Shipping Wiki
Shipping Wiki

Screenshots: 1414Still: 11
Femslash ships: 77Het ships: 33Poly ships: 33

Bubble is a character from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Bubble is a female contestant that competed in Battle for Dream Island, IDFB, and BFB. Bubble competed on the Have Cots until her elimination in "Fashion For Your Face!". She placed 10th overall.



Balloonubble — the ship between Bubble and Balloony
Bubblatin — the ship between Bubble and Gelatin
Bubbleblock — the ship between Bubble and Blocky
Bubblepen — the ship between Bubble and Pen
Bubhole — the ship between Bubble and Black Hole
Bubning — the ship between Bubble and Lightning
Bubser — the ship between Bubble and Loser
Erubble — the ship between Bubble and Eraser
Firebubble — the ship between Bubble and Firey
Snowbubble — the ship between Bubble and Snowball
Woodbubble — the ship between Bubble and Woody


Bubbledrop — the ship between Bubble and Teardrop
Bubblepop — the ship between Bubble and Lollipop
Bubblety — the ship between Bubble and Bracelety
Bubcil — the ship between Bubble and Pencil
Bubcube — the ship between Bubble and Ice Cube
Bubeafy — the ship between Bubble and Leafy
Bubeedle — the ship between Bubble and Needle
Bubmote — the ship between Bubble and Remote
Bubottle — the ship between Bubble and Bottle
Bubpie — the ship between Bubble and Pie
Flowbubble — the ship between Bubble and Flower
Foldubble — the ship between Bubble and Foldy
Fubble — the ship between Bubble and Fanny
Golfbubble — the ship between Bubble and Golf Ball
Matchble — the ship between Bubble and Match
Pinbubble — the ship between Bubble and Pin
Rububble — the ship between Bubble and Ruby
Sawble — the ship between Bubble and Saw


BFDI Finalists — the ship between Bubble, Firey and Leafy
Bubatchcil — the ship between Bubble, Match and Pencil
Flowerubypopbble — the ship between Bubble, Flower, Ruby and Lollipop
Freesmart — the ship between Bubble, Book, Ice Cube, Match, Pencil and Ruby
Fubblepop — the ship between Bubble, Fanny and Lollipop
Fubning — the ship between Bubble, Fanny and Lightning
Gelabubblepop — the ship between Bubble, Gelatin and Lollipop
Rububatchcil — the ship between Bubble, Ruby, Match, and Pencil
Water Contestants — the ship between Bubble, Snowball, Ice Cube, Teardrop, and Cloudy


Main article: Fubble


Bubble tag on AO3


# portmanteau characters type
37 Fubble Fanny femslash
9 Bubble & Match & Pencil MatchPencil gen
7 Bubble & Match Match gen
6 Bubble & Ruby Ruby gen
6 Bubble & Match & Pencil & Ruby MatchPencilRuby gen
6 Bubblepop Lollipop femslash
5 Bubble & Fanny Fanny gen
4 Leafble Leafy femslash
2 Bubble & Leafy Leafy gen
2 Snowbubble Snowball het

