CourtLind is the femslash ship between Courtney and Lindsay from the Total Drama fandom.
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Total Drama Island[]
In "Dodgebrawl", Courtney got mad at fellow Bass, Tyler, for hanging out with Lindsay, accusing him for sharing team secrets with a Gopher.
In "Haute Camp-ture", Lindsay witnesses Courtney beating the shit out of Harold with a lamp post and comments that she's glad Courtney isn't a real camp counselor. Courtney keeps whining about how she got unfairly eliminated but Lindsay points out that even if Harold hadn't tampered with the votes, everyone would have eventually voted her off anyway because nobody likes her. Courtney exclaims a deep gasp in genuine shock, as she assumed everybody adored her for being a CIT.
Total Drama Action[]
In "Ocean's Eight or Nine", Courtney pulls a bunch of legal strings and unethically joins the Killer Grips and the first thing she does is complain about how bad her team is. Their team loses at the end of the episode and Lindsay is one of the four people who voted for Courtney. Unfortunately, since Courtney also made herself immune to getting voted off, it's Owen who gets voted off instead.
In "$1,000,000 B.C.", Courtney keeps on brandishing all of her special privileges over the rest of the team such as getting to use a PDA, which annoys everyone, including Lindsay. Lindsay calls Courtney a "Bossy McSmartypants" and exhibits total dismay with her coming back. During the caveman challenge, Courtney vainly struggles to start a fire, using flint rocks. Out of rage, Courtney nags Lindsay and Beth then entire time, condescending on them about how she's better with starting fires than either of them and how they need to take notes. Courtney takes up a lot of time, with her pathetic attempts to start the fire and ultimately fails and gives up. Lindsay takes the flint rocks and lightly clacks them together, which instantly ignites a massive bonfire. Courtney is so enraged by this, that she storms off, while Lindsay laughs and cheers.
In "Million Dollar Babies", Courtney rats out Lindsay, her own teammate, for cheating in the game by eating Harold's marshmallow boxing glove. Lindsay gets mad at Chris for fouling her for this and tries to attack him, only to be restrained by Courtney.
In "Dial M for Merger", Lindsay forgets how to open the door to her trailer and Courtney reminds her to use the doorknob instead of slamming on it and asking it to open. Courtney gets some pliers for cutting the wires and blackmails the other contestants into giving her nice stuff in exchange for them. Lindsay offers her some of her makeup to help her with her ashy complexion. This only offends Courtney and makes her give Lindsay a death glare.
Courtney and Lindsay win the challenge and Chris awards them both with a trip to the cheese factory. Lindsay is overjoyed to go to the factory but Courtney is very grouchy about having to share her win with Lindsay. On the Lame-O-Sine ride to the cheese factory, Lindsay talks Courtney's ear off about how they should play a game of "Think of all the Cheeses You Can" and Courtney just scowls at her. Sick and tired of Lindsay, Courtney opens the door to the Lame-O-Sine and tucks and rolls onto the streets to escape.
In "Super Hero-ld", Courtney and Lindsay return from their trip to the cheese factory, yelling at each other for smelling like cheese. Courtney tells Lindsay that she can call herself "Gorgonzola Girl" as a superhero name because of her stink. When everybody looks through the pile of clothing for a superhero costume, Courtney shoves Lindsay to the side.
Lindsay presents her superhero character, which is Wonder Woman. Courtney gets mad at her because Wonder Woman already exists but Chris still gives Lindsay 10 points anyway, angering Courtney even further. Courtney then "steps on Lindsay's invisible jet" and Chris deducts points for that.
In "The Princess Pride", Lindsay and Courtney were both awarded for winning the previous challenge by becoming the candidates to be the princess in this episode. Lindsay surprisingly loses out on becoming a princess because her foot is too big to fit the glass slipper, so Courtney becomes the princess instead and rubs it in Lindsay's face. At the end of the episode, Beth and Lindsay are given Courtney voodoo dolls and Lindsay gets the idea to stick a pin in Courtney's doll to hurt the real Courtney.
In "Get a Clue", Lindsay got sick of all her friends listening to Courtney over her. However, Courtney single-handedly uncovered Chris' whereabouts when Lindsay falsely assumed he was dead, so Courtney was actually in the right here. In their trailer, Courtney and Lindsay had an argument about their contributions to the challenge. Beth tried to break up the fight by saying that they should stop worrying about who did what and just be friends. Courtney played along with this and apologized to Lindsay, promising to make it up to her with a spa treatment. However, this was just a thinly-veiled trap to lure Lindsay into giving Courtney her handprints and DNA sample, which Lindsay walked right into. Lindsay was absolutely appalled to see how she had been betrayed.
