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Cheesetwo is the cargo ship between Two and their cheesecake in the Battle for Dream Island Fandom.


Two baked a cheesecake and set it outside the Hotel, sitting down in front of it. Unfortunately Eraser ends up accidentally shooting a window, which caused shattered glass to slice into the cake, much to Two's horror.

Two starts Cake at Stake and sends The Strongest Team on Earth up onto the roof of the Hotel along with their cake. Two announces the cake to the team, but states that it was destroyed during the morning's disaster with his blocks. Eggy comforts them and says that she would still eat it, but Two is worried about that, as it has shards of glass jammed into it, Eggy still says she would eat it. So Two starts announcing the votes. Two gives a slice to Grassy, as he is the first one safe. Two asks if he'll eat the cake, but Grassy slides backwards and throws it off the Hotel, to Two's displeasure. Two gives the next slice to Snowball, but he furiously refuses to eat the cake.

Two gives the next slice of glass-cheesecake to Bell. Two wonders if she'll eat it, and she says she will save it for later, so it wouldn't hurt their feelings. Robot Flower goes up to Two and volunteers to eat the slice of cake, to which Two says is great news for her, as she is the next one safe. Due to being a robot however, and not having a face nor agile limbs, the only way she can "eat" the cake is to plow her head into it. So she does just that, she throws it to the ground, and starts pounding her face into the ground, more so smashing the cake rather than eating it.

Two then gives the next slice over to Basketball, who takes the cake and pretends to eat the slice. From the angle of the video, it looks like Basketball is putting it into her mouth and slowly chewing it, but in reality, She is just pushing it to the side of her body, which Two quickly realizes. Before Two announces who is going up for elimination, to join Pie in Two's elimination place. Eggy says she actually hopes to join Pie in the elimination place, in order to avoid her promise to eat the cake earlier. To eat the glass-cheesecake, as it looks, and is, very deadly to eat, and will kill her. Two announces that Eggy is safe however, and off-screen Two hands Eggy the cheesecake, and dying of the Cheesecake. It's also been confirmed that it's canon.


Twocake is one of the most popular cargo ships in the BFDI fandom. Cargo ships in the BFDI fandom are quite rare to see for some odd reason in the series. After TPOT 2 got uploaded onto YouTube, people started shipping Two and his Cheesecake due to how much love he seemed to show for the cake that was outright destroyed by the beginning to the episode, constantly getting more and more heartbroken by how many people hated the cake. The ship got even more popular due to the amount of meme's of Two screaming that is cheesecake was destroyed by glass. Some people shipped it as a joke but others shipped the two romanticially, It's Rival ships are Cheesegg, Teartwo, and Gattwo.


BFDI Two x Cheesecake on Tiktok

