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“Congratulations! ...Why are you a cloud? Oh, missing Cloudy, are we? *sigh* Me too.”
— Two to Teardop

Cloudtwo is the non-binary ship between Two and Cloudy in the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Cloudy was among 40 contestants selected to join Two's brand new season, The Power of Two. Cloudy was one of the people that was blown away by Two's incredible, limitless power that they held. In the first episode, he was one of the few people chanting in the crowd when numerous contestants started to assault Two in a variety of ways such as slapping, barfing, and being hit by a metal plate. This was due to them not being very clear about the challenge rules which caused numerous headaches for the contestants who had to work around some of their people "not listening" to them while in reality they were being prevented from going back down.

Two goes through the seven teams, reminding the contestants that they're battling for The Power of Two. Cloudy talks with Tree and start to walk way. Two asks where they are going; Tree responds that the intro is about to start, which is the contestants' only free time before the challenge. The other contestants realize this and quickly get up to do whatever they want. Two tries to tell them to wait, but they continue to walk away, with Two's "wait" fading into the intro.

Two goes to The S' attraction to judge it. Cloudy said that his team created a stage out of blocks for their performance area. Two announces that if it's for a performance area, they'll need to see a performance, otherwise they would get a low grade for just making a stage with no use.

The S! is invited onto the stage. Cloudy and Ice Cube are also afraid of being in the bottom two, Cloudy saying that the water contestants have it difficult these days, because the two of them are among the last two and are made of water, to which Fries assumes it's because they evaporate too easily, demanding that they just stop doing so. Two complains that Fries is made with obscene amounts of oil, so he's not much better, and after a bit of suspense, Two reveals that Cloudy is eliminated. He thanks his team for letting him collect so many memories together, saying goodbye happily. Two waves their hand in front of Saw and Cloudy and they disappear.

Teardrop gets Tree's died body from Just Not. She uses it to clog up the hole caused by Lighting and goes into a Cloud and rains in that area. The rain fills the canal back up which makes her safe. Two teleports over to tell Teardrop that she survived elimination. They notice that she is in a cloud and asks if she's already missing Cloudy. Teardrop looks confused as Two mentions that they miss cloudy.

Moving to the fourth and final team, Golf Ball refuses to choose, out of fear that she might accidentally name their team something stupid again like she has for every team she has been on. Barf Bag asks Two to decide instead. Two settles on "Cloudy", since they have been missing him a lot lately as of the episode. Two tries announcing the name again, which Yellow Face cheers. This causes the name to turn from "Cloudy" into "CloudYAY", pronounced "Cloud-E-Yay".


This ship is a rarepair in the community due to the two not having a lot of interactions, due to Two being the host and Cloudy being a contestant, and due to Cloudy's early elimination. Two seems to still miss Cloudy even after a whole year, so some see the two as best friends or even ship them romantically, though the relationship is usually just seen as a friendship. The rival ships are Treetwo, the ship between Tree and Two, Twokel, the ship between Nickel and Two, and CloudX.


Two and Cloudy posts on Tumblr


