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Candlegolf is the femslash ship between Candle and Golf Ball from the Inanimate Insanity and Battle for Dream Island fandoms.


Theatre Etiquette starts with the curtains of the theatre with the 2024 tour logo. Candle greets the audience/viewers to the show. She says "Welcome to the BFDI and Inanimate Insanity 2024 Tour.". She introduces herself as Candle and Golf Ball interrupts and says she is the magnificent Golf Ball. She tells everyone to hold their applause for her.

She goes on to say before they start the festivities of the tour, she says it's the utmost importance that everyone pays attention to their presentation they are about to show to everyone in the real life theatre. She tells everyone the presentation is about how to have proper theatre etiquette. This presentation in real life was most likely made because of all the stuff that happened in 2023's event, where all the rules they told everywhere but the show itself was broken, even the most simple rules to complete. The curtains open up to show many BFDI and Inanimate Insanity characters walking to their seats. Candle first goes on about boundaries.

She says that they want everyone to have a enjoyable time while being at the event. She warns everybody about being mindful of the people around your area and respecting everybody's personal space. While she is saying this, Cloudy comes into his row with his collection of merch and blocks Paper's view of the stage because of his floating and the amount of merch he has. Candle then goes on about one of the most important rules of all of the BFDI X I.I events and tours, photography and filming. Candle says that all photography and video recording of any kind are strictly prohibited during the screenings of both episodes for the event.

Golf Ball buts in to say that if anybody is found doing this, they will be 100% chance that you will be forcibly ejected out of the theatre. Candle then continues and says to be present with them in the moment and put away all cell phones and cameras for until after the screening is over. Like most percentages, this one that Golf Ball said was 100% false as somehow two whole episodes were leaked. Golf Ball says that there will be no intermission during both screenings of the episodes and tells everyone to be seated for the entire show. Candle says if for any reason you have to leave, she warns to be mindful of others and exit quietly.

Golf Ball says in the event of a scientific or other-wordly disaster happens, she says to not panic. Candle informs everyone that they must remain calm and locate the nearest exit in the theatre. Candle says it's healthy to be in touch with your emotions, and actually says it's okay to show any emotion during the screening, but Golf Ball says to be mindful of the noise to not drown out the episodes, as shown during last year's leaks, as everyone was screaming so loud, no one could hear the episode. She says it ruins the experience for everybody, Golf Ball shows how to properly react using David, their reactionary-expert. Candle thanks everyone for listening in on their presentation.

Golf Ball announces that everyone passed their Theatre Etiquette training and is fully certified. She goes on to say that if they come back, they could get your master's degree in Theatre Etiquette. Candle laughs at this response. Candle then says with all of that in mind, she hopes that everybody enjoys the show.


This ship is a rarepair, mainly due to these two only interacting in a Theatre rules guidelines animation. The few people that ship this like the whole opposites trope the two have going on for them. Candle is a mindful, calm, person but does gains a sharp edge, being more of a commander. Golf Ball on the other hand is manipulative, almost never happy, and overall just feels like a bossy bot, though sometimes does gain a softer, calmer, happier edge only at certain times. The two's dynamic in the short isn't really pressed upon as it's a guidelines animation, but if they did have the spotlight like Twophone and Puffphone, in the 2023 Animations, their dynamic could be really cool to see.


Candle and Golf Ball search results on DeviantArt


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Inanimate Insanity ShipsInanimate Insanity Characters
SHIPS het BasebulbBasecaseCobscaseFanbulbFancaseFantubeGuavfruitKnifebulbKnifecaseLifekettleMarshatinMarshknifeMicroknifeNickboxNickcaseNicloverPepperloonPhonebulbSaltjaySilvercandleSuitloonTackleTacopadYindle
slash BallojBaseknifeBickelBombJayCheesebombCheeseloonFanphoneFloorphoneGlitchy KnifeGooberryKnifephone4SKnickleKnifanMephojNickloonPapercutPayJaySilverberryToipadTrifeTropheesy
femslash ApplebowBoxcaseCabtubeCandlegolfClovertubeLightcaseLuckyfilesMarshbowMarshpleMicbulbSaltpepSoapMicTacocaseTacomicTestbulb
non-binary CabbotCandlebrushFanbrushGoobotKnifeBrushLightbrushMarshbrushPaintJayPaintyangSilverbrushTestbrushTwophone
family MeeplingsShimmer FamilyTestbot
poly FantubebulbMarshapplebowPaySaltJayPoly Bright LightsTestbulbrush
friend Rockbulb
CHARACTERS male BalloonFanKnifeMePhone4OJ
female LightbulbMarshmallowSuitcase Test Tube
neutral Paintbrush