Shipping Wiki
Shipping Wiki

Screenshots: 2222Still: 11
Slash ships: 66Het ships: 55Non-binary ship: 11Poly ship: 11

Coiny is a character from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Coiny is a contestant in the first five seasons of Battle for Dream Island. He has competed on the Squashy Grapes, Another Name, W.O.A.H. Bunch, The Losers!, and Team8s, placing 16th in the first season and 30th in the fifth season.



Coinbag — the ship between Coiny and Barf Bag
Coinbook — the ship between Coiny and Book
Coinby — the ship between Coiny and Ruby
Coindrop — the ship between Coiny and Teardrop
Coineedle — the ship between Coiny and Needle
Coinleaf — the ship between Coiny and Leafy
Coinpin — the ship between Coiny and Pin
Eggcoin — the ship between Coiny and Eggy
Foldcoiny — the ship between Coiny and Foldy
Icecoin — the ship between Coiny and Ice Cube


Balloiny — the ship between Coiny and Balloony
Blockcoin — the ship between Coiny and Blocky
Cakoiny — the ship between Coiny and Cake
Coinclock — the ship between Coiny and Clock
Coinfries — the ship between Coiny and Fries
Coinickel — the ship between Coiny and Nickel
Coinmarker — the ship between Coiny and Marker
Coinpen — the ship between Coiny and Pen
Coinraser — the ship between Coiny and Eraser
Cointree — the ship between Coiny and Tree
Coinut — the ship between Coiny and Donut
Coinwood — the ship between Coiny and Woody
Fireoiny — the ship between Coiny and Firey
Gelacoin — the ship between Coiny and Gelatin
Losercoin — the ship between Coiny and Loser
Rusty Coiny — the ship between Coiny and Rusty Coin
Snowcoin — the ship between Coiny and Snowball
Tenniscoin — the ship between Coiny and Tennis Ball


Coinsauce — the ship between Coiny and Barbecue Sauce
Paintcoin — the ship between Coiny and Paintbrush


Bombcoinpineedle — the ship between Coiny, Bomby, Pin and Needle
Coinleafdle — the ship between Coiny, Leafy and Needle
Coinpinleaf — the ship between Coiny, Pin and Leafy
Coinpineedle — the ship between Coiny, Pin and Needle
Firegelacoiny — the ship between Coiny, Firey and Gelatin
Fireleafcoinpin — the ship between Coiny, Firey, Leafy and Pin
Fireleafcoinpineedle — the ship between Coiny, Firey, Leafy, Pin and Needle
Flownailcoin — the ship between Coiny, Flower and Naily
Golden Time Bakery — the ship between Coiny, Cake, Clock and Eggy
Snowcoinut — the ship between Coiny, Snowball and Donut


Main article: Coinpin
Main article: Fireoiny
Main article: Coineedle


Coiny tag on AO3
Coiny stories on Wattpad


# portmanteau characters type
128 Coinpin Pin het
74 Fireoiny Firey slash
36 Coiny & Pin Pin gen
18 Coiny & Firey Firey gen
13 Coiny & Needle Needle gen
12 Coiny & Leafy Leafy gen
9 Snowcoin Snowball slash
2 Coinpinleaf LeafyPin poly
2 Bomby & Coiny & Needle & Pin BombyNeedlePin gen
1 The Losers! CakeClockEggyFireyLeafyNeedlePin poly

