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Cocowen is the cargo ship between Owen and Mr. Coconut from the Total Drama franchise.


Camp Castaways[]

Owen got lost on Total Drama Island, after getting washed away in a flood, while using the outhouse confessional. He went crazy with nobody to talk to, so he drew a face on a coconut, named it "Mr. Coconut", and became the best of friends with it. Owen spent hours in that bathroom chit-chatting with Mr. Coconut telling him all his deepest and darkest secrets, like it was nobody's business. When Owen existed the bathroom with Mr. Coconut, it got shot through the head by an arrow, which really freaked Owen out but somehow, it survived. Mr. Coconut became Owen's one and only true friend on the island, and even when the other campers like Heather, Gwen, and Duncan showed up, he still acted as though Mr. Coconut was a real person and talked to it. This came off as being incredibly bizarre to the other campers, as they weren't really sure if he was aware Mr. Coconut wasn't a real person. Mr. Coconut actually came in handy, however, when Owen threw him onto the head of a python and knocked him out cold so that he and the other campers could escape from the treehouse that they were all trapped in at the time. At the end of the episode, Owen officially considered Mr. Coconut to be a member of the team and refused to accept any other answers, besides this. Mr. Coconut was unfortunately voted off the island at this point and yanked right out of Owen's hands, much to his dismay. Owen called out in misery for Mr. Coconut as he was bounced down the dock of shame and cast into the ocean, where he floated away for good. Even though Owen was physically separated from Mr. Coconut, Owen still swore that emotionally, he would never let him go.

In "Are We There Yeti?", Chef Hatchet chopped Mr. Coconut in half and killed him, completely destroying any chances of him getting back together with Owen again.

In "Rapa Phooey!", Alejandro dug around in a Maoi statue of Owen's head and found a coconut up his nose, which signified the deep connection Owen had to Mr. Coconut. Alejandro damned Owen for his ridiculous relationship with Mr. Coconut.


Owen and Mr. Coconut is a somewhat present ship in the fandom, albeit, mostly done as a joke. Because of the two characters' deep relationship and the meme potential of Mr. Coconut, audiences really like their togetherness. Nevertheless, there is a handful of humorous fanfictions and fanart representing the cargo ship between Owen and Mr. Coconut. Most people simply ship them as friends but there is a small subsection of Cocowen shippers who see them as a potential romantic couple. However, the romantic ship isn't extremely popular, due to the popularity of Ozzy, being seen as a better relationship for Owen to be in than with his coconut.


Owen X Mr. Coconut on Wattpad
Cocowen on Reddit
Owen X Mr. Coconut posts on Tumblr


  • Their relationship is a parody on the ship between Chuck Noland and Wilson from Castaway.


Total Drama
Total Drama ShipsTotal Drama Characters
SHIPS het Alebridgette AleCourtAleheatherAlerraAleshawnaAnneZekeBawnBeardellaBethodyBetholdBloshBlowenBowKBradethBrameyBrawnBridgzekeCamCourtCamerraCarDevCaruniorChemmaCoderraCodetherCourdyCrimuiCryanDamillieDamiyaDavAmyDavellaDavneyDeatherDevawnaDidgetteDireneDizzyDJatieDoeyDottDuncneyDuncshawnaDwellyEmmayneGeoffleyGidgetteGwalejandroGwemeronGwentGweoffGwodyGwuncanH-BombHatchleyJacseeJasRodJockJocksonJizzyJulebJuliayneJustBethJustLindJustneyLellaLesharoldLight of DawnLylerMcLaineleyMickittyMipperMKalebNemmaNichamienNichayneNizzyOwittyOzzyPriBowPrilebPriyzeeRajuliaRipaxelRodAmyRodellaRodSamRodScarSamkotaScarlaxScarmienScarZScottneyScripperShasmineShySkaveSkeithStephRyanSugnardTamnardTophAmyTophellaTophlettTophmineTophSamTreatherTrensayVitanneZemmaZokeZott
slash AlecodyAleduncanAleJustinAlenoahAletylerBikeBowayneBowlebCammikeCamningChrefDamiwayneDavenardDuncoldJustOwenNoCoNostinNowenRajbowRayneScangScikeShaveTrenoTrodyTrustinTynoZeemienZipper
femslash AxemmaBethshawnaBridgneyCourterraCourtLindDaweyDawnkotaEmmkEzzyGweatherGwegetteGwenerraGweshawnaGwoeyGwourtneyHeatherraHeathneyIzzerraJasameyJawnJo MariaJotherJuliemmaLindsethMacSandersMellodyMKuliaNichaxelNichemmaNichuliaPrilliePriymkPruliaSammellaScamyScariyaScaryaxelScarymarySkatieSkellaSugella
poly EzekibridgeoffGwentodyGwuncneyJustnowenKastadiePriyzeelebRaynebowRodlygamySkavella
family AmmyChenzoDwayniorGwellaJaykeyKellorKemmaOwax
non-binary McLearry
friend Axis of EvilBowiemmaBowliaChrindsayFriendshipFinaleRajkateTeam E-ScopeThe Drama BrothersTrout Trio
cargo BetholeChizzaCocowenPolegettePoletherRobeatherTreelebZeestheticZoda
CHARACTERS male AlejandroBrickBowieCalebCameronCodyDamienDaveDuncanHaroldJustinMikeNoahOwenRodneyScottTrentTopherWayneZee
female AmyBethBlaineleyBridgetteCourtneyDawnEllaEmma (TD 2023)GwenHeatherIzzyJasmineJoJuliaLeshawnaLindsayMKNichellePriyaSameyScarlettScary GirlSierraSkyZoey