Bookcil is the femslash ship between Book and Pencil from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.
Battle for Dream Island Again[]
Book arrives at the Clubhouse of Awesomeness along with Ice Cube. Pencil, calling them monstrosities, does not allow them in and tells Bubble that it is because they're alternates. After Cake at Stake, Book and Pencil, along with Ruby and Ice Cube, secede from Team No-Name to form their own team. Book suggests naming the new team Freedom, but Pencil responds that "Free-dumb" makes them sound dumb. She instead names them FreeSmart, as Book and the rest of the team cheer. Later during the drive to Yoyle Mountain, Pencil yells at Book and Ruby for having a snowball fight inside the team's van.
After FreeSmart escapes Evil Leafy, Book points out to Pencil that they're forgetting something. Pencil quickly checks her alliance but when Book clarifies she means they left Golf Ball, Tennis Ball, and Rocky behind, Pencil laughs at her. Later when Pencil scolds Ruby for pressing the wrong button, Book tells Pencil that gem school is only for diamonds. Pencil gets obliterated by one of the other buttons Ruby presses, worrying Book as she tells Ruby to press the button that Pencil would've wanted her to press.
Book and the rest of FreeSmart cheer when Pencil shows them the new FreeSmart SuperVan. The team enters it to continue the drive to Yoyle Mountain. Inside, Book compliments the bright lights in the van but Pencil stresses that it's a supervan rather than just a van. Book corrects herself but still appreciates the bright lights. When she realizes that they forgot to bring the Hand-powered Recovery Center with them, Pencil points out the built-in Leg-powered Recovery Center the supervan has. Book questions why it's strictly leg-powered as Pencil explains that she would be sorry if she used her hands on it. Hearing from Pencil how sorry she would be, Book feels warned but is still nonetheless curious and approaches the LPRC. As soon as she turns the crank with her hands, the machine spontaneously disappears and Book apologizes. Pencil yells at her for doing so as Book defends her curiosity, thinking Pencil just wanted to scare her. Moving on from this, Pencil lists out their options of either going on without one or stealing the Hand-powered Recovery Center from the forest.
When Pencil gets caught in the tongue of a fish monster, Book suggests that they kill and recover her with the HPRC behind them. FreeSmart is on board with the idea and they work together to saw Pencil. Later when Book worries that they can't climb the Yoyle Mountain's summit faster than Puffball can fly, Pencil kicks Rocky off of her because he previously barfed on her. Book mentions how that was two years ago but is shushed by Pencil who tells her to start climbing.
For the sleeping challenge, Pencil and Book, along with Ruby and Ice Cube, hop in the FreeSmart SuperVan to find a place to sleep. Book and Pencil are both excited when Ruby suggests going to the Pillow Marketplace. Later when Pencil is unable to find the Pillow Marketplace, Book mentions being a Yoyle City atlas and offers to help her find it. Ruby finds it in the larger Yoyle Mall of the Yoyle Needy and Pencil and Book get the idea to get balloons for the van to float their way there. As they venture in the air, Book warns Pencil of a pipe ahead of them and tells her to turn the van's wheels around. Pencil does so but it is ineffective because they're in the air. Book, Pencil, and Ruby scream as the pipe punctures the van and fills it with water. Feeling like they're going to drown, Book grabs a snorkel and puts it through the roof of the van, allowing her to breathe. Pencil and Ruby join her in doing so as well. After the van weighs down the pipe and the team is approached by W.O.A.H. Bunch, Book wonders why they didn't just open the car doors in the first place. When W.O.A.H. Bunch calls FreeSmart out for crashing their sleeping place, Book and Pencil call them out for gluing headphones onto Ice Cube and forcing her to listen to Yellow Face's absurd noise with them. After a brawl with W.O.A.H. Bunch, Book realizes that they're drifting away from the challenge's goal and Ruby gets Book, Pencil, and Ice Cube to start sleeping inside the pillows and blankets they took. W.O.A.H. Bunch taunts them by chanting Evil Leafy's name to prevent them from falling asleep but ends up summoning Evil Leafy herself. As she chases back and forth between FreeSmart and W.O.A.H. Bunch on the pipe, Book can't keep up with her and Pencil is unsure of what to do. Ice Cube helps the team by giving them all balloons to float up with and puts on music with her headphones to fall asleep to. Book and Pencil both compliment her abilities and the two, along with Ruby and Ice Cube, fall asleep and are safe for the challenge. Afterwards when Ruby asks Pencil if they can start a video diary, Book pulls up a camera that they can use. Pencil agrees with the idea and Ruby uses Book's camera to do so.
