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Cream Machine is the femslash ship between Neopolitan and Penny Polendina from the RWBY fandom.
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Volume 8[]
- Amity
- Penny prevents Neo from stabbing Maria by blasting her with her swords lasers, causing Neo's aura to break and knock her down.
Cream Machine is a rarepair within the RWBY fandom. Due to the lack of interactions between Neo and Penny and the unlikeliness of them even becoming friends in the series, this ship is also considered a crack ship but even with all that there are still a few fans who like Cream Machine among the RWBY fandom. The ship was mostly popular around Volume 2 - Volume 3, but lost popularity at the end of Volume 3 due to Penny being disassembled in the Volume. Although when she returned in Volume 7 few people began finding out about the ship and the pair increased in popularity, though not that much there were still a growth in the ship's popularity.
Some fans still hope for them to become at least friends in the RWBY series. While the ship's title has inspired a few fans to draw them sharing some ice cream with one another. People also tend to point out and gush about their height difference.
Cream Machine as of currently has 6 fanfics on AO3.
- Neopolitan/Penny Polendina tag on AO3
- "Cream Machine" derives from Neo's design and name being based off of Neapolitan ice cream and Penny being a robot, robots being machines.
Fan Art[]
- All art in this section is fan made, and must be sourced back to the original artist. It also must have permission from the original artist to be posted here. If your art is here without your permission and you wish to have it taken down, please inform an admin, so that we may delete it.
- Short and Sweet — refers to the ship between Penny Polendina, Neopolitan, Ruby Rose and Weiss Schnee
- Strawberry Cream Machine — refers to the ship between Penny Polendina, Neopolitan and Ruby Rose