic", Owen chimed in to make a joke about Blaineley's hot curvy body. Blaineley them shoved him over to continue singing in the spotlight. For the challenge Slots-O-Fun for Me, Nots-O-Fun for You, Blaineley pulled the lever on a giant jackpot and out came Owen. Blaineley was less than enthused to be working with Owen but was optimistic in how being paired up with the fan favorite could potentially boost her image. Owen completely ignored Blaineley's selfishness and was just happy to hear that he was the fan favorite. As such, Blaineley was paired up with Owen for the marital challenge as his little "wife". For the challenge, Blaineley was blindfolded and Owen has to guide her through a maze, by talking to her trough a microphone. He failed to guide her properly and she ended up crashing into a giant wedding cake. Blaineley flipped out since this meant she was gaining weight but Owen encouraged her to enjoy cake for a little while. Blaineley gave into her urges and started enjoying the delicious cake, even though she was rather ashamed to admit it. For the second half of the challenge, Owen was to carry Blaineley across a tightrope over Niagara Falls. Blaineley farted and Owen laughed, saying that her little toot was kind of cute. As Owen tried to mimick the sound of Blaineley's flatulence with his mouth, Blaineley yelled out to the producers, demanding them to print up a contract that would stipulate that her "bodily expression" would not air on television. It, of course, did. Owen then farted himself and let out a huge rip that caused the entire tightrope to shake, which kind of freaked Blaineley out. After the couple got into a fight with Sierra and Cody, the four of them fell into the water, where they were chased by a fishing boat of man-eating sharks. At the elimination ceremony, Owen was the unfortunate soul, who unfortunately, got the boot. Blaineley sat in the seats, crying her eyes out over losing her friend. Owen smiled, knowing that Blaineley actually cared about him. However, Blaineley then asked the camera crew if her crying scene was believable or if she should re-shoot it. Owen then realized that Blaineley was not a true friend and sadly leapt the Drop of Shame.
During the aftermath challenge, Blaineley represented Heather's team with a black panther. Because she was in a full body-cast at this time, she was incapable of performing the challenge on her own. Owen stepped in to assist her during the challenge. When surfing, Owen rode Blaineley's stockstille body like a surfboard and worried that she would try to sue him for this.
Owen and Blaineley is a rarepair, mostly because people see this as a poor substitute for Ozzy. Other reasons people dislike this ship is because of their limited screentime, Blaineley's genuine disregard for Owen's companionship, and most of all, the age gap. The fact that Owen is 16 and Blaineley, while being of ambiguous age, is most certainly well into her adulthood, makes their togetherness subject to disapproval. However, it can be argued that since Total Drama World Tour takes place two years after Total Drama Island (the season where it was established that Owen was 16), that canonically, Owen was 18 at the time and therefore, of legal age to date Blaineley. This is only valid of one were to adopt the theory that the Total Drama cast ages naturally. On the flip side, some people think that their little "marriage" at Niagara Falls was kind of cute and charming and it certainly provided shipping fodder to the few people who do like this couple. Supporters also think that with more screentime together, Owen and Blaineley could have grown on each other and Owen could have gotten Blaineley to start being more friendly, seeing as how he re-introduced her to the hedonistic pleasures of cake consumption as well as how he tried, albeit in vain, to reassure her to take pride in her flatulence.
- BlOwen on DeviantArt
- Blaineley X Owen on Wattpad