In the video diary, Book and Pencil comment on the meteroid Ruby caught. As Pencil overhears the challenge wheel being spun, she tells Book that they must get down there immediately. The team works together to pop each other's balloons, where Pencil presses herself against Book's balloon. Once the balloons pop, the team screams as they begin falling back to the surface. After landing, Firey and Gelatin, who switched to their team while they were in space, keeps them from knowing what the actual challenge is. Book and Pencil, along with Ruby and Ice Cube, follow what the two say including doing jumping jacks, eating leaves from a bush, shattering thousands of windows, and stepping foot on different planets. As Ruby recovers the team after killing them, Pencil defends her when Book questions why she killed them, pointing out how she thought it was for the challenge.
FreeSmart explores the remains of the exploded Aerospace Plant together. During Cake at Stake, Book cheers when Pencil is revealed the last one safe, which in turn eliminates Firey. When he is flung away, the two shortly realize that the now saddened Firey Speaker Box is dependant on Firey and can't continue hosting without him. In the painting challenge, Pencil takes the laser shooter that Book got from the Aerospace Plant and uses it to shoot at Fries and Tennis Ball. After a laser is deflected and knocks the team's paint bucket off the tower, Book tells Pencil that her aggression is the cause of them losing their only source of paint. Pencil pulls out a syringe filled with pink paint and shows off to Book her laser shooter that she just turned into a paint shooter.
When Book learns that Ruby dying near Yoylite allowed her spirit to remain partially alive, she figures that Pencil may be alive as well. Right after Book says this, Pencil recovers herself and reunites with FreeSmart as Book cheers. Pencil follows Ruby's idea of celebrating in the Clubhouse of Awesomeness and Book agrees when Pencil says she'd be sad if it was ever endangered. For the charades challenge when Pencil tries to get Ice Cube to go first, Book reminds Pencil of what she said not too long ago about seeing Ice Cube's value as a teammate. Pencil agrees with Book but as she pleads not to do it either, Book volunteers since she's the shortest when laid flat in comparison to the trash compactor they'll be put in. After Book is transported into the trash compactor, Pencil informs Gelatin when he asks Book for her laser shooter that she's currently competing. Book gestures rowing a boat and Pencil guesses that she's churning butter. Upon the crusher lowering towards Book from the incorrect guess, Pencil is shocked to find this out. As Book runs out of space, Pencil wonders if it's time to write eulogies for Book until Ice Cube points out that Book is pointing to a word in her page. Pencil reads out the word rowing in her after Ruby fails to do so, freeing Book from the trash compactor. When it's time for Pencil to start gesturing, Book is annoyed by Ruby guessing that Pencil is unclogging a toilet. Pencil accidentally summons Bubble while demonstrating blowing out a candle and the team fails to guess her gesture in time, killing Pencil. Later when Ice Cube does her ugly face, Book says to herself that Pencil should be glad she's not here to witness it.
After being recovered, Pencil works with Needle to bring the rest of the dead contestants, including Book, back. The two are later together in the newly formed Beatiful Face Devotion Institute team.
