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DangerCoffee is the slash ship between Danger Sign and Iced Coffee from the Animatic Battle fandom.


After hearing from Danger Sign that the sky is falling, Iced Coffee is part of the group that is warned by Popcorn about this. Iced Coffee suggests that they build a bunker to survive and when Meatball builds them a house for it, Popcorn, Eggnog Jr., Danger Sign, Rainbow Assortment, and Iced Coffee take shelter. After Danger Sign counts down and nothing ends up happening, Iced Coffee angrily screams at him that he lied to them. Danger Sign tries to explain what he saw as Iced Coffee growls out of frustration. After B Block blows their house down, Iced Coffee shouts that Danger Sign needs punishment. The others who took shelter with them agree with him on this as Danger Sign pleads them not to do so. Iced Coffee, along with Meatball, Rainbow Assortment, Eggnog Jr., and Popcorn chant "death time" for Danger Sign and cheer when he is sent away by Shifty and ⏏️.

As Danger Sign tries to figure out why Oils Paint is putting him at fault for a situation he doesn't know about, he asks Iced Coffee if he knows what he did. When Iced Coffee responds that he can't be expected to know, Danger Sign figures that his caffeinated mind might be able to help him remember. Iced Coffee annoyedly points out that coffee doesn't work that way, but when Danger Sign asks how he knows that, Iced Coffee is unsure. Danger Sign is eager to find out for himself as he grabs onto the coffee inside Iced Coffee. As he struggles to get the frozen coffee out of him, Danger Sign accidentally takes a chunk of it off and sends it flying. Animatic sees the flying coffee chunk and eats it as Iced Coffee and Danger Sign nervously watch him begin to act hyperactive. When they witness the caffeinated Animatic kill Bowling Ball, Danger Sign accepts that this was his fault. Iced Coffee furiously shouts at him for causing this as Animatic then creeps up on the two and acts hysterical.


DangerCoffee is fairly rare in the Animatic Battle fandom. The ship arises from their frequent interactions within the first two episodes of the season, although they are not particularly positive with each other in these. Shippers of the two however interpret these moments as the two having importance with each other since neither ended up the same team even after their first encounter was before the competition. There is little fan art of the pairing, but said art usually blends in Iced Coffee's yelling and Danger Sign's paranoia in a more intimate way. While this pairing is uncommon, the closest rival ship for it is DangerCheez.


Danger Sign x Iced Coffee posts on Reddit
Danger Sign and Iced Coffee posts on Twitter


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