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CRTleaf is the non-binary ship between CRT and Leafy from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Gelatin asks Four why it became so hot inside of the bus after Lollipop's, who Four mistook to be Naily, elimination. Four says it's because they are there inside, and mention of wanting to do stand-up, X says they would watch it, whilst Purple Face says he wouldn't. CRT somehow ends up getting onto the bus with the merge crew and says they would watch it, but wouldn't prioritize watching it. Four asks who they are, due to them being a complete, Four ignores the fact that they, a complete stranger, somehow got onto the bus, and allows them to compete with the merge for the episode. After the contestants, Purple Face, and CRT got inside of the World's Largest Oven. X turns on their magic and puts the crew in room temperature, instead of volcano like temperature, which would have killed everyone in a matter of minutes due to all of them being either organic, food, or in CRT's case, a electronic. CRT asks if X could give them some magic, and X agrees and gives them some. Leafy right afterwards tells X they are a great guy.

Four steps out of the bus, then proceeds to ask if it smells nice, to which nobody agreed. Flower and Teardrop split off from the cast as they enter a mysterious room. The gang gets trapped inside said room however. Purple Face explains that being trapped in a small tiny room is no laughing matter and CRT agrees with that statement with Purple Face. They try to look for a way out of the room, with Leafy suggesting to look in the box in the room, but Purple Face says he's looked under there already, to no avail. Gelatin blames Leafy for getting them trapped inside, as she was the one to suggest entering. The room started to get a bit heated (pun intended), so Gelatin asks if someone could tell a story. During CRT's turn, he told the memories they shared together. The memories being everyone asking who they were, including Leafy. Gelatin asks her to go away, but Leafy starts telling her story.

The gang escapes after Gelatin looked under the box, which had a key, due to Purple Face lying about looking underneath the box. Leafy and Gelatin continue to get more and more heated in their argument. Leafy couldn't believe Gelatin thinks that she is mean, due to the fact that she is usually fairly kind and friendly, but snaps into being manipulative, passive aggressive, and flat out murderous. Gelatin says he didn't mean the comment he said in that sense, he just meant that Leafy's niceness seems to be fake at times. Leafy then tells Gelatin "Would a mean person do this!" and precedes to pick up CRT and throw them at the window of the oven. Due to the limits of X's magic, being that if they physically touch the wall, they would burn, CRT is set ablaze by the touch of the wall, and starts screaming in pain. They slowly turn to ash as they melt away. Gelatin says yes, but then asks who was CRT again.


This ship is a rarepair in the fandom due to their limited screentime together. CRT only gets a few lines in the only episode they were in, hence didn't interact a lot with the cast a whole lot in the episode. The only contestant they interacted multiple times with, and had a nice relationship with was Leafy, who even though didn't know her, stayed positive to her throughout the episode, until CRT was thrown back first into a burning piece of window, Even then Leafy was really positive to her anytime they interacted, whilst the others wanted nothing to do with her.


CRT (BFB) & Leafy posts on Tumblr