For the final leg of the challenge, the contestants were to solve the "murder" of Chris McLean. Courtney and Lindsay got into a power battle over who should be leading the investigation. At first, people put their trust in Courtney, until she assessed they were on a fake train and that Chris was faking his own death. When Duncan discovered that the train was very real, Courtney refused to admit she was wrong and continued boasting about what they should do from here on. To keep people from shifting their faith to Lindsay, Courtney had Harold and Beth ditch the mystery altogether and work on stopping the train. This left Lindsay to solve the mystery, alone. When she did, she discovered that Courtney was the "killer" as she discovered a napkin with Courtney's orange fingerprints on it. She also remembered that Courtney won some cheezies that she refused to share. Lindsay deduced that Courtney was the only person who could have committed the crime, which led Harold and Beth to cuff her. The real Chris came out and revealed that the entire thing was staged, with his corpse being played by a rubber dummy of himself, and proclaimed that Lindsay solved the mystery. Courtney was infuriated.
Lindsay's reward for winning the challenge was to bring a friend of her choice to the movies. Surprisingly, Lindsay chose to bring Duncan with her instead of Beth. Lindsay revealed in the confessional that even though she would have rather gone to the movies with Beth, she considers Duncan to be a more "strategical" decision, as this messed with Courtney's head. Courtney would then be shown in the confessional, negating the notion that she care sin the slightest about this, only to scream in rage, ultimately proving Lindsay's tactic a success.
In "Rock and Rule", Lindsay sang an annoying song and botched the lyrics, greatly aggravating Courtney, who was already still mad at her for beating her last challenge and called her out on manipulating her by going to the movies with Duncan. Lindsay refuted that she never intended to mess with Courtney's mind and Courtney accused her of playing dumb, only to consider that Lindsay wasn't playing.
Lindsay would further piss Courtney off by winning the second leg of the challenge by posing for all the cameras and satisfying the paparazzi. Although this mostly fell on Courtney for misunderstanding the assignment and avoiding the paparazzi. Courtney practiced transcendental meditation to repress her rage against Lindsay but this would later come out for the third leg of the challenge, when she put it to good use in trashing her hotel room. This won her the challenge and immunity, as it left Lindsay with nothing left to destroy.
Before the elimination, Lindsay talked voting strategy with Beth, Owen, and Harold. She decided that because she couldn't vote Courtney, the best option would be to vote off Duncan to further mess with her head. Courtney voted for Lindsay and thanks to Lindsay stupidly getting distracted by Beth, she voted for herself by mistake, giving herself the boot instead of Duncan.
In "Crouching Courtney, Hidden Owen", Courtney called Lindsay selfish and thoughtless for voting herself off, as this left the girls outnumbered by the guys. This, despite the fact that not only was this an accident but Courtney voted her off too.
Total Drama World Tour[]
In "Hawaiian Punch", Lindsay and Courtney are selected by Alejandro as his two allies for the final challenge. Cody distracts Lindsay by telling her there's a sale on mascara to throw her off her came and make Alejandro lose. Lindsay falls for this and runs away, annoying Courtney, who points out that because they're near a volcano, it would make zero sense for there to be any mascara stores around here.
Total Drama All-Stars[]
In "Heroes vs. Villains", Lindsay and Courtney are put in the Heroic Hamsters together. The duo walk to their first challenge together and discuss Courtney's former relationship with Duncan. Courtney says that trusting Duncan is the last mistake she'll ever make and Lindsay misinterprets this comment. She stops her and asks to teach her how to stop making mistakes. During the challenge, Lindsay is tasked with pushing the shopping cart but she forgets how to push, which annoys Courtney, who is supposed to be in the carriage.
For the campfire elimination ceremony, Courtney and Linday vote for each other, albeit Lindsay accidentally votes for herself. They are the final two people on the chopping block and it's Lindsay who gets the boot.
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Despite the fact that the two of them do not get along at all in the canon series, some fans ship these two together. The main reason for this is because they think that it's hot to see two of the hottest girls in the show making out with each other. Rival ships include but are not limited to; Duncney, Lyler, JustLind, and Scottney.
- Courtney X Lindsay tag on DeviantArt
- CourtLind fanart on DeviantArt