BoutiqueShipping is the femslash ship between Serena and Shauna from the Pokémon fandom.
Shauna is a Pokémon trainer from the village of Vaniville. In all her appearances, she is Serena's friend and rival regardless of the character the player chooses. She is also friends with Trevor, Tierro and Calem.
In the games and manga, Shauna is usually a Pokémon Trainer like everyone else, but in the anime, she is a Pokémon Performer.
Shauna appears in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y as a friend of the player. Shauna is energetic and curious about her friends' progress in their travels, though she lacks a clear goal herself.
If the player chooses Serena as their playable character and she becomes the Champion, Shauna will trade with Serena the unevolved form of her starter Pokémon in exchange for any Pokémon owned by the player.
Shauna also appears as one of the player's partners in the Battle Maison when choosing Multi Battle.
Pokémon The Series: XY[]
It all starts in the episode "Summer of Discovery!" when Serena teamed up with Ash and Clemont, forming Team Froakie. Tierno approaches the trio of friends and while he was talking to Ash, he noticed someone familiar about Serena. Recognizing her, he immediately went to bring his friend Shauna to introduce her to him. Serena is surprised when Shauna says that she already knew her even before they met due to the fact that she had already seen her through Poké-Vision.
At the Pokémon Center, Shauna shows Serena's video, and brings out her Fennekin for Shauna to meet it. Then she shows everyone her videos, she also brings out her Bulbasaur. Both Fennekin and Pikachu want to say hello, but Bulbasaur ignores them. Serena opens a basket of Poképuffs, offers some of them to Tierno's Squirtle, which he agrees, Serena offers Poképuffs to Bulbasaur, but he refuses. Shauna tells her that her Bulbasaur is a bit antisocial and only accepts it if her trainer gives it to her.
Suddenly, Tierno gets excited about Serena, to the point of falling in love with her, but Shauna tells Serena that she shouldn't worry, as he is very often a crush.
Later, Professor Sycamore allows them to choose opponents for Pokémon battles, where Serena chooses Shauna, albeit with an inconclusive battle. Later, at evening, Serena sits alone on a dock combing Fennekin's tail thinking about her friends' dreams while wondering what her real dream would be.
The next day, in the episode, "Day Three Blockbusters!", Professor Sycamore commissions another activity to make Pokévision videos. While Serena is preparing Poképuffs with Bonnie, Shauna shows up and asks her if she's seen Aria's new video. Serena does her Pokévision with Fennekin, while Shauna does the same with her Bulbasaur. Serena says no and then Shauna shows the video to Serena, where Shauna explains that Aria's Fennekin has evolved into Braixen and that since she has become a Pokémon Performer, she has released more videos for the Poké-vision and has become more popular, to which Bonnie and Serena tells her that they don't know what a Pokémon Performer is, then Shauna explains that it's a girl-only class and an ideal of every Pokémon Performer is the Pokémon Showcase, where every Pokémon Performer participates, as it is based on a contest where there are two specialties; the first is where they bake Poképuffs or groom Pokémon and the other is a freestyle presentation where Pokémon have to show their skill with their trainer (Similar to Pokémon Contests). If a Pokémon Performer wins a Pokémon Shoucase, she is rewarded with a Princess Key, To participate in a "Master Class" the Performers need 3 Princess Keys to enter and only can participate the most beauty and skilled Performers. The Performer that can win the Master Class is rewarded with the "Kalos Queen" title, and then Shauna ends up saying that Aria is the actual Kalos Queen and both Serena and Bonnie are amazed by that. Since then, because of Shauna's idea, Serena decides that her biggest dream is to become a Pokémon Performer and the next Kalos Queen.
In the episode "Battling into the Hall of Fame!", near the closing of Summer Camp, Shauna, on Team Squirtle, battles Serena on Team Froakie. Although Team Froakie manages to defeat Serena, her friends retaliate by defeating all of Team Squirtle's Pokémon, including Shauna's. At the end, all the friends say goodbye, thus ending the Summer Camp.
