Cammike is the slash ship between Cameron and Mike from the Total Drama fandom.
Cameron and Mike are both placed on the Mutant Maggots at the start of Total Drama: Revenge of the Island. They do not share much major interaction at first, but they get along well enough. Cameron catches onto Mike's DID when seeing him having a conversation with his alter Chester in his sleep at the start of “Truth or Laser Shark”. During the challenge, Cameron is also surprised when Mike utilizes Svetlana's athletic ability; asking him how he did it, only to get an awkward response, with Mike attempting to play off his lapse in memory. In “Ice Ice Baby”, Cameron further studies Mike's condition enough to know how to bring certain personalities out. When their team finds themselves losing the challenge with their ice fort melting around them, Cameron manages to get Mike's athletic alter Svetlana to front again. Mike encourages Cameron in “Finders Creepers”, and refers to him as Cam affectionately. After Mike, under the influence of Vito, is caught making out with Anne Maria, Cameron frustratedly tells the two to focus; officially raising his voice for the first time. And he has successfully gotten their attention as well.
In “Backstabbers Ahoy!”, Cameron is seen watching Mike interact with his various alters in his sleep once more, describing him as "a walking, talking psychology book". Thus, Cameron was now eagerly studying Mike's behavior and taking notes in a small sketchpad. During the second part of the challenge, Cameron once again manages to bring out Svetlana, who aided them in the challenge. Cameron and Mike's friendship primarily develops in “A Mine is a Terrible Thing to Waste”. When Cameron finds Mike unconscious, he immediately resorts to what he thought Jo would do in order to wake his friend up; hitting him over the head with the flashlight in his hands and telling him to move it or lose it. This works, and the two progress through the mine together, with Mike also carrying Cameron when the latter was weakened from the radioactivity. And Cameron is happy to hear Mike refer to him as “buddy”, now having a genuine friend. Mike also defends Cameron and Zoey from the mutant gophers before Brick saved them all. Before the elimination, Cameron talks to Mike behind the Maggots' cabin, telling him that he knows about his DID. Mike is at first devastated about his secret being out, and frantically asks Cameron how he knew, to which Cameron replies that sixteen years in a bubble makes one very observant. He then tells Mike that he can help him control his personalities, in exchange for an alliance between them against new teammate Scott, whom Cameron doesn't trust. Mike is more excited about the chance to control his personalities and pulls Cameron into a tight hug, thanking him vigorously.
And in “The Treasure Island of Doctor McLean”, Cameron helps Mike keep his alters under control; first having to remove the hat from Mike's head that triggered Manitoba Smith. Cameron also notes in a confessional that he's learned about Mike's alters from watching them in action, he explains their various triggers. After narrowly avoiding Zoey noticing Mike's alter Vito fronting and wondering about where Anne Maria was, Cameron expresses concern about how he couldn't keep it up for much longer, telling Mike that he had to let Zoey know about his condition at some point. Mike says that he plans to do it, except he needed ten years or so before he was ready. And the two voted out Scott together, to no avail since he had the Immunity Idol. In “Grand Chef Auto”, Cameron feels guilty that he accidentally told Scott about Mike's DID. During the challenge, Mike attempts to tell Cameron that they need to only use a little bit of paint to make a mark until Scott forces him to go. Cameron realizes that he has not been helping Mike throughout the episode and feels like a bad friend. Cameron is saddened when Scott chooses Mike to be eliminated. Mike is one of Cameron's most vocal supporters during the final challenge and cheers with everyone else. In Lightning's ending, Mike tells Cameron to try and get up to avoid losing. However, Cameron states he can't move the suit without any power, leading to Lightning's win. When Cameron defeats Lightning in his ending, Mike became excited when Cameron announces that he would split the prize money with everyone else, including him.
In Total Drama All-Stars, Cameron and Mike are both placed on the Heroic Hamsters. In “Evil Dread”, Cameron manages to summon Manitoba Smith by putting a fedora on Mike which he found after being covered in Chef's laundry. The Australian alter manages to help contribute to the team. While the two are getting ready for bed in “Saving Private Leechball”, Mike makes a comment about how awesome the spa hotel is. Cameron agrees but feels guilty looking at Sam's empty bed, as the latter is exiled on Boney Island. At the start of the next day, Cameron and Mike along with the rest of the Heroic Hamsters enjoy breakfast together and comment on how great the food is. At the elimination ceremony, Mike is concerned when Cameron volunteers for exile. When everyone exchanges worried glances, Mike suggests that Cameron's small size might let him go unnoticed by all the animals.
After Mike's dark alter Mal comes out, he makes various attempts to manipulate Cameron. In “Moon Madness”, Mal trips Cameron and breaks his glasses. He later pretends to be Mike while working with Cameron for the challenge, albeit trying to get rid of the bubble boy. Cameron lets “Mike” join his and Zoey's alliance “for now” in “You Regatta Be Kidding Me”, aware of Mike's dark alter. And at the elimination ceremony, Mal attempts to get Cameron out by rigging the votes. And after it fails, he can be seen clearly irritated. In “Zeek and Ye Shall Find”, Mal attempts to plant a seed of distrust between Cameron and Gwen. And he encourages Cameron to kiss Courtney in order to drive a wedge between her and her boyfriend Scott. This succeeds. Cameron is later disposed of by Mal, though. Mal left Cameron hanging on a root after the latter fell down a hole. And at the elimination ceremony with an injured Cameron, Mal deviously reveals himself to Cameron, causing the latter to let out several muffled screams. In “The Final Wreck-ening”, Cameron congratulates Mike on his win in his ending, also stating it was good to have him back. But Cameron immediately declines when Mike makes a comment about the idea of them playing on Total Drama again sometime.
About Cammike, it is not as popular as Zoke due to the latter being canon. But still, plenty of Total Drama fanfics about Cameron and Mike exist on AO3. Because Cameron was one of the first to pick up on Mike's DID, people see the two as good friends, but in a romantic sense, the ship is rare.
- Mike/Cameron tag on AO3
- Cameron and Mike on Total Drama Wiki
- Both merge in every season they compete in.
- Both have been finalists in one season and placed eighth in the other.
- FriendshipFinale refers to the ship between Zoey, Cameron and Mike