At Cake at Stake when Ice Cube and Spongy are in the bottom two, Book, Pencil, and Ruby hope that Ice Cube is safe. They cheer when this ends up coming true. After everyone in the BFDI team leaves Ice Cube for making an ugly face, Book sees a heartbroken Ice Cube and questions whether leaving her is a good idea. Pencil agrees with Book, mentioning her yearslong friendship with Ice Cube, and the two return to her. As Ruby rejoins them as well and tells Puffball Speaker Box that they are still named FreeSmart, Pencil feels like their name hasn't upgraded while they have. Book thinks of adding comparatives and suggests the name "FreerSmart", but it makes Pencil feel like their smartness hasn't changed. As Book suggests "FreeSmarter" instead, Pencil then says it seems their freedom level didn't change. Book puts the two together as "FreerSmarter" which Pencil is fine with. Ruby doesn't like the the name having too many "er"s in it and when Book comes up with "Less Restrained, Less Dumb", LRLD for short, Pencil and the others like the new name. For the challenge, Pencil offers Flower a makeover and Book has new looks for her to try out. The two, along with Ruby, try numerous looks on Flower in hope of her feeling beautiful. When this seems to be failing, Book tells Ruby and Pencil that every look they've tried has been deemed ugly by critics. Ruby has one last hope and puts Jack's hair on Flower, where she is finally deemed beautiful. The three cheer but quickly realize that they only have one of Flower's petals and still need to get the most to win the challenge. Book asks Pencil for any other fashion looks, who does not have any in mind and suggests they pull on the petals again. As FreeSmart now has to deal with Coiny, he picks Pencil up and uses her to scribble on one of Book's pages. Book calls Coiny out for dulling Pencil by writing in her and fights him for this.
When Pencil falls off the side of the Yoyle Needy, Book tells Ruby and Ice Cube to sprint down and catch her before she hits the ground. When Book makes it to the bottom, she catches Pencil just in time and tells her that she's safe and sound with her but warns her not to act rowdy. After the two witness Ice Cube sacrifice herself to save Woody from burning, Book calls her selfless while Pencil is annoyed that they have to recover Ice Cube on top of recovering Bubble. Book also points out Ruby's shattered remains by the stairs of Yoyle Needy and Pencil finds it typical of her. On the way to the recovery center, Book mentions to Pencil how they punished Firey and thinks of whether they should free Match from the TLC. Pencil is indescisive, surprising Book because she thought Pencil would be eager to see her best friend again. Thinking they're doing fine without her, Pencil shares to Book that Match was too needy for her. After explaining to Book what she means by this, the two recover Bubble, Ruby, and Ice Cube and dance next to the recovery center.
Battle for BFDI[]
Pencil asks Book, who is watching Cake and Pie play tic-tac-toe, to help her find who keeps popping Bubble. When Book declines, Pencil threatens to expel her from the alliance but Book, being an alternate, does not care. Later when the teams are being formed, Pencil gathers the alliance and asks them who they think their two other members would be. To Pencil's shock, Book and Ice Cube ask to be on a different team because they think their influence is too unhealthy. Pencil and Match scream out of surprise.
While stuck in Eternal Algebra Class, Pencil's doodles contain of her alliance members which includes Book.
Battle for Dream Island Again[]
- Pencil accidentally engulfs Book in flames after breathing out fire.
- Pencil warns Book and the others riding Puffball to Yoyleland to watch out for Evil Leafy.
- When Ice Cube asks to be part of Pencil's alliance, Book wants to join as well. Pencil accepts them as alternates, which an angry Book reluctantly accepts.
With just the two, Bookcil is more rare in the Battle for Dream Island fandom since it is one of the many pairings within Freesmart. The ship had gotten traction since after BFB because of their time within the team. Shippers find Book to be the voice of reason towards someone like Pencil and, even after Book disassociated herself in the team after their main seasons together, the ship still remained prevalent. The BFDIA revival increased interest in their ship as the season awoke a greater bond between them and the Freesmart members in the show. Fan art and video edits across platforms often reflect these themes enjoyed by lesbian shippers of the fandom. As mentioned, ships with the two involving other Freesmart members often rival the pairing, such as Matchcil, Rubycil, Icebook, and Rubook.
On AO3, there are three works under their tag.
- Book & Pencil (Battle For Dream Island) tag on AO3
- Book and Pencil search results on DeviantArt
- Book x Pencil posts on Reddit
- Book x Pencil posts on TikTok