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Bombpatch is the slash ship between Bob-Omb and Eyepatch from the Animatic Battle fandom.


At a playground, Eyepatch dares Bob-Omb to jump very high thinking he can't. Bob-Omb leaps up in the air to show him until a piece of paper lands on him from up high. While Eyepatch thinks that the "paper rain" is starting, Bob-Omb realizes it's one of Printer's papers that she left behind. Bob-Omb concludes that Printer was killed, to the shock of Eyepatch. Thinking that she was murdered, Eyepatch targets Clay Brick for the killing although Bob-Omb was going to point the blame on Sip-A-Bowl. Eyepatch is confused on why he thinks it would've been her, although he doesn't mind when Bob-Omb calls it cool. After Eyepatch investigates Clay Brick, Bob-Omb asks him what he learned from Clay Brick. Eyepatch calls the true culprit the one who started it all and promptly pins the blame on Bob-Omb. Bob-Omb is distressed by the accusation as Eyepatch explains his feeling of the investigation being a cover up the whole time. When asked of where the main evidence, the paper, came from, Bob-Omb tries to tell him it came from the sky but Eyepatch is skeptical and throws him in the Baby Stupid Jail. Later after Bob-Omb is recovered from getting killed, Shifty asks him if there's anything he can do to make it up to him. Bob-Omb asks him to tell Eyepatch, calling him his best bro, that it sucks he sees him as a murderer. Later on during team forming, Bob-Omb and Eyepatch join Bouquet's team together. In the challenge when Eyepatch is killed trying to eat the M, Bob-Omb tearfully salutes him.

After Eyepatch is saddened that he doesn't fit in with the group of people that were killed by Animatic, Bob-Omb comforts him by saying dying to an explosion is cooler anyways. During the challenge, Bob-Omb presents the plan that he and Eyepatch came up with to stop Animatic. Eyepatch excitedly states that it's fool-proof as Bob-Omb grabs a whiteboard and marker to demonstrate their idea. However, Bob-Omb throwing the whiteboard and marker out of frustration accidentally causes them to reveal to Animatic where they're at and the two are killed along with the rest of the team.

When the team is teleported to the elimination, Eyepatch is confident in feeling safe and Bob-Omb agrees with him. When Bob-Omb calls it smooth sailing, Eyepatch chuckles at the pirate reference and the two laugh together. As they fist bump, Bowling Ball joins in on the joke but the two awkwardly signal each other to sit back down and ignore him. During the team's elimination, Bob-Omb is disbelieved by the fact that Eyepatch ended up in the bottom two. When Animatic reveals that Eyepatch is eliminated, the two are shocked and Eyepatch is about to tell Bob-Omb his last words to him. Animatic disintegrates him before he gets the chance to do so and as the rest of the team leaves the arena, Bob-Omb tearfully salutes him one last time. After the elimination, Bob-Omb is still deeply upset by Eyepatch getting out and Bowling Ball tries to comfort him about it during the challenge.


Bombpatch is fairly popular throughout the Animatic Battle fandom. The season developing them as good friends early on started the initial spark between how fans saw the two as a bros being bros dynamic. With the hype of their team's first elimination, ship content began to increase for them as TikTok edits and Twitter posts highlighted moments of how the two understood each other well. Ultimately, the episode of Eyepatch's elimination caused the ship to further grow as it showed the prime of their friendship before the reveal and how devastated Bob-Omb was to lose Eyepatch. It is the most popular ship for both Bob-Omb and Eyepatch.


Bob-Omb x Eyepatch posts on TikTok
Bombpatch posts on Twitter
Bob-Omb and Eyepatch posts on Twitter


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