Shipping Wiki

DanceShipping is the het ship between Misty and Rudy from the Pokémon fandom.


Rudy is the Gym Leader of Trovita Island during the Orange Island saga of the anime, he gives trainers the Spike Shell Badge if they beat him.

When Misty saved Rudys sister; Mahri and a Seel from a dangerous whirlpool, Rudy immediately fell for Misty and thanked her gratefully. Rudy makes Misty feel special and welcomes her, slow dances with her and sways her with compliments and politely asks her to stay with him for a while. Rudy also tells Misty he is the gym leader of the island and to Ash's surprise, he speaks up saying that he's here for a gym badge however Rudy completely ignores Ash's announcement and continues slow dancing with Misty and comments saying she's a great dancer to which Misty giggles and says thank you. Ash raises his voice again exclaiming his concern that Rudy was ignoring him on purpose, Mahri steps in and speaks up for Ash which this time does catches Rudy's attention, he stops dancing with Misty and looks at Ash sternly telling him it's not very polite to interrupt his and Misty's "private" conversation and claims Ash was being rude. Ash immediately claps back at him and two start bickering until the challenge finally starts.,

During Rudy's trial where Ash has to knock down all the targets using his Pokémon on a speed boat, in the back, Rudy acts very lovey-dovey with Misty, not even paying attention to Ash (what he's actually meant to be doing). Ash feels a sense of jealousy and anger watching them but continues Rudy's trial, he brings out his Charizard which at this time doesn't listen to what Ash has to say and attempted to use flamethrower on him like usual but Ash, Tracey, Pikachu and Rudy duck to not risk getting burnt however Misty doesn't and is left with burn marks on her face, when Rudy notices this he expresses deep concern for her and both him and Misty look at Ash in rage, Misty claims Ash was just doing it for attention to which Rudy chimes in asking Ash why he can't control his Pokémon. Eventually, Ash knocked down all the targets using his Pokémon, Misty conveys that she's very happy that Ash beat the trial which to Rudy's shock makes him instantly feel envy.

Shortly after the trial, the gang and Rudy return and Rudy congratulates Ash and prepares him for tomorrows battle. Rudy turns to Misty and asks her if she would care to have dinner with him that very evening, Mahri joins in eagerly, almost practically begging for Misty to come. At first she wasn't to sure but she shortly agrees and leaves Ash, Tracey and Pikachu behind to walk with Rudy and Mahri.

During dinner, Misty thanks Rudy for the lovely meal to which he responds saying he's very glad she enjoyed it. Mahri stands up from the table and tells Misty that she's always wanted a big sister just like her and without hesitating asks her if she could stay at the gym with her and Rudy forever, due Rudy's surprise and embarrassment he tells Mahri to talk about something else. Rudy comes up with an idea to take Misty to the gym and let his Pokémon meet Misty for the first time.

When they arrive, Misty is pretty shocked to see that all of Rudy's Pokémon were dancing and seeming to enjoy themselves, Rudy explains to Misty why and how it's apart of his strategy. Rudy looks at Misty and asks her dance to which Misty blushes and looks nervous, Mahri takes Togepi from Misty's hands and starts to dance with the Togepi and Misty seeing this leads to the agreement of Rudy's question and the two both start dancing and having fun just like the other Pokémon. While dancing, Rudy says to Misty how good it would be if Misty did stay with him forever which makes Misty stop in her tracks and start blushing and tells Rudy she isn't sure and seems to be experiencing dilemma as her eyes glisten. Rudy seems eager to know her answer and asks Misty if she could tell him after the match tomorrow when she's made up her mind.

Finally, it comes to the next day and it's the match between Ash and Rudy. While Mahri and Tracey are cheering, Misty doesn't say a word which isn't usually like her. In the first round, Pikachu got defeated by Rudy's Electabuzz, Mahri says to Misty that Rudy is just the best trainer ever to which Misty awkwardly laughs. Mahri brings up the question to Misty about what Rudy was saying to her the night previous which made Misty heavily blush and lied saying it was just things as it flashbacks to the dancing scene where Rudy asks her about staying with him forever, Misty doesn't know how to comprehend this and asks herself what to do about the situation. After the second round was over and Ash won, it was finally time for the finale and Rudy sends out a Starmie and says this Pokémon was a dedication to Misty and "the love of his life" he claims. Misty looked down confused, Mahri giggled and excited told Misty that she knew that Rudy would really like her. Rudy calls out to Starmie to dance to use his strategy and again, tells Misty that this dance was a special one dedicated for her. Misty saw that Ash's Squirtle was being badly hurt and it almost was going to look like Rudy would be the winner, Misty immediately burst out to Ash that he should stop stop stalling or Rudy will beat him, she reminds Ash only he can bring out Squirtle's real power and that if Ash beat him once, he can do it again. Mahri looks at Misty concerned and shocked that Misty would cheer for Ash. Rudy looks up at Misty and realizes it was at this moment that Misty actually cared for Ash more than him.

Before the gang head off to the next location they need to go to, Rudy gives Misty flowers one last time , implying he might still have feelings for her. Knowing it was the right thing to do, he let her go and continue her journey. He says to Ash that he's a real lucky guy however Ash was oblivious to what Rudy was trying to imply. As Ash, Misty and Tracey set off on Lapras, Mahri shouts one last time if Misty ever changes her mind she always welcome to come back. This marks the last time Misty would ever see Rudy again and the last time Rudy would be shown.


DanceShipping has gained only a small fandom in the entire Pokémon anime series, because of PokéShipping. This is simply because of the insane amount of popularity and it as well being the most popular ship for Misty. There are also other reasons that make this ship unpopular: Rudy has only ever appeared in one episode, with a stretch, having been appeared in a flashback in the episode Hello, Pummelo! so interactions between Misty and Rudy are very limited and probably the biggest reason is that Misty already had feelings for Ash Ketchum.


.:AT:. Misty x Rudy~ by @BrickercupMasterX3
Misty and Rudy by sara by Sara-Sakurahime


  • The ship name DanceShipping refers to Rudy's unique strategy of teaching his Pokemon to dance to increase his team's speed and agility. He's also shown dancing with Misty multiple times during the episode Misty Meets Her Match.

