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— Chet and Lornezo singing their theme song

Chenzo is the family ship between Chet and Lorenzo from The Ridonculous Race fandom.



Chet and Lorenzo originally started off as enemies at school, who hated each other for unknown reasons. Unfortunately for them, Chet's mom married Lorenzo's dad, forcing them to become stepbrothers. This was absolutely infuriating for the two boys and only caused their rivalry to get even worse. Chet and Lorenzo would call each other names and beat each other up non-stop. This became a big enough problem that their parents decided to send them onto the reality TV show, The Ridonculous Race, as a brotherly bonding activity and get along.

Season 1[]


Chet and Lorenzo were introduced to the show, where, right out the gate, they were wresting with each other in rage. They explained that after a year of being involuntary stepbrothers, the war between them has been raging on just as strong as ever before. Fed up with the constant bickering, their parents sent them to The Ridonculous Race to force them to become friends. Lorenzo called his parents a couple of "jerks" and Chet got offended that Lorenzo indirectly insulted his mom. Chet called Lorenzo a "jerk" back and shoved Lorenzo over and Lorenzo jumped back to tackle Chet, calling him a "jerk" again.

When they raced up the stairs of the Canada Tower, they slap-fought with each other the first half of the way there. Pretty soon, they were both to winded to fight any more but as they trudged up the stairs heaving in exhaustion, they kept wheezing out insults at each other. Chet told Lorenzo that if they came in last, it would be his fault and Lorenzo told Chet to shut up and just climb faster. Chet demanded Lorenzo to stop breathing in his back.

Chet and Lorenzo finally made it to the top and used the zipline together, slapping each other across the faces in a fight over who gets to read the travel tip. They would then crash into the mattresses at the bottom and while they were knocked out, Geoff and Brody ziplined down after them and landed on them. Geoff thanked the two dudes for breaking their fall. In the end, they came in 16th place and were scheduled to board the last flight to Morocco.


Chet made a phone call home on the airport payphone, telling his mom that there's no way her plan will work and he and Lorenzo are never going to become friends. Lorenzo then walked up and asked Chet if he was talking to his dad. Even though Chet told him he was actually talking to his mom, Lorenzo snatched the phone from him and yelled at his "dad" to get a divorce with Chet's mom. This got them into a tug-of-war over the phone.

When the stepbrothers made it to Morocco, Chet ate some traditional spices and Lorenzo kept on nagging Chet the entire time because he hated the way he ate, drank, and slurped. Chet spat into Lorenzo's face just to piss him off. Chet was so grossed out by his food that he barfed into his own mouth. Lorenzo noted that his dad is a motivational speaker and he used his dad's encouragement on Chet to help him slurp. This was just him screaming into Chet's face, demanding that he swallow him own vomit, which Chet did. Afterwards, Lorenzo made fun of Chet and called him a "puke eater". The two raced to the finish, with Chet belly-aching in pain and they came in 15th place.


Lorenzo drew a caricature of Chet for the botch or watch drawing challenge, depicting him as a big smelly bag of garbage sticking its tongue out. This was approved by the artist and Lorenzo smiled as Chet scowled at him with his arms folded.

Not wanting to spend time with each other, Chet and Lorenzo took different modes of transportation to the Seine River, with Lorenzo taking the subway and Chet taking the taxi. Chet made it there later than Lorenzo and when he got there, Lorenzo blew a raspberry at him. Chet claimed that his time away from Lorenzo was the best part of the trip and Lorenzo retorted that his time before meeting Chet was the best part of his life. The two started physically beating the tar out of each other once again.

Despite their constant quarreling, the stepbrothers came in 6th place.


Chet did the botch part of the botch or watch, where he swam in the ocean to get a travel tip from the sharks. Chet moaned and griped that he felt he was getting the short end of the stick on all of these botch or watch challenges. Lorenzo laughed at his misfortune. After getting their travel tip, they learned that they needed to build sand castles. Instead of building sand castles, they just threw sand at each other, which put them way behind the game.

