CissieCassieKon is the poly ship between Cissie King-Jones, Cassie Sandsmark and Conner Kent from the DC Comics fandom.
In Cassie's room, she and Conner are trying to get Cissie to move as she's curled up in the feedle position and not speaking. They then hear Cassie's mom at the door, and Conner quickly hides Cissie by flying them both to the ceiling. The three then sneak out and head to the mall.
Conner questions why they took Cissie to the mall, and Cassie says she's trying to put her in more of a regular environment. Conner thinks that Cissie should go right back to being Arrowetter, and Cassie says that unlike him, normal life comes first for everyone else. She says that she wants to be an archeologist, and Cissie wants to be a scientist, asking what Conner's goal in life is. He says it's to be Superman, when Cissie suddenly says she'll have to become a supervillain. Conner and Cassie are confused, and Cissie says that trying to kill someone is what villains do. Ergo, she'll have to become a villain. Cassie says she's not a villain and but Cissie spirals into everything she'll have to do to become one. Conner then starts laughing and Cassie tries to scold him, but ends up joining it.
Conner and Cassie step out of the bathroom when they see Cissie jump down from the second floor and stop a thief. Conner then flies her out telling Cassie that they should go before someone sees them. Cassie is glad that Cissie is back to normal, but Cissie doesn't seem happy herself. They return to Cassie's, only to be confronted by Helena. Conner places Cissie down, and takes her bow from Helena who is holding it. She then breaks it, much to everyone's shock and quits being arrowette.
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CissieCassieKon is a rarpair in the DC fandom and the Young Justice sub-fandom. Some however, do see it as the solution to the love triangle presented within the early Young Justice comics. On AO3, there is currently one written work.
- Cissie/Cassie/Conner tag on AO3
- CissieCassie refers to the ship between Cissie and Cassie
- KonCassie refers to the ship between Kon and Cassie
- KonCissie refers to the ship between Kon and Cissie