In "Dreaming a Performer's Dream!", Shauna and Serena meet again; Shauna invites her to see a special Pokémon Showcase made by Aria. Later, after finishing watching what the performer did, the following Rookie Class Performs begin, where Kayleigh is seen for the first time. All goes well until a Pancham bursts onto the stage doing acrobatics until it falls next to a spotlight. This causes the Pokémon Showcase to be cancelled, although no one was disappointed as at least they got to see Aria's Perform. At that Shauna says goodbye to Serena, not without saying they'll be in touch.
Pokémon XY: Kalos Quest[]
In "A Showcase Debut!", Serena prepares for her debut at the Pokémon Showcase. Shauna is also coming, to which, upon learning that the two will be competing against each other, they finally recognize each other as rivals. However, during the Coumarine Pokémon Showcase, something unexpected happens: Fennekin's stumble causes Serena to be disqualified from the Showcase, while Shauna manages to win the Coumarine Princess Key. Serena, depressed, says goodbye to Shauna, and at nightfall, she goes out to cry and drown her sorrows, deciding to cut her hair and change her image.
In "Battling with Elegance and a Big Smile!", Serena decides to watch the replay of Shauna's performance video, which encourages Serena to want to reach her level and improve. Later, in "Performing with Fiery Charm!", Shauna watches Serena's first winning perform, getting excited for her first win.
In "Tag Team Battle Inspiration!", Shauna decides to choose Serena as her battle partner to battle against Ash and Tierno in a tag battle. However, the battle ends unfinished with no winner.
Pokémon The Series: XYZ[]
In "Master Class is in Session!", Each of the Performers make their Free Perform, giving the best they can. Serena and Shauna manage to stay in the Showcase, while Miette and Nini were disqualified. In the next episode "Performing a Pathway to the Future!", Shauna loses to Serena. In tears, Shauna wishes Serena the best of luck to win the final and receive the title of "Kalos Queen". However, Serena, in turn, loses to Aria and thus failed to win the title. Shauna says goodbye to Serena once again to continue.
Finally, near the end of XYZ, in "The First Day of the Rest of Your Life!", Serena, being a finalist, decides to organize one last performance together with Shauna, once again doing her Performer skills, which amuses the crowd. At this, Serena realizes that the most important thing is to make people happy. The next day, when Tierno says he wants to dance with Serena, Shauna defends her by pulling her ears. Shauna and her friends say goodbye to Serena and then help Professor Sycamore help all the wild Pokémon that disappeared from the city because of the catastrophe caused by Team Flare.
Since then, Serena and Shauna never saw each other again.
Although both return in Journeys, Serena and Shauna have yet to meet, as they are now in far away places: Shauna is still in Kalos and makes a cameo along with Tierno and Trevor watching Diantha via TV in her battle against Lance, while Serena traveled to the Hoenn region to give up being a Pokémon Performer and become a Pokémon coordinator in Pokémon contests, currently with Lisia.
BoutiqueShipping is fairly popular within the XY fanbase. The ship made its debut when the Pokémon X and Pokémon Y games were first released, where if the player chooses Serena, Shauna will become one of her friendly rivals. It started to have more fans through the anime, where fans who value this ship focus on the development put on the healthy and friendly rivalry between Serena and Shauna. However, the fans more pair them as a friendship, due to the fact that the romantic version of this ship is very rare, because of Serena's ships as well as Shauna's.
On AO3, BoutiqueShipping is the fourth most written ship for Serena, and the most written for Shauna. There are currently 100 written works.
- Shauna/Serena tag on AO3
- Shauna & Serena tag on AO3
- Serena/Shauna tag on FanFiction.net
- Shauna/Serena on Fanlore
- "BoutiqueShipping" comes from Boutique, the clothes shop that allows players to buy clothes in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y games.