After finally completing the sand castle building challenge, Chet and Lorenzo pushed each other in a fight over who got to drive the speedboat. They finally settled on having them switch turns every 15 seconds. Lorenzo drove first and Chet counted really quickly to get to drive faster and Lorenzo called him out on this crap. They came in 7th place.


Chet and Lorenzo had to remember the Icelandic phrase, "Vensamlejast gefa mer mina travel au bending." They agreed to both remember half of the sentence but when they made it across the geysers, they apparently both remembered the first half and then beat each other up. The Icelandic local got annoyed with their crap, so she pushed them over to shut them up. In the confessional, they argued over which one of them the local chick loved more. Eventually, they remembered the entire sentence and just barely passed. To celebrate their victory they almost high fived each other, before pulling away, remembering that they hated each other. They came in 9th place for this challenge.


Lorenzo volunteered for the next botch or watch, where he had to fish a travel tip out of a mitten full of bullet ants. Lorenzo ended up hurting himself really bad and failed to retrieve the tip this way. Chet was apparently mad about Lorenzo doing the challenge instead of him and shoved him over, telling him that it was his turn to botch now, getting his own hand eaten alive. Lorenzo watched in amusement as Chet went through the pain he went through.

For the coconut challenge, Chet and Lorenzo threw coconuts at each other and for the costume making contest, Chet and Lorenzo fought with each each other and ended up getting glued back-to-back with the costume glue. After they did the contest, they still got into yet another tug of war, this time, over the next travel tip.

Chet got onto a hang glider with Lorenzo still glued to his back. Lorenzo said that he's doing well in the challenge, despite being glued to Chet but Chet refuted that Lorenzo was doing well because he was glued to him. They got into a fact fight, which Chet apparently won by saying "Fact Right. Stamped It, Locked It, No Eraseys." Lorenzo growled and shook his fist in rage just before Chet jumped him off the cliff. Even though they fought a lot, they still managed to come in 5th place.


Lorenzo dared Chet to a race to the first travel tip box, saying that the last one there has to eat fresh snot and then pushed him to the ground. Lorenzo won the little race and hocked a loogie for him to eat. Chet smacked Lorenzo and took the travel tip, only to unfortunately realize that he would have to get inside of a casket that Lorenzo would push around. Lorenzo laughed at Chet and made sure to make this little casket race as painful as possible for him. When they made it to the end, a grave-digging Transylvanian local scared the living daylights out of them and scared them into the funeral plot.

For the botch or watch, Chet botched as he did some rhythmic gymnastics to cross the balance beam. Lorenzo watched in awe, admittedly impressed at Chet's skills. Not like he was going to admit that, of course. When Geoff commented on Chet's skills, Lorenzo insulted Chet and claimed that rhythmic gymnastics is nothing compared to his far-superior, karate. Geoff told Lorenzo that karate was cool too and that he and Chet both brought something to the table, which Lorenzo refused to agree with. Either way, Chet and Lorenzo came in 4th place.


While riding the donkey carts to the airport, Chet commented on the donkey's stinky smell and Lorenzo told him that the donkey said the same thing about his smell. Chet told Lorenzo that donkeys can't talk but Lorenzo corrected him, saying that Chet is a talking donkey. Chet called Lorenzo a "poohead" and Lorenzo called Chet a "tool". Dwayne and Junior, who were driving the cart, looked back on them in annoyance. Junior wondered how old they were since they looked to be teenagers but they were acting like toddlers.

Lorenzo humiliated Chet once again during the hot-coal crossing challenge, when he had Chet dress up like a girl in a bikini and carry him. However, Lorenzo ended up kind of getting the shaft here because now he was burning his feet on the hot coals, which only hurt like 20 times as much because he had to carry Chet's fat body across the plain as he did this. He also had to smell Chet's big smelly armpit the whole time. The stepbrothers came in 7th place.


Carrie flunked the tennis challenge and Chet laughed at her, which distracted him and made him flunk as well. Lorenzo got mad at Chet for screwing up the challenge for them and Chet told Lorenzo that he was just jealous that he got to talk to a girl. Lorenzo didn't believe that this counted as talking to a girl, prompting another physical fight between the two morons. These battling bozos came in 10th place.


Lorenzo ate a nasty bat shish-kebab and Chet smiled at his discomfort. Lorenzo to barfed in his face. They can in 7th place.


Chet and Lorenzo had very little screentime this episode and didn't really have much direct interactions, besides just begrudgingly working together. They sat in the sauna together, sweating like pigs. In the end, they came in 8th place.


Chet and Lorenzo fought as they went overboard Victoria Falls. Chet grabbed Lorenzo's face and pulled his cheeks for the selfie, making the latter look stupid. Lorenzo got his revenge in Zambezi National Park by leaping out of the bushed and punching Chet in the face. The stepbrothers came in 7th place.


Chet and Lorenzo were locked in Geelong Maximum Security Prison and had to find a way out. Chet slammed Lorenzo's head against the bars which didn't work. Chet laughed and said that Lorenzo's thick head wasn't good for anything. Lorenzo shoved Chet head first into a wall and left a crack in it but it wasn't enough to break down the wall. Chet and Lorenzo fought with each other once again and got each other into a headlock, which left them both without oxygen. They finally let up and decided that this fighting wasn't doing them any good. If they wanted to get out of there, they had to think of a way out, even though they still hated each other. Chet had an idea that could get them out but Lorenzo thought he had an even better one that wouldn't be stupid like his. Chet and Lorenzo both said their plans at the same time, which ended up being the same plan; Put up a mirror to the cell door so that a guard thinks he's locked inside and opens the cell door to let them out. The two of them gasped in shock that they came up with the same brilliant idea. They then tested something out to see what else they were like-minded in. They found that they had the same favorite dinosaur-ninja movie, "Dinosaur Ninja 4: Rise of the Caveman Wizard" and the favorite anti-zombie weapon, "Chainsaw Missile Launcher, Duh." It was at this moment that Chet and Lorenzo had an epiphany and realized they no longer hated each other.

Now that they were the best of friends, Chet and Lorenzo started taunting the guard together, to try and get him to give them a mirror. They insulted the guard for being funny-looking and suggested he go to the face-changing doctor. Chet and Lorenzo laughed at just how good they owned this stupid guard, even though they failed to get the mirror for their plan. Chet leapt into bed and the bed broke under his weight. He and Lorenzo laughed. Lorenzo then leapt into the top bunk which also broke under his weight, making him land on Chet. The entire floor broke out beneath them and they fell through, accidentally escaping from Geelong. They were also the first ones out of prison, putting them in first place for the second challenge.

Chet and Lorenzo's second challenge was to build a raft. Lorenzo thought it would be a better idea to build a floating spaceship instead and Chet thought that this was a genius idea that he got from his head before he had it. In the confessional, Chet came up with a theme song for himself and Lorenzo. It went like this; "STEPBROTHERS! STEPBROTHERS! WE'RE THE STEPBROTHERS!!!". sailed down the Barwon River in a raft they built. They played pretend like this was a floating spaceship they were in, where Lorenzo was the captain and Chet was "Mr. Jet", whatever that means. They noticed Carrie and Devin coming up and used their oars as laser blasters on them. This was, of course, completely useless and really just allowed for Carrie and Devin to pass them and come on 1st place. Chet and Lorenzo's boat broke upon their docking and they screamed in terror, hugging each other, hoping not to drown, only for them to realize the water they were in was like knee-deep. The stepbrothers raced on over to the chill zone and came in 2nd place after Carrie and Devin. The stepbrothers celebrated their victory by singing their theme song again, "STEPBROTHERS! STEPBROTHERS! WE'RE THE STEPBROTHERS!!!".


Chet and Lorenzo were still in The Outback but more importantly, they were still the best of friends. In the confessional, they said that they used some markers to draw matching tattoos of each others faces on their bellies. However, Chet mistakenly just drew his own face, thinking that that's what they were doing. It didn't matter because they had a challenge to do; bunny bagging. Chet and Lorenzo searched for an albino rabbit and found a kangaroo instead. Lorenzo was sure it was a kangaroo and not a rabbit but Chet called it a kangaroo. Lorenzo used the confessional to say that since Chet was the smart one, he trusted him that it was a rabbit. Lorenzo even called it the albino rabbit in front of Chet. Chet used the confessional and said that he was like 100% certain that this was NOT an albino rabbit but Lorenzo was the smart one so he went with it. The two worked on trying to bag the "rabbit", while it kicked them across the outback and beat the shit out of them.

After getting beaten brawn by that damn kangaroo, Chet and Lorenzo tried their hand at catching another rabbit, only for them to catch a baby joey instead. The mother of the joey, who was that same kangaroo, came back and kicked them again. Chet said that he kind of missed having someone to blame for everything. Just then, an albino bunny rabbit jumped up and stood on Chet. Chet and Lorenzo freaked out, thinking that this was a giant mutant maggot and they didn't know what to do. Don came up to them and congratulated them on catching the rabbit and allowed them to progress to the next challenge. Out of fear, Chet and Lorenzo waited for the rabbit to finish eating his food first, so that it wouldn't kick them like the kangaroo.

Chet and Lorenzo got into an airplane and flew to the Aspiring Mountain. They were glad to be rid of that terrifying "albino rabbit", only for the kangaroo to show up on the plane and knock one of their wings off, sending them plummetting to the ground. The brothers climbed out of their plane and could see the chill zone in the distance. However, they were really tired and didn't think they had the energy to make it all the way over there, ... until the kangaroo rose from the wreckage of the airplane and chased them down, this time, armed with her vicious baby joey. Just as they approached the chill zone, The Rockers came tumbling down in an avalanche and buried them in the snow at the chill zone.

The stepbrothers and the rockers were taken out of the snow and Don reviewed the footage of the photo finish to see who would still be in the game. Lorenzo assured Chet that if they lose this challenge he's gunna be a massive jerk about it. Chet agreed that he would be a huge jerk about it too and they fist bumped. It was then announced that they had come in 11th place after The Rockers, losing the game. When they were played off the show, Chet and Lorenzo refused to admit that they lost and acted like massive jerks, just like they promised. They swore that they would start their own racing show that had ninjas and firework factories in space. In another surprise twist, Don announced that this was a double elimination challenge and that the rockers would be going home tonight too, ultimately making this tiebreaker pointless. As the stepbrothers left with the rockers, the four of them became friends with each other and went home to Chet and Lorenzo's house to play Whack Storm on their GameBox.


The stepbrothers waited in the sidelines for the finalists to reach the ultimate chill zone. They agreed that The Police Cadets were destined to win. However, even though those two girls were tough, they were still no match for the new thing that they made up, parkour kung-fu. Chet and Lorenzo then did some parkour kung-fu and broke the camera.


Chenzo is a well-received family ship by fans of The Ridonculous Race. Fans found their journey from being bitter rivals to the best of friends to be a great story for them. Some people wish they would have appeared more after they made up because they wanted their friendship to be explored more, while others believe that they didn't need to see them again because now that they stopped fighting, their story arc is over and they don't need them to come back. Although most people ship them as step-brothers, it's not uncommon for some people to ship them as boyfriends as well.


Chet and Lorenzo tag on Tumblr
Lorenzo and Chet tag on Tumblr
Chet and Lorenzo fanbase on Amino
Chet and Lorenzo posts on TikTok
Chet & Lorenzo on the Total Drama: The Ridonculous Race Wiki


  • List of insults these two have called each other;
    • Jerk
    • Doofus
    • Slow-Poke
    • Sweatball
    • Poohead
    • Dork
    • Puke Eater
    • Puke Eater Watcher
    • Buttstain
    • Jerky
    • Nerd
    • Buttspray
    • Donkey
    • Tool
    • Skirtface
    • Chihuahua
  • Their favorite "Dinosaur Ninja" movie is "Dinosaur Ninja 4: Rise of the Caveman Wizard".
  • Their favorite anti-zombie weapon is a chainsaw missile launcher. (duh)
  • They have a theme song for themselves that goes like this "STEPBROTHERS! STEPBROTHERS! WE'RE THE STEPBROTHERS!!!"
  • They both consider each other to be "the smart one" in the family.
  • They hate albinos.



Total Drama
Total Drama ShipsTotal Drama Characters
SHIPS het Alebridgette AleCourtAleheatherAlerraAleshawnaAnneZekeBawnBeardellaBethodyBetholdBloshBlowenBowKBradethBrameyBrawnBridgzekeCamCourtCamerraCarDevCaruniorChemmaCoderraCodetherCourdyCrimuiCryanDamillieDamiyaDavAmyDavellaDavneyDeatherDevawnaDidgetteDireneDizzyDJatieDoeyDottDuncneyDuncshawnaDwellyEmmayneGeoffleyGidgetteGwalejandroGwemeronGwentGweoffGwodyGwuncanH-BombHatchleyJacseeJasRodJockJocksonJizzyJulebJuliayneJustBethJustLindJustneyLellaLesharoldLight of DawnLylerMcLaineleyMickittyMipperMKalebNemmaNichamienNichayneNizzyOwittyOzzyPriBowPrilebPriyzeeRajuliaRipaxelRodAmyRodellaRodSamRodScarSamkotaScarlaxScarmienScarZScottneyScripperShasmineShySkaveSkeithStephRyanSugnardTamnardTophAmyTophellaTophlettTophmineTophSamTreatherTrensayVitanneZemmaZokeZott
slash AlecodyAleduncanAleJustinAlenoahAletylerBikeBowayneBowlebCammikeCamningChrefDamiwayneDavenardDuncoldJustOwenNoCoNostinNowenRajbowRayneScangScikeShaveTrenoTrodyTrustinTynoZeemienZipper
femslash AxemmaBethshawnaBridgneyCourterraCourtLindDaweyDawnkotaEmmkEzzyGweatherGwegetteGwenerraGweshawnaGwoeyGwourtneyHeatherraHeathneyIzzerraJasameyJawnJo MariaJotherJuliemmaLindsethMacSandersMellodyMKuliaNichaxelNichemmaNichuliaPrilliePriymkPruliaSammellaScamyScariyaScaryaxelScarymarySkatieSkellaSugella
poly EzekibridgeoffGwentodyGwuncneyJustnowenKastadiePriyzeelebRaynebowRodlygamySkavella
family AmmyChenzoDwayniorGwellaJaykeyKellorKemmaOwax
non-binary McLearry
friend Axis of EvilBowiemmaBowliaChrindsayFriendshipFinaleRajkateTeam E-ScopeThe Drama BrothersTrout Trio
cargo BetholeChizzaCocowenPolegettePoletherRobeatherTreelebZeestheticZoda
CHARACTERS male AlejandroBrickBowieCalebCameronCodyDamienDaveDuncanHaroldJustinMikeNoahOwenRodneyScottTrentTopherWayneZee
female AmyBethBlaineleyBridgetteCourtneyDawnEllaEmma (TD 2023)GwenHeatherIzzyJasmineJoJuliaLeshawnaLindsayMKNichellePriyaSameyScarlettScary GirlSierraSkyZoey