Bramey is the het ship between Brick MacArthur and Samey from the Total Drama fandom.
Brick and Samey are contestants from the second and third generations, respectively. They have never competed in the same season together. Brick has only competed in Total Drama Revenge of the Island, before Samey debuted and Samey only competed in Total Drama Pahkitew Island, in which none of the previous contestants were ever seen or mentioned. As such, the two have never met in the canon series and don't know each other.
Brick and Samey are a rarepair, as they have never been seen in the show together. Rivaling ships for Brick are Jock, Brott, and Brawn, which are far more common due to the on-screen interactions he had with said characters. However, Brick is also one of the most common ships for Samey. This is mostly because, in terms of canon interactions, Samey has an incredibly poor selection of potential bachelors, as she interacted solely with third-generation contestants, who consist mostly of unrealistic cartoon characters, all with ridiculous personalities.
People find that Brick and Samey would make a good couple if the two of them ever did meet each other. Things they have in common include their shared love for fashion. Samey is a cheerleader who takes pride in her appearance and Brick admitted to secretly wanting to attend fashion school in "Brains vs. Brawn: The Ultimate Showdown" and also worked on building a fashion bomb to dress up Sasquatchwanakwa in "Runaway Model".
They both have a history of being abused and bullied. Brick was revealed to have been teased a lot as a kid in "A Mine is a Terrible Ting to Waste", when Dawn found this out about him. This was mostly on account of him being known as a "pants wetter", as first brought up in "Truth or Laser Shark". Samey has also been bullied relentlessly by her sister, Amy, who was shown to be a complete jerk to her sister in every episode they appeared in. Because they've both suffered these kinds of past experiences, it can be deduced that Brick and Samey would understand each other on an emotional level.
Samey has spent her entire life being second best to her sister and was even shown with several silver medals in her room during her audition tape. Brick could also share this same feeling of inferiority, due to him always being outranked and one-upped by Jo in Total Drama Revenge of the Island.
Brick lives by the motto "Never leave a man behind" and Samey is used to being left out, excluded, and forgotten. Having a guy like Brick in her life would gift her with a sense of inclusion and respect that she'd sadly been missing her whole life.
One issue that gets in the way of Brick and Samey working as a couple is that is was established in "A Mine is a Terrible Thing to Waste", that Brick has a need to be dominated, (which he was in denial of). Samey is not a very dominant woman, being quiet, shy, soft-spoken, complicit, and overall, submissive to everyone around her. However, in "Twinning Isn't Everything", Samey finally grew a backbone and stood up to Amy, calling out her abusive sister for how rude she was and even managed to get Amy voted off. This continued over into "A Blast From the Past", where Samey got into a fight with Amy and finally showed some dominance over her former abuser. Because of this new character development, Samey could now be better with taking charge and fulfill Brick's much-needed desire for a dominant partner in a relationship.
On DeviantArt, the user, Sabreleopard has made a comic of Brick and Samey getting together. In the comic, the two of them expressed their love for each other, by singing a cover of the love song, I Will Be There, by Thomas Borchert and Brandi Burkhardt. The two contestants sit on their separate islands and sing to the skies about how much they long for each others presence. According to the artist, he believes that although Brick and Samey have never canonically met, if they did, they would be soon to fall in love, given how they both have a history of being abused and picked on, despite them both being genuinely nice and kind-hearted individuals, who deserve each other.
Other DeviantArt user, JesusBooksArtFandom, had created fanart of Brick and Samey, stating in her description that there isn't enough fanart of the couple already. The various sketches of the couple depicts them as being a femdom-couple, where Samey takes charge and exhibits bravery in a dark cave, since Brick is still bound by his phobia of the darkness. Brick also used his talent as a fashionista to make a new dress for Samey. There is also a depiction of Brick and Samey going on a double date with other third-generation power couple, Shawn and Jasmine.
- Brick & Samey tag on AO3
- SameyXBrick tag on DeviantArt
- Brick X Sammy on DeviantArt
- Brick and Sammy on DeviantArt
- Bramey on Reddit
- Brick X Samey on Reddit