- “Awwww, Bowie! You're gunna make me PUKE!”
- — MK to Bowie
BowK is the friendship between Bowie and MK in the Total Drama fandom.
Total Drama Island (2023)[]
Bowie and MK are both put on The Frogs of Death, making them teammates for the game. Bowie supposedly convinced MK to vote Caleb off the island.
Bowie frowns upon MK's failure to make it through the obstacle course without getting injured and worries that she isn't a "team player". Because of her pathetic performance, Bowie voted for her at the elimination ceremony but it was Nichelle who went home instead, meaning Bowie would have to suffer more with MK.
Bowie and MK are both equally bewildered by Raj and Wayne's hockey jargon. MK asks Bowie if he has any clue what they were yapping about and Bowie says he doesn't, although he does think that they're cute. The Frogs of Death hid in the bushes and made a plan on how to distract Scary Girl, while they escaped to get the skull. Bowie threw MK under the bus and pushed her out into the open so that she would get chased by Scary Girl on her jackhammer. Bowie would later be frustrated with MK for abandoning the team in the middle of the game, not knowing she was still helping them by breaking into the control room and messing with the mechanically-operated obstacles. When MK returned, Bowie told her that she ghosted the team and didn't believe her story, when she told him about her cheating scandal.
Bowie voted MK off the island instead of Julia, after seeing how she hacked into the confessional camera and watched him poop. That, and also the fact that MK stole from him. Out of anger, Bowie also steals MK's phone and throws it into the ocean so that she can't cause any more harm with it.
Bowie finds MK's phone in the ocean and it miraculously still works. He tries using the confessional footage on her phone to get Julia eliminated but it doesn't work.
Total Drama Island (2024)[]
Despite his differences with her in the previous season, Bowie picked MK to be on his team, Team Skunk Butt. MK talked strategy with Julia to make sure Bowie wouldn't betray them.
Team Skunk Butt raced through the woods, covered in super sticky tree sap. MK told Bowie, Julia, Wayne, and Raj about her idea to cheat in the challenge by using sap-removing spray. Bowie was on board with this idea and cheated with his newfound little group.
Bowie and MK continued to cheat in the Squid Game challenge. MK went down to the control room to see the answers to every single question. While Bowie made decisions on which answer to go with, MK would shout her "suggestions" for answers to him. However, she would do it using "hot signals". This meant that sometimes she would yell out the wrong answer but the number of times she said the answer would determine what she truly means. (for instance; if she shouts "Pick B! It's B! The answer has to be B!", she actually means "A" because she said "B" an odd number of times.) Bowie followed these rules and made it exceptionally far in the challenge. However, MK noticed that Chris was getting suspicious, so she gave Bowie the wrong answer near the end. Bowie fell for it and lost the challenge and glared at MK in anger, while MK just kind of giggled, awkwardly. She tried to explain to him that she needed to do this to quell suspicion but he wasn't having it. It didn't matter anyway because Team Skunk Butt ended up winning.
Bowie continues to be complicit with MK and Julia's cheating, despite Raj telling him not to. Bowie is conflicted because he wants to make his boyfriend happy but MK and Julia agree that they're going to vote him off of he doesn't help them cheat. Bowie ends up supporting their feats in drawing a map of the iceberg on Ripper's belly, using Chris' hairdryer to melt their way through the maze, and also hiding the token for the opposing team. Bowie even goes as far as to lie to Raj just because of how great of an advantage MK is giving him. MK understands Bowie's predicament too and gives the hockey bros some ice skates to distract them, while she and Julia cheat with Bowie. This helps her to get Bowie on her side and help out more with their little scandal. When it comes out later that Bowie was once again, cheating with MK and Julia, Bowie finally chooses love over cheating and sides with him. Bowie, Wayne, and Raj all get into a snowball fight with Julia, MK, and Ripper. Their team still ends up winning the challenge but at the cost of Bowie's alliance with MK and Julia.
The teams merge so now Bowie and MK aren't necessarily working together anymore. Bowie once again throws MK under the bus, refusing to cheat with her anymore now that they're not a team. MK gets her comeuppance for cheating when she has to carry her own canoe and gets beaten up by a bear, which Bowie does nothing about. Despite how rude Bowie was to her, MK cheers for him in his victory against Axel in the canoe challenge. MK votes Bowie off the island and surprisingly, he ends up going home, despite how much pain and suffering she went through. As Bowie leaves the island, he proclaims that he doesn't hold ill will toward MK, or anyone else for voting him off, ... Well, he does still hate Julia, however.
BowK is a favorable ship due to how well the two ended up getting along on the show. Bowie and MK are both malicious schemers who are always up to no good and as a couple, they can do even worse things. Both of them are sassy and sarcastic and unlike Bowlia, this ship isn't purely a rivalry, (at least not anymore), with Bowie and MK genuinely respecting each other as friends. After all, Bowie did mention, upon his sendoff in "Canoe Believe It?" that he held no ill will toward anyone on the island except Julia. This means that even through all of their treachery and sparring, Bowie and MK are good friends at the end of the day and in the eyes of the fandom, they can even be more. The ship is a rarepair, however, due to the popularity and canonicity of rival ships Rajbow and MKulia.
On AO3, there are currently 15+ written works.
- Bowie & MK tag on AO3