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Denny is the slash ship between Dean Winchester and Benny Lafitte from the Supernatural fandom.


Dean and Benny met each other in purgatory when Benny saved Dean's life. Even though Dean didn't trust Benny at first he agreed to work together with him to get out of purgatory, but only with the condition that they find Castiel first. Sometime during their time fighting together Benny earned Dean's trust and they became friends.

When they got out of purgatory they agreed to go separate ways and parted with a hug. Despite this they meet up again only a couple episodes later after Benny got hurt in a fight against his old nest. Dean then helps him take down the rest of the vampires.

At the end of the episode Sam meets Benny for the first time and immediately realizes he's a vampire. Because of this he doesn't approve of Dean and Benny's friendship.

A while later when it seems like Benny is killing people Dean defends him to Sam and the hunter Martin Creaser. Dean then asks Benny if he did it and trusts him when he says it was another vampire. Benny and Dean are able to kill the vampire together. Later Benny kills Martin when he attacks him but Dean still defends him to Sam and says it was self defense. After this Dean is forced to choose between Sam and Benny, he chooses Sam and cuts contact with Benny.

Later on when Sam is stuck in purgatory, Dean asks Benny to help Sam out of purgatory like he did with him and Benny agrees. Before Dean decapitates him they hug goodbye. Dean is unaware that he doesn't plan to come back. Benny gets Sam out like he promised but stays in purgatory himself because he doesn't feel like he belongs on earth.

Instead of burning Benny's body Dean buries it so that there always will be a possibility to get him out.


Dean and Benny are mostly shipped because of the close relationship they formed whilst in purgatory. It's a fairly popular ship that probably would have been even bigger if Benny appeared in more episodes.

Benny and Castiel's dislike of each other is often in the fandom seen as jealousy of the other's relationship with Dean. It's common that those who ship both Denny and Destiel wants Dean and Cas to be endgame and thinks that Benny realizes that Cas is the one Dean really loves. Despite this, most of them still see Benny as a very important part of Dean's story and thinks that Dean did love him too.



Benny Lafitte/Dean Winchester tag on AO3
Benny Lafitte & Dean Winchester tag on AO3


Dean x Benny posts on Tumblr



Supernatural Logo
Supernatural ShipsSupernatural Characters
SHIPS het CasannaDeanna
slash CalthazarChuckeanChuckamDebrielDennyDestielDrowleySabrielSastiel
femslash Dreamhunter
family Team Free Will
cargo DeanPie
CHARACTERS m/f CastielDean